"What! They were attacked?" Xu Qinghuan supported Xia Wen, who claimed to be the local commissioner of the college's executive department in Japan, and asked anxiously: "Tell me, how many little Japs are there? What's the situation now?"

Xia Wen wiped the blood on his face and said: "There were no less than a hundred people, all elites armed with guns and weapons. They surrounded the hotel and attacked indiscriminately like madmen. I was with Shen Mengyu at that time The commissioner was on a docking mission and escaped under their cover, and they asked me to come here to find you."

"It turns out they know I'm here." Xu Qinghuan complained.

Xia Wen pointed to Xu Qinghuan's mobile phone.

"The academy has the global positioning of each specialist. If we really want to find you, it will be useless even if you are hidden at the end of the world."

"Tch, who asked them to find it?" Xu Qinghuan looked arrogant.

"Can you please pause those little conflicts for a moment?" Xia Wen was about to step forward to pull Xu Qinghuan, but suddenly he fell to his knees, and the wound in his thigh was bleeding.

"I was shot in the leg and I need to stop the bleeding."

"I'll call an ambulance for you." As he said that, Xu Qinghuan picked up his mobile phone and wanted to dial the emergency number. Suddenly he was in trouble again and asked awkwardly: "What's the ambulance number in Japan? Is it also 120?" No matter what, let’s give it a try first.” After saying that, he started making a phone call.

Xia Wen was rendered speechless by his unreliable teammates and snatched Xu Qinghuan's cell phone away.

"The Samurai God Society's power in Japan is so great that you can't imagine it. If we go to the hospital, it's like throwing ourselves into a trap." Xia Wen stared at Xu Qinghuan, "Don't you have any other methods?"

"But there are other ways." Xu Qinghuan lowered his head and thought for a while.

"What?" Xia Wen looked expectantly.

"I have seen a movie starring Stephen Chow called Domestic Lingling Paint. There is a method for removing bullets in it. I can try it." Xu Qinghuan was full of confidence, "I just don't know if the protagonist's attention-diversion anesthesia method will work on you." use."

Xia Wen was confused about the method Xu Qinghuan said.

"No matter, I'll go to the front desk and ask if there are any hammers and awls." Xu Qinghuan stood up and went to push the door open, pointing to the computer beside him, "You can find movies by yourself. There are a lot of them in the folder on the desktop. In advance I declare that those movies come with the system and were not downloaded by me."

Even Xia Wen, who had never seen the movie Xu Qinghuan mentioned, noticed something was wrong when he heard Hammer and Awl.

"Can you be serious! I'm still bleeding!" Xia Wen said angrily while pointing at his bleeding thigh.

Xu Qinghuan looked in the direction of Xia Wen's finger.

Xia Wen was wearing a female business suit, with a white shirt on top and a black suit on the upper body, a knee-length suit skirt on the lower body, and black stockings on her legs.

"I'm very serious." Xu Qinghuan carefully observed the wound on Xia Wen's leg.

Xia Wen was helpless: "The executive department's introduction to you as a specialist said that you have a life-based spell that can heal wounds."

"It's not just about recovering the wound." Xu Qinghuan said with joy, "It's like bones growing flesh and the magic hand rejuvenating the iron tree and blooming. As long as you have a breath, I can heal you no matter how injured you are, and I can cure you of congenital disabilities. The whole process is painless, and you can see the wound heal with your own eyes. I really want to be a surgeon. I searched on Baidu and it seems that the income of doctors is quite high."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up!" Xia Wen couldn't stand Xu Qinghuan's boasting and urged.

Xu Qinghuan spread his hands.

"I haven't been feeling well lately, so I can't use it."

Xia Wen and Xu Qinghuan just looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

"How about I call the ambulance for you?" Xu Qinghuan couldn't help it.

Xia Wen stretched out his hand to stop him.

"No, I'll figure it out myself!" Xia Wen said as he took off his shoes and the black stockings on his legs. In the process, he inevitably touched wounds and grimaced in pain.

Xu Qinghuan watched with relish.

Xia Wen stopped what he was doing and stared at Xu Qinghuan. Xu Qinghuan turned his back to Xia Wen knowingly.

Xia Wen pulled up her black skirt. Her white thighs were covered with blood, and blood was pouring from the wound on the outside of her thigh.

She twisted the black silk into a rope and tied it at the base of her thigh, barely stopping the bleeding.

"Okay." Xia Wen said to Xu Qinghuan after finishing his clothes.

"So fast? Has the bullet been taken out?" Xu Qinghuan looked at Xia Wen doubtfully.

"There is no tool that can only temporarily stop the bleeding." Xia Wen's lips turned white, "And we don't have time. The people from the God-Serving Society will probably come soon."

Xia Wen stood up with difficulty, but Xu Qinghuan still stood there without seeing him, and didn't know how to help him.

"What are you doing standing there? Let's go?" Xia Wen urged. She really couldn't stand the dirty man in front of her who smelled like cigarette smoke.

Instead, Xu Qinghuan sat on the sofa in front of the computer and controlled the mouse to open the game.

"I'm not going."

Xia Wen, who was barely standing, was so angry at his words that he almost fell to the ground unsteadily.

"What did you say?" Xia Wen couldn't believe his ears.

Xu Qinghuan looked at the blood-stained floor and sofa with a disgusted expression.

"Thanks to you, I have to change to a private room." After that, he went to the service bell.

"What are you doing!" Xia Wen stopped Xu Qinghuan.

"I don't care what your reasons are. It's no longer safe here. The people from the Samurai God Society should be on the way by now. Those people are the same guys who shoot without scruples in the city center!"

Xu Qinghuan turned to look at Xia Wen and shrugged: "Come as they come, or surrender in the worst case. I have no grudge against them. Back then, a guy named Su Qingge invited me to join the Samurai Gods Association. If Xia Yi hadn't stopped me, I might even become the boss of the Samurai God Association now."

Xia Wen was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

"That Su Qingge is probably a big official in there. I know their leaders and they dare to attack me? Just stay here and wait until the people from the God-Serving Society arrive and I will negotiate terms with their leaders. Look, you It’s not easy to run around outside in the middle of winter wearing so little and being shot. How much money does the school give you? Why do you work so hard? Why don’t you follow me and abandon the dark side and embrace the changes? "

"I have made my statement, now it's your turn." Xu Qinghuan looked at Xia Wen, "I don't like people who deceive me, so you only have one chance."

"When did you see it?" Xia Wen's previous image of an upright and awe-inspiring Executive Department specialist was gone, replaced by a coquettish posture.

"Your lie is so stupid. It's hard for me to believe it." Xu Qing said with a smile, "Do you know who Xia Yi is in your mouth? How many masters of the Samurai God can trap her?"

"It seems that I underestimated Miss Xia Yi's level." Xia Wen said with emotion, "She is indeed a person capable of fighting demigods."

Xu Qinghuan laughed disdainfully and said, "Do you think you are praising her?" Xia Yi was his enemy. If someone looked down on Xia Yi, they would naturally look down on themselves.

Even the arrogant Demon King has to admit that this woman who became a hero as a demon really has something. She is the only creature who can fight against him in his prime state.

"Since you saw it early, why did you have to act for so long?" Xia Wen couldn't help but wonder.

"It's boring. I've been here for two or three days and finally found someone who can speak Mandarin to chat with. I just treat it like a kid." Xu Qinghuan scratched his hair that hadn't been washed for a few days and glanced at Xia Wen's thigh from time to time. .

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