"Da Ri Linggui? It's quite difficult to speak." Xu Qinghuan broke away from Xia Yi's hand and looked at her doubtfully, "What's wrong with you? You reacted so suddenly."

"I'm asking about your identity, not your name." Xia Yi coldly asked the girl who called herself Da Ri Linggui. The light of the holy sword in her hand did not diminish, which showed that she was ready to draw the sword at any time.

Xu Qinghuan looked at Xia Yi in confusion, wondering why she suddenly took out the holy sword when she was fine just now. The cute girl in front of her looked harmless. Although her Chinese had a slight accent, she was surprisingly cute. She has a good temper. Even if she almost got beaten by herself just now, she bowed and apologized to herself. Who can refuse a cute Japanese girl with good temper, polite appearance, cute appearance and unique accent?

But he knew Xia Yi. Xia Yi would never take out the Holy Sword easily. With her power, she could deal with most of the creatures in the world with her bare hands. It was definitely not easy for her to be the master of the Holy Sword.

Damn it, this paralyzed girl got the upper hand again!

Although he didn't know what was going on, Xu Qinghuan still agreed with Xia Yi not to be outdone.

"Speak quickly! Who are you! I have long noticed that something is wrong with you."

Xia Yi glanced at Xu Qinghuan who felt guilty, and said to her, "You realize you know nothing. This girl calls the shrine home and treats the donation box as her pocket. It's natural. Combined with what she just said, it's obvious." Most likely he is a god.

Although it doesn't look like it.

"Don't kill me." The girl who called herself Da Ri Linggui was so frightened by the holy sword in Xia Yi's hand that she closed her eyes and trembled. She quickly begged for mercy, "I'm really not a bad person. They put the money in the box voluntarily. Yes, I only took a little bit."

Xu Qinghuan looked at the girl's reaction. If she was pretending, her acting skills would be too superb.

"I think this girl is just an ordinary person." Xu Qinghuan whispered softly into Xia Yi's ear.

Seeing this, Xia Yi also doubted his own judgment and silently put away the holy sword.

"Congratulations, you passed the organization's final test."

Xu Qinghuan smoothed things over and stepped forward to comfort the girl.

"So that's it." The girl opened her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the sword in Xia Yi's hand had disappeared.

Xu Qinghuan pointed at Xia Yi and said to the girl: "Dairi Linggui, right? It's too troublesome to call you Takako. I'll call you Takako." He remembered what girls are called in Japanese comics. .

Takako nodded and had no objection to this title.

The little girl introduced herself. As the devil, Xu Qinghuan naturally couldn't lose her etiquette.

"My name is...Xu Huan, and my friend's name is..."

Xu Qinghuan couldn't remember the fake name on the passport that the execution department made for Xia Yi, so she turned to Xia Yi and asked, "By the way, what is your name Xia?"

"Xia Shanshan." Xia Yi replied.

"Yes, Xia Shanshan." Xu Qinghuan had a bright smile on his face and used clumsy lies to fool this girl who had been frightened twice by him not long after they met. Anyway, with this girl's IQ, she probably couldn't have noticed.

The three of them walked on the deserted streets late at night.

"Are both of you from China?" Takako asked.

"Yes." Xu Qinghuan answered, thinking that you are a bit stupid, you just talk nonsense, don't you know what language we are using to communicate now?

"China is a very beautiful place. I just visited once not long ago. The people there are very warm and friendly." Takako said excitedly.

"Have you ever traveled to China?" Xu Qinghuan asked in surprise, thinking that you, a girl, had to take so much incense money from the cash box of the shrine, it was enough to travel to China. The air tickets for such cross-border flights are not cheap, Xu Qinghuan I feel it deeply.

Takako nodded and said: "It's not a trip. I went to China to retrieve my brother's belongings. I only stayed for one day and came back. If I have the chance, I would like to go there again."

"Do you have a younger brother?" Xu Qinghuan did not expect that Shen Mengyu not only had a sister-in-law, but also a brother-in-law.

"Yes, I have a younger sister and a younger brother. I am the elder sister." Takako proudly patted his chest, his expression immediately lost, "I haven't seen my younger brother for a long time."

Xu Qinghuan was too lazy to listen to the girl's housework. It was already half past one at night, and he walked two streets without seeing a taxi.

Takako talked more.

"Are you two traveling to Japan?"

"Yeah." Xu Qinghuan nodded absently. He found a headache. Even if he took a taxi now, it would be useless, because he couldn't remember where the underground stage was when he first met Izayoyoyuki. He only remembered that he had received a flyer in a daze and woke up. It was on the hotel floor.

"The cherry blossoms in Japan are beautiful, but it's a pity that they are not in full bloom yet. Have you been to Mount Fuji? It should be snowing there now."

Takako kept introducing the worthwhile attractions in Japan to the two of them, and his little face lit up when he talked about these.

"I plan to go to Mount Fuji." Xia Yi, who had been silent, took up the conversation.

"That's right! My home is nearby, you can come to my home as a guest." Takako looked happy.

Xu Qinghuan glanced at Xia Yixin and said, "Didn't we agree to go home directly after finding the Eternal Spear? Why didn't I hear you mention your plan to go to Mount Fuji?"

Suddenly Xu Qinghuan thought of a good idea, and he decided to send the girl to her brother-in-law, which just gave Shen Mengyu a reason to find Shiluyue Ye.

Simply the best of both worlds.

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