The golden sword light flashed across the street, and the people on the street felt their eyes dazzled as if they had passed by something. They looked around but found nothing unusual.

Xia Yi is getting closer and closer to the center of the magic power.

The shops on the street have been closed, and there is an eerie silence on the whole street. The magic comes from a three-story building on the corner. On the wall under the second-floor window is a sign written in Japanese characters that Xia Yi cannot recognize.

Xia Yi stepped on the ground and jumped up. The golden holy sword in his hand appeared out of thin air, and the sword energy broke through the empty window and cracked with the sound.

She landed on the floor on the third floor, flanked by Japanese-style private rooms with computers and tatami mats.

This should be a Japanese Internet cafe. Damn it, my brain is getting worse and worse. Xu Qinghuan will of course stay in an Internet cafe when he runs away from home.

Xia Yi walked toward the hall with his sword in hand. The air was filled with the strong smell of blood and gunpowder.

There was thick blood all over the floor, and the black-clothed corpse in the corner had shocking wounds on its chest. The heart had been ripped out in a simple and sharp way, so fast that the shocked expression on the corpse's face had not disappeared.

A familiar male voice came from the hall.

"Did one of your people steal my gun?" Xu Qinghuan sat on a high stool at the bar, trying to communicate through the mouth he had left in front of him, gesticulating with joy.

The face of the lucky "ghost" from the Samurai God Society was full of horror. Next to him were the bodies of his companions who died tragically. More than twenty of them shot at the Chinese man in front of them at the same time. The man was unscathed by such a fierce barrage, and almost instantly took out everyone's hearts like a ghost.

The unprecedented sense of oppression overwhelmed this "ghost"'s will. He threw away the firearm in his hand, shouted in Japanese that Xu Qinghuan could not understand, and stumbled to escape.

Xu Qinghuan just reached out and grabbed the "ghost", and an invisible force grabbed him back.

"It's your job to lead the way, otherwise..." Xu Qinghuan made a gesture of wiping his neck at him, "I'm dead, I'm dead."

"Didn't you realize that what you said was not Japanese at all?" Xia Yi walked out of the darkness, the golden holy sword in her hand particularly dazzling.

Xu Qinghuan had already noticed Xia Yi's arrival and casually took a blanket to cover himself.

After all, with the blessing of magic power, bullets could not damage his body at all, but this did not mean that the clothes on his body were bulletproof. He was almost half-naked now, and his clothes and pants were torn to pieces by bullets.

Xu Qinghuan sighed and said to the frightened man in front of him: "Tell me, why don't you take the time to learn Chinese?" Then an arm condensed with black demonic energy penetrated the man's chest, and the man He was thrown away by Xu Qinghuan like garbage.

"I won't say a word until my lawyer comes." Xu Qinghuan shrugged at Xia Yi, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

Xia Yi stood there without drawing his sword.

"Who are these people from?"

"She should be from the Samurai God Guild, but she was stupid enough to use a beauty trap to seduce me." Xu Qinghuan blew out a smoke ring, "But that girl had such a bad temper. After I exposed her, she became so angry that she started attacking me."

"Have you been living here these days?" Xia Yi ignored the corpses around him and entered a private room to look at the environment behind it.

"What's wrong with living here? The maid serves tea and water 24 hours a day. When I feel sleepy, I wake up and surf the Internet. It's like a magical life."

"Did you find any useful information?" Xia Yi asked.

"Didn't you see that the last living person was just killed by me? These people don't know Chinese. I shouted for surrender for a long time and they just couldn't understand." Xu Qinghuan sighed.

"But I came up with a good idea." Xu Qinghuan suddenly became energetic, as if he was very confident in his plan.

"What?" Xia Yi asked.

"I went directly to Japan's Tokyo TV station and gave the Japanese guys one hour to hand over Xiao Wang's relics." Xu Qinghuan introduced his plan.

"What if they don't pay?"

"Then kill them until they can't bear it anymore, and then obediently hand over the Eternal Spear." Xu Qinghuan said casually.

Xia Yi frowned.

"Since they are stupid enough to steal my things, they have to bear my anger." Xu Qinghuan said calmly, "I have to stay in this terrible place during the Chinese New Year, and I can't even watch the Spring Festival Gala."

Xu Qinghuan did not tell lies. He had lost his patience and was too lazy to waste time in Japan. His method was simple and crude and effective. However, his current embarrassed appearance was really not suitable for being on TV. He had planned to find someone first. I can take a shower and get a haircut, swipe my black card to buy some decent clothes, and then take a taxi to the TV station. I guess I can still catch the prime time in the evening.

Xia Yi was too lazy to respond to Xu Qinghuan's bad words. They both knew that as long as Xia Yi was around, Xu Qinghuan's simple and crude plan would not succeed.

Xu Qinghuan was just addicted to talking.

"Let's go to the shrine where we robbed Tian Yu Yu Zhan last time." After Xia Yi finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Xia Yi proposed a compromise method.

"That's right! You should have followed my plan a long time ago. The person who stole the gun must be from the evil ghost sect."

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