"I hope you and Brother Xu can reconcile as soon as possible, but I have asked the boss about the ticket price. Since it is a special ticket included in the travel agency package, it cannot be refunded or changed."

At the door of the hotel, Wen Ting, wearing a tour guide's overalls, explained apologetically to Shen Mengyu and Xia Yi.

The three-day journey was over. On the second day, Wen Ting discovered that someone was missing from the team. The young man who had eaten ramen and drank soju with her before was missing.

Shen Mengyu's explanation for this was that the newlyweds quarreled over some trivial matters, and Xu Qinghuan went on a trip alone in anger. After hearing about this, Wen Ting expressed concern for her fellow countryman. After all, this is Japan, not China, and the language is unfamiliar to the place where he was born. Moreover, when we ate with him that night and paid the bill, it was obvious that he had not prepared anything before the trip. JPY.

However, it is not surprising that the two quarreled and Wen Ting contrasted. After all, no one could stand being so intimate with other women in front of his wife.

Shen Mengyu just said that the two of them would stay and wait for Xu Qinghuan for a while, and would not return to China with the tour group.

"It's okay." Shen Mengyu said.

Wen Ting left a business card, saying that if there was anything she needed help with in Japan, she could contact her, and then took the bus and led the team to the airport.

Looking at the bus that had gone away, Shen Mengyu said, "We will stay here these days." Then she turned and walked into the hotel.

He is not worried about Xu Qinghuan leaving the team. The task he received is to bring the two of them to Japan. As long as he does not leave Japan, it doesn't matter if Xu Qinghuan abandons his choice and runs to a Cowherd's shop to be a Cowherd for the rest of his life, or find a Japanese wife. It’s okay to settle here. Xu Qinghuan's fake passport is still in Xia Yi's suitcase. Is it possible that he can still grow wings and fly back to his country?

It's normal for couples to have conflicts, but isn't it childish to run away from home in a fit of anger?

But he was still curious about one thing. The fact that the college sent the three of them to Japan this time must be related to the college's action to suppress the Samurai Society, and it was also given by the principal, who went beyond the head of the executive department and personally called him who was on a mission abroad.

The principal's original words on the phone were to the effect that Xiao Shen, you have been working hard on the front line for so many years. You have shed blood and been knifed for the college. It's really hard on you. Now there is a good mission to travel to Japan with public funds for you.

Shen Mengyu had performed this beheading operation many times and asked who the target was. The principal laughed and said that you are not asked to assassinate this time. You only need to bring two people to Japan and make sure they are still in Japan before getting my instructions. Try not to reveal your identity. The remaining colleges will make their own arrangements.

In the past, the tasks assigned by the execution department were very brief and clear, and the goals were informed. The specific combat plan was formulated by the team leader, and the execution department provided all aspects of support.

This was the first time Shen Mengyu had received such a weird task, and she couldn't believe her ears for a moment. Try not to reveal your identity? Co-writing isn't even considered a stealth mission.

What role will the three of them play in this war?

After returning to the room, Shen Mengyu opened her laptop and logged into a webpage with her own unique account and password. The map on the webpage showed two red dots representing coordinates. The red dot representing Xu Qinghuan was now far away from the hotel. Only seven or eight kilometers.

Every night watchman in the execution department has a location system installed on his cell phone. As the leader of this operation, Shen Mengyu naturally has the authority to check the location of the team members.

After ensuring that Xu Qinghuan had not really grown wings and flown back home, Shen Mengyu closed the computer and put it aside, and found the Inuyasha comic book signed by the author from the bag.

This comic book is the twenty-third volume published by Inuyasha. It is one of the rare volumes carefully selected by Izayoi Yue to have the image of Sesshomaru as the cover. After all, the protagonist is Inuyasha.

To find such a comic book with Sesshomaru on the cover and signed by the author, Izayoi Tsuki spent a lot of effort. No wonder she disappeared for an hour that afternoon.

Shen Mengyu carefully unwrapped the plastic packaging on the outside. A cute bow was tied with a purple ribbon on the comic book, which should also be the masterpiece of Sixteenth Night.

He thought for a while, stuffed the comic book back into the plastic package, carefully sealed the edges of the package, and put it back in the suitcase.

He sat on a chair, bathing in the sunlight coming in from the window. This was his rare leisure time in so many years. Maybe the principal really just gave himself a holiday.

This was the first gift he received.

Xia Yi wandered aimlessly on the pedestrian street. She took off the wig she used to disguise herself, revealing her waist-length silver hair. Her beautiful face attracted passers-by's attention. After only two passes, several uncles in suits came up and wanted to hand out business cards. , Xia Yi couldn't understand what they were saying, and just refused with her eyes, so that the talent scouts from the agency no longer dared to approach.

She felt a rare irritability in her heart. In the past two days, she had been thinking about Xu Qinghuan's words before leaving, and for the first time, her faith was shaken.

Justice, what exactly is justice?

Justice is easy to distinguish in personal matters, and the law is the minimum standard of right and wrong. But once the matter rises to a larger level, it is difficult to judge whether it is justice.

But what about the innocent humans who lost their lives because of the war? What did they do wrong? Their lives were like a piece of grass being run over by a giant ship during the war. No one cared about them, and they eventually became cold numbers.

But if humans were right, how could they force the former brave men to become demons?

Xia Yi was upset, and her simple head was troubled by the problem and had a headache. She didn't know why she was wandering around here or why she took off the wig used to disguise herself. Maybe she hoped that the man at that intersection would notice her and suddenly jump out.

There must be a better solution.

Xia Yi secretly made up her mind.

She wants to bring the Demon King back to his original world and find out everything with her own hands.

What the weak hero can't do doesn't mean he can't do it in his demonic state.

The atonement that deserves atonement, the life that deserves to be paid for!

Xia Yi's steps became brisk and her expression became much more relaxed.

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