"Don't you think it's strange? The principal spent a long time begging us to come to Japan, but when we came, we just wandered around all day without doing anything serious."

In the room, Xia Yi was taking a shower in the bathroom, so Xu Qinghuan deliberately lay on the floor by the window, with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed, covering himself with a small blanket, looking at the ceiling boredly.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and Xia Yi walked out wearing cute cartoon pajamas and wiping her wet hair with a towel.

"I'm not interested in his plan, and I won't participate in it." Xia Yi hung the towel in the bathroom, lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed.

"Wow, you are so inhumane." Xu Qinghuan complained, "If the little devil did such a thing, at least the principal and I are on the same side when it comes to dealing with Japan."

"This is really not something a devil would say." Xia Yi replied coldly from the bed.

Xu Qinghuan was anxious and hurriedly clarified for himself: "How can the aggression of the little devils be compared with my great war! In my opinion, the war between country and country, race and race, there is no justice, right or wrong as you said , victory is justice!”

Xu Qinghuan sat up straight and said to Xia Yi, who was huddled in the quilt with her eyes closed: "The world needs war. Even in the world we live in now, war is still everywhere, some can be seen and some cannot be seen. , wars have never stopped since the birth of mankind, wars with wild beasts, wars with compatriots, and wars with foreigners.”

"War will take many lives." Xia Yi opened her eyes and said calmly.

"As a soldier, you must be prepared to sacrifice when you go to the battlefield." Xu Qinghuan raised his eyebrows, and he became excited when he mentioned this, "But those civilians who did not go to the battlefield do not deserve to die and should not be treated so cruelly, little Japan simply insults the word war!”

Xia Yi also sat up straight, leaning against the head of the bed. She sternly said as if she was irritated: "No matter how you whitewash your war, war is war. Corpses are piling up like mountains. How many human cities have turned into dead cities?" ?The number of human beings has been reduced by nearly half in those years. Among them are the soldiers who you said should have the consciousness of sacrifice, and there are also countless civilians who are tired of the war and have lost their homes and starve to death on the roadside. Countless people have lost their sons. , Husband, these are all thanks to the great war in your mouth!"

"Then what do you want me to do!" Xu Qinghuan stood up, "So we demons should be trapped in the extremely cold place by you humans forever? Looking at the fertile land across the sea of ​​​​abyss, we can't cultivate or raise livestock. Killing and eating the corpses of your own people to stay alive?"

The two were arguing tit for tat. They seemed to be getting along harmoniously, but they had the most fundamental contradiction, but they chose not to talk about it before.

"Tell me, my righteous warrior! Great warrior! Is it justice for you humans to kill aliens? And evil for us demons to resist humans?" Xu Qinghuan almost shouted these words.

Xia Yi asked sharply: "Isn't there a better way to solve the problem besides war? Are humans and demons really at a point where they will fight to the death? Or are you motivated by revenge?"

Xia Yi's last words seemed to hit Xu Qinghuan's weakness. He stood silent for a long time, leaving a cold sentence: "You are really a traitor to the demon clan", then packed his luggage and walked out of the house.

"You are also a traitor to humanity." Xia Yi countered.

When Xu Qinghuan walked to the door and was about to open the door, he was furious when he heard the words, and those painful memories reappeared in his mind.

The trial was watched by thousands of people, and the woman was burned at the stake.

The severed limbs, the chest pierced by the sword, the eyes gouged out, the abyss that will never see the light of day.

He turned back and roared: "Yes! I can't wait to kill all human beings! I will cramp and peel off the sanctimonious old men of the church! I will build the king's palace with the corpses of those stupid people who betrayed me! Day and night Tread on their corpses at night and torture those who survived! Don't you fucking let me find the chance to go back!"

Xu Qinghuan exuded a vague black aura, and his eyes were as red as ghosts.

The two were in a silent stalemate for a while.

"You are indeed him." Xia Yi broke the silence, and the biggest mystery in her heart was solved.

Xia Yi just stared at Xu Qinghuan. The strange vision on his body faded away, the surging magic power emitted disappeared, the anger dissipated, and the devil king who looked down on the world revealed his young face. Not only was he not majestic, but he was even a little fragile.

"They betrayed me," he said softly.

Xu Qinghuan just left the room.

"My war with them will never end."

He said finally.

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