The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1872: Dragon's Cemetery (4)

Shen Yanxiao could no longer support the body. She fell to the ground in an instant, and the pain in her body made her unable to move half an inch with her fingers.

The internal organs are like being crushed, and the blood of the mouth is overflowing from her mouth.

In the dark foggy Dragon cemetery, no one found her abnormal.

What happened to her? Are you going to die?

The spirit of Shen Yanxiao is like being torn apart, and her pain is almost fainting.

"Repair..." Shen Yanxiao bit his teeth and shouted the name of the repair, but this time she did not get any response, the pain in the body reached a peak at this time, Shen Yanxiao completely fell into fainting.

Suddenly there was a strange appearance in the dark foggy dragon cemetery. The night of the dragon who was concentrating on resurrecting the dragon suddenly felt that a powerful force was spreading to the entire circle at a crazy speed.

“What happened?” Salzach, who stood on the periphery, felt a slight anomaly. In the whole air, there was a suffocating suffocation. This dead air is different from the night, but it is extremely powerful and Thrall is shocked by the fact that he seems to be in this chaos, feeling the power that makes him shudder - the power of divine.

"What is this?" The power of the divine is filled with the air. This power from the Protoss has a natural restraint on the undead. Almost every undead feels a great discomfort at this time.

"The law has changed! Your Highness is stopping!" Thrall was astonished by the sacred power.

However, the night in the darkness was too late to close the hand. At the moment when the sound of Sal was heard, the spell of the resurrection had already dropped the last note.

The entire squad suddenly exudes a strong radiance, completely illuminating the dark dragon cemetery.

The screaming dragons burst out in the light, and they rushed into the sky.

Among the glare, two smudges appeared quietly.

"Master!" Suzaku was in the body of Shen Yanxiao, but in the moment of Shen Yanxiao fainting, he was forced to squeeze out from Shen Yanxiao's heart lake.

Squeezed out with Suzaku, it was repair, he squinted slightly, and there was a trace of tension in the cold golden urn. He was looking for Shen Yanxiao in the glare, and he could see Shen Yanxiao faintly. Lying on the ground, trembling, and immediately reaching out...

A loud bang sounded in the Dragon cemetery, and a powerful shock wave exploded in the entire cemetery. The first thing that was affected was the night.

But at the moment when the night is about to endure the hand of death, a hoarse and resentful low-pitched sound rang from the body of the night.

Huge black shadows erupted from the body of the night, covering the entire dragon cemetery between the blinks.

The messy and noisy dragon cemetery was shrouded in darkness in an instant, and all the sounds were vanished, and only one piece of silence remained.

When the darkness faded, the whole dragon cemetery had a terrible change. On the ridiculous cemetery, a giant bone dragon stood, densely filling the entire cemetery to the extreme.

Resurrection, complete!

At the moment when the bone dragon descended, the dragons were shocked to stand in the same place, but they found that all the undead in the entire dragon cemetery disappeared in an instant, and they only saw a tall figure standing. Among the bone dragons, the scorpion exudes a creepy atmosphere.

"Xiao Xiao..."

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