"Then why did the meter jump so fast? We won't get a black taxi, right?" Xu Qinghuan, who was sitting in the back seat of the taxi, muttered to Xia Yi in a low voice.

"I don't know." Xia Yi shook his head.

"Do you have any money with you? I spent all my cash in that Internet cafe."

"Do you see I have pockets on my body?" Xia Yi said coldly.

Xia Yi was wearing a pink plush pajamas, a one-piece nightcap with two rabbit ears, and a pair of white paper slippers from the hotel on her feet.

Xu Qinghuan remembered the first time she met Xia Yi at the dock. She was also wearing a pink summer one-piece pajamas, and the sandals on her feet slipped to her ankles because she was running too fast.

"Why don't you pay attention to your image at all?" Xu Qinghuan said angrily, "You were like this when you were in church? You must not be laughed to death."

"That's because I'm sleeping every time you cause trouble!" Xia Yi defended.

"You can get out of the car first, and the rest is up to me."

The elevator door opened, and an old man in a Japanese kimono walked out, followed by a female secretary in professional clothes and black-rimmed glasses.

The room was a modern conference hall. Five men, also wearing kimonos, were already sitting on their knees. When the old man came in, everyone who had been discussing in a low voice kept silent, and at the same time bowed and saluted.

The old man sat down at the head.

The five family heads looked at each other, wondering why they were summoned here at midnight.

The female secretary wearing black-rimmed glasses broke the silence: "Parents, just an hour ago, Night Watch Academy sent a notice that their Principal Long will leave for Japan tomorrow." The female secretary's eyes turned to her seat. The farthest young man with a long knife at his waist said, "There is only one person traveling with him, and he is also an acquaintance of all the parents, Li Yi."

As soon as Li Yi's name came out, everyone here looked at the young man with a long sword on his waist with complicated expressions - Hanyu Taki, the head of the Hanyu family and the only successor of the Wu Nian style of swordsmanship.

More than 20 years ago, Li Yi defeated dozens of Japanese kendo masters with an invincible appearance, including Hanyu Taki's grandfather and the sword master of Japan's generation, Hanyu Juro. Hanyu Juro regarded this as a lifelong shame, and Japanese kendo has since declined. , Juro Hanyu also died in depression amid people’s ridicule.

With the decline of Japanese kendo, the Hanyu family also headed towards a path of gradual decline. Hanyu Taki's father was an ordinary person who had no talent in kendo and could not even awaken the spell. The sword dojo handed down from the family was eventually closed down. Hanyu Taki's father started a small business. To say that this man is really He is a very smart person in business and built his own business empire in just ten years.

The young Hanyu Taki showed amazing talent in kendo. As a young adult, he defeated those dojos that had developed rapidly while his family was declining. However, his father strongly opposed Hanyu Taki's practice of swordsmanship. According to his original words, "Father, I have saved this big business for you, which is enough for you to eat, drink and have fun without worrying about money for eight lifetimes. Why bother to follow the path of your grandfather?"

His talent was noticed by Chiba Fujiwara, who accepted him as a disciple and promised to help him develop the Shinto Muken-ryu swordsmanship.

Hanyu Taki's father also expressed strong opposition to his son's relationship with Fujiwara Chiba. The original words were that the gangsters of the Demons are not good people. Your dad and I tried our best to wash away my identity. If you are on the right path of doing business, don't be too hesitant to do those dangerous things. If something happens to you, it will be difficult for your father's age and body to have another child. If our Hanyu family is the last, you will be an eternal sinner.

The stubborn Hanyu Taki ignored his father's objections and agreed to Fujiwara Chiba's conditions and joined the demons. He was nominally the head of the Hanyu family, but in fact he was the only one in the Hanyu family.

Facing the gazes of everyone, Hanyu Taki silently wiped the long knife in his hand, his trembling hands betraying the turmoil in his heart. He finally waited for this day, for the arrival of the man named Li Yi.

He has been preparing for this battle for these years, practicing with the imaginary enemy every day. He is known as the hope of restoring Japanese kendo and the youngest swordsman. Every time someone calls him that, he feels ashamed. Before defeating Li Yi, Shinto Mu Nian Ryu will always be defeated. He had previously arranged a duel with Li Yi's favorite disciple Zhou Ran. He heard that Zhou Ran's swordsmanship was as good as Li Yi's when he graduated. As long as he defeated him, he would be closer to regaining the Shinto Mu Nian Ryu. Unfortunately, Zhou Ran was injured in the action and the duel was abandoned.

"You are so brave. Two people dare to come to Japan. They don't take us seriously!" A tall, dignified-looking man sitting nearby said angrily.

There was silence and no one echoed.

The old man sitting in the main seat slowly spoke: "Kujo-kun, it seems childish to say this. Only the strong can have dignity."

The head of the Kujo family lowered his head angrily.

No one dares to question Chiba Fujiwara's majesty in Japan. This man has been active in Japan's political scene since World War I. The Fujiwara family he led led Japan on the road to restoring national power after its defeat in World War II. He was one of the first batch of The founder of the Demons, his power in Japan is comparable to that of the Emperor. Who knows how old he is now.

"Master, what is the purpose of Principal Long from China coming here this time?" A middle-aged woman in the second seat, wearing a kimono that still retains her charm, asked, "The Night Watch is wiping out the Samurai God Society all over the world. , who doesn’t know the relationship between the Samurai God Society and us evil ghosts, it would be too strange for the general to go to the enemy’s base camp on the eve of the war.”

The four family heads except Hanyu Taki looked at each other, obviously feeling strange about Principal Long's visit at this time.

"I invited him here." Fujiwara Chiba, who was sitting on the throne, spoke slowly. His body was thin and old, his face was full of wrinkles, and his pupils were cloudy. He needed help from people around him when he walked. One suspects that he may die at any time.

"Reiko, you said something wrong." Fujiwara Chiba coughed heavily, making people worry that his fragile body would break due to the vibration of the cough.

The woman called Reiko is the head of the Takaji family, and she bows her head to receive instruction.

"This moment is not the eve of the war. The real war has already started, and we have lost miserably." Fujiwara Chiba's wrinkled face showed dissatisfaction, "Tell me, they used the Qing Dynasty to suppress the Samurai God Society. How many of our stations have been destroyed for this reason!”

"We are now blind! We are lame! Our hands around the world have been cut off. We tried to resist, but we were powerless!" Fujiwara Chiba's turbid and sharp eyes swept towards everyone, making Everyone couldn't lift their heads.

"But you don't have to be discouraged. After all, no one in Japan is our opponent." Fujiwara Chiba's tone softened, "Not everyone in the Night Watch Academy is looking forward to this war."

"After all, war requires paying a huge price. If you live in peace for too long, there will always be people who are not willing to follow that crazy principal and go crazy."

"So you invited him here?" asked a middle-aged man with tattoos all over his body.

"Everyone in this world is replaceable. No matter how important a person is, when he touches the interests of most people, someone new will replace him."

"So what you have to do is very simple. Kill him! Kill that madman!"

Fujiwara Chiba showed her fierceness.

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