"Tell me, who sent you to follow us?"

Xu Qinghuan coldly questioned the poor girl sitting on the stone steps.

Xia Yi stood next to Xu Qinghuan, looking ugly.

She didn't expect that the little lie she made up would actually come true. There was actually a person hiding in the temple in the middle of the night. What was even more disgusting was that this person was the girl who had traveled with Xu Qinghuan two days ago. She thought about it again in her mind Xu Qinghuan returned to the hotel that night, drunkenly holding a doll with a girl's photo on it, and calling her Izayoi-chan's bastard daddy in a slurred voice.

The two people's actions tonight were spur of the moment, and they arrived at the Tokyo Grand Shrine by coincidence. With Xia Yi's keen intuition, she could not fail to notice that someone was following her, so the girl must have been here a long time ago.

Could it be that... the girl in front of her colluded with the taxi driver and deliberately brought the two of them here just to create a chance encounter with Xu Qinghuan?

The Grand Shrine of Tokyo is a place where you can make friends and pray for love.

Thinking of this, Xia Yi's expression became even more ugly, and she stared hard at the pitiful girl on the steps, suddenly feeling like a deflated ball again.

It should be said that this girl is indeed pretty.

The girl's eyes were fixed with Xia Yi's eyes. Her Chinese writing was mediocre. When she was anxious, she spoke in Mandarin and Japanese, which made Xu Qinghuan confused.

"Speak nicely!" Xu Qinghuan said impatiently.

"No one sent me here, this is my home." The girl said in Chinese with a weird tone while suppressing her nervousness.

"How dare you pretend to be with me!" Xu Qinghuan took off his coat and stretched his muscles to show the little girl his great memory recovery skills, but Xia Yi stopped him.

"This is the shrine." Xia Yi asked coldly.

The girl nodded: "Yes."

"The lie should be well composed. Do you live in a shrine? Take out your ID card and household registration book and take a look!" Xu Qinghuan cursed.

He originally had a good impression of Shijieyueye, but who knew that he was approaching with ulterior motives and was treating himself like a fool.

The girl shook her head and said innocently: "I don't have those things."

"You little guy are so full of lies. I spent two million dollars to buy your album in vain!" Xu Qinghuan suddenly thought of his money.

"I've never seen you before!" The girl looked innocent and pitiful. She took out some yen, small bills and coins from her down jacket pocket. Her down jacket pocket had been torn by Xu Qinghuan during the tug. , holding a pile of change mixed with a lot of feathers and handed it to Xu Qinghuan.

"I only have so much money, take it if you want, don't hit me." The girl timidly offered the money, buried her head in her chest and just begged the two of them to leave quickly.

This time it was Xu Qinghuan's turn to be confused. The girl in front of him didn't seem to be lying. Could it be that she really just looked similar to Izayoi Yue and really lived here? It can be explained by the fact that the staff of the shrine consider the shrine to be their home.

Didn't this become a home invasion and robbery? And with the brave men.

Xu Qinghuan looked at Xia Yi awkwardly, asking what to do. After all, although he was the one who arrested the person, Xia Yi said there was a problem in the temple.

Xia Yi helped the girl up and pushed the money back.

"I'm sorry, you look very similar to someone we met before. We got the wrong person." Xia Yi stared at the girl's face, recalling the appearance of Izayoi Yezuki, they were exactly the same.

"Have you seen my sister?" The girl's joy was beyond words. She took Xia Yi's hand and asked hurriedly: "Where is she?"

Then she remembered the reactions of the two people in front of her when they saw her, and the girl added: "I will pay back the money she owes you."

"Is Izayoi Yue your sister?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

"Izayoyozuki? Never heard of it." The girl shook her head.

"That's weird." Xu Qinghuan was confused.

"Most Japanese idols use stage names when they debut," Xia Yi said.

"Why do you know so much about this matter?" Xu Qinghuan was confused.

"Shen Mengyu told me that day. At that time, you were busy discussing Japanese food with your favorite idol in the car." Xia Yi looked at Xu Qinghuan coldly.

The story of twin sisters who ran away from home and became popular idols sounds very reasonable. After all, with their looks, it would be unreasonable for them not to be popular.

"Can you tell me the address? I've been looking for her for a long time." The girl begged.

"I can take you to find her now." Xia Yi showed a rare apology.

After all, it was his lies that led to this misunderstanding. It's really not good to lie, it must be because I stayed with the Demon King for so long.

Xu Qinghuan had no objection to this. Even an emotional idiot like him could tell that something was not right between Shen Mengyu and Izayoe. Besides, he almost beat Izayoe's sister.

If this allowed Izayo Yeyue and Shen Mengyu to meet again, wouldn't Shen Mengyu give herself a big red envelope to express her gratitude?

The three of them walked out of the shrine.

"You and your sister really look exactly the same." Xu Qinghuan chatted with the girl one after another.

"Really? I haven't seen her for a long time, and I almost forgot what she looks like." The girl answered.

"She is very successful now. She has become a big star and has met a handsome guy. I can guarantee that they are definitely interesting."

Hearing this, the girl said excitedly: "That's right! That's great, she's so awesome, unlike me who can't even find a job."

"You are as beautiful as her, maybe we can create a twin duo." Xu Qinghuan suddenly reacted, "Don't you work at a shrine?"

"No, the shrine is my home." The girl answered innocently, "All shrines are my home. When I have no money, I usually go to the offering box to get change. I live in the shrine at night, but I have to do it secretly. Otherwise, you will be beaten by the priests inside, and if someone discovers you after a long time, you will have to find the next one."

Xu Qinghuan looked at the girl in shock, thinking that this person looked simple but had such a smart mind, what a way to make a fortune.

"I thought you Japanese all believed in gods, but I didn't expect there to be a staunch materialist warrior like you." Xu Qinghuan gave the girl a thumbs up.

"I'm of no use. I can't help the believers who come to offer incense." The girl said with shame.

"They don't give their money to anyone. If you take it and you can have a good meal, they are doing a good deed." Xu Qinghuan replied casually.

"Who are you!" Xia Yi noticed something was wrong with the girl's words, and pulled Xu Qinghuan behind her. Her right hand emitted a dazzling golden light and summoned the holy sword.

Upon seeing this, the girl immediately bowed and apologized.

"It's so rude that I haven't introduced my name to you after we've known each other for so long."

The girl raised her head.

"My name is Da Ri San Gui."

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