The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 83 The Murderer Will Be Killed

"Samurai God Society, Xia Wen."

Xia Wen introduced himself again, tying up his loose hair, revealing his charming and seductive face.

"Continue." Xu Qinghuan lit a cigarette and waited for Xia Wen's next performance.

"The intelligence contains the least information about you, but it is emphasized that we cannot attack you in crowded places. Your power seems to come from the humans around you, so I was sent to lead you to our ambush." ​​Xia Wen was generous. Fang was talking about his plan for this operation. Since the other party had seen through it, he might as well admit it openly.

"You're worth a lot of money." Xu Qinghuan pointed to the wound on Xia Wen's left leg.

Xia Wen didn't care. He took out a syringe filled with light golden liquid from the inner pocket of his suit and inserted it neatly into his thigh.

"Compared to Chen Mengyu and Xia Yi, you are actually more interesting to us."

As the needle was pushed in, the pale golden liquid flowed into Xia Wen's body, and the wound on her thigh healed quickly. She pulled off the stockings tied to her leg to stop the bleeding and wiped the blood on her leg, revealing smooth and white skin.

Looking at Xu Qinghuan who had been staring at him, Xia Wen casually threw the stockings over.

"You seem to be quite interested in it, so I'll give it to you." Xia Wen said casually.

Xu Qinghuan turned away from the bloodstained black stockings in disgust, and said lightly: "You are indeed very discerning, I am much better than them."

"You are quite confident." Xia Wen sneered.

Shen Mengyu is an old rival of the Samurai Gods Guild. The members of the Samurai Gods Guild are well aware of his terrifying strength. Xia Yi is an S-class member of the Night Watch Academy. According to intelligence, her exploits against demigods are most likely not exaggerated. . The fact that the Night Watch Academy can send these two this time is enough to prove the determination of Principal Long to start the war.

Are there really gods in the world who are stronger than these two?

As for Xu Qinghuan, the reason Xia Wen said that the Samurai God would be interested in him is that he, a D-level student, was very close to Xia Yi, who always stayed away from strangers. According to rumors, the two even lived together. Before Xia Wen came, I was very curious about what kind of charm Xu Qinghuan had. After meeting him, I found out that he was just an Internet-addicted teenager with a low IQ who liked to look at people's thighs.

The reason for attacking Xu Qinghuan in the trio first is very simple. The other two are too strong. Xu Qinghuan happens to be left behind and lives alone in the Internet cafe. If he is caught, he might be able to use him to threaten Xia Yi, that's all.

"Just telling the truth." Xu Qinghuan picked up the half-drunk Coke on the table and bit the straw.

Xia Wen really couldn't bear the shameless man in front of him. He was obviously the fish on the chopping board but he was still here calmly and didn't know what he was dragging.

"As we speak, this Internet cafe has been emptied, and the entire street has been evacuated." Xia Wen sneered, "Since I can't lure you out, I can only do it here."

Xia Wen's body changed. The blood vessels under his exposed skin were flowing with pale golden blood. The pupils of his eyes also turned into a majestic pale gold color. Sharp claws grew out of the fingertips of his hands.

What she had just injected was the "Evolutionary Medicine" newly developed successfully by the Samurai God Society. Compared with the previous medicine, the side effects were much smaller. After the injection, she could barely maintain her sanity and not run away out of control. The increase in divine blood concentration allowed her to survive in a short period of time. Significantly increases speed and strength within a short period of time.

The divine blood flowed throughout her body along the blood vessels, her five senses were amplified, her heart beat powerfully, and her bloodthirsty desire gradually engulfed her.

Logically speaking, dealing with a small character like Xu Qinghuan is not worth wasting a bottle of such precious potion, but I don't know why I always feel flustered when I look at this greasy ordinary man.

"Hey, hey, hey, I already told you that I surrendered and joined your God-Serving Society, why do I still want to take action?" Xu Qinghuan said hurriedly, "I very much agree with the philosophy of your society. We are almost colleagues."

This man saw through his lies as soon as they met, and had been playing tricks on himself. Knowing that at this moment, he was still saying bad things and not taking himself seriously. Xia Wen's emotions were amplified under the blessing of the medicine of evolution, and the flames of anger were amplified. ignite.

She hates people who don't take themselves seriously. She has been treated as a shame by her parents since she was a child because of her unstable bloodline. She was locked up in a prison specially designed for out-of-control people and never saw the light of day. She was used as a test subject to study the divine blood. Every time she tried to escape, she was sent to prison by her family. When she was caught, she was greeted by thicker iron chains and bruises all over her body.

She should have been imprisoned like other out-of-control people in her family until she died in an experiment, or if she was lucky, she would be forgotten by her family. She would die naturally after the divine blood in her body exhausted the last bit of vitality, and her body would even be soaked in the experiment. formalin in the chamber to prevent researchers from using it in future experiments.

By chance, Xia Wen escaped from prison to avoid being hunted by her family. She met the man. The man called himself Mr. Yaqi. He brought Xia Wen back to Japan and gave her the most basic respect as a human being. There she had her own room for the first time, no longer had to eat cold meals, and no longer had to worry about when she would be dragged to do those cruel experiments. She was given a second life, and she loved this life.

The first task of joining the Samurai God Society and becoming a "ghost" was to kill her parents, bathing in the blood of her parents and the corpses of those who had bullied her. From then on, her life of depravity and madness began.

"I don't believe you will just follow me back to the Samurai God Guild." Xia Wen said as he put his hands with claws behind his back.

The medicine of evolution did not make her lose her mind. She took advantage of the opportunity to talk and kept looking for opportunities to take action.

There is very limited information about this man in the intelligence. Although it has just been confirmed that Xu Qinghuan is now unable to cast a spell that can restore wounds, he is a man who has a close relationship with Xia Yi after all. Xia Wen does not believe that he is as simple as he appears.

"The murderer must have the consciousness to be killed." Xu Qinghuan suddenly said, his expression relaxed as if he had not noticed the tense atmosphere in the box and the imminent murderous intention, "Are you ready?"

Xu Qinghuan looked at Xia Wen. He was sitting on a small tatami, wrapped in a black blanket with patterns. He had a careless smile on his face under the warm lights in the box.

But when he said this, he was still the carefree and wretched man he was before! It's like a supreme being is scorning a rebellious minister who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth beneath him.

Xia Wen felt a powerful coercion coming towards her, which actually made it difficult for her to breathe under the blessing of divine blood. Her hands hidden behind her back could not stop shaking, and her heart seemed to be about to jump out of her chest. My knees are weak.

"Who are you looking down on!" Xia Wen shouted angrily, getting rid of the shackles of the coercion, and stubbornly showed his terrifying claws after turning into a ghost.

What she hates the most is someone showing such condescension to her. Not only is she no longer the useless girl who was locked up in the laboratory and allowed to be slaughtered, but her bloodline has exceeded the threshold. After being injected with the medicine of evolution, her strength far exceeds that of Vigil. Those so-called elites in the executive department of the People's Academy of Sciences. She was given a new life by Master Yaqi. She should not be afraid of anyone, and she should chop off the heads of everyone who looks down on her.

Xia Wen hunched over and jumped towards Xu Qinghuan in a beast-like posture, swinging the sharp claws of his right hand at the unsuspecting Xu Qinghuan while paying attention to the target's movements. This small box made it impossible for Xu Qinghuan to escape.

Xu Qinghuan just stretched out his hand to block it.

"Idiot!" Xia Wen laughed in his heart. After becoming a ghost, he could even tear steel plates, but this idiot actually tried to block it with his arms.

The sound of metal hitting and rubbing could be heard in his ears, a violent shock was felt in his arm, and blood splattered on his palm.

Xia Wen saw it clearly! Xu Qinghuan's arm was surrounded by a circle of dark armor, and his proud claws were so fragile that they cracked when they collided with it.

An arm passed through Xia Wen's chest, holding the dark red heart that was still pumping out light golden liquid in his hand, so fast that Xia Wen didn't have time to react.

Xu Qinghuan calmly took out his right hand and said to Xia Wen who didn't believe that he died like this: "The murderer will eventually be killed."

The devil will not show mercy to anyone who wants to kill him, even a girl with a hot figure and a pretty face wearing black stockings.

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