The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1873: Dragon's Cemetery (5)

"Where did the undead go?" Longyan panicked and looked at everything in front of him. The undead collectively disappeared. A bone dragon stood still in place.

What scares him even more is the dark-haired man who stands in the bone dragon but is very dazzling.

He just stood still like that, but let Longyan feel that his bones were stinging.

Standing in the same place, the golden scorpion set off an uproar for the first time. He looked at his stiff hand in the air, and the figure that was clearly at his fingertips disappeared without a trace in front of his eyes.

It’s only a little bit worse, just a little bit, he can catch her!

"Who are you! Why are you here!" Longyan looked at the figure that made him fear.

Still maintaining the original posture, did not give any response, he slowly stood up, tall figure floating in the air.

He closed his eyes and sensed the scent of Yan Yan, but nothing was done to make his heart suddenly pick up.

This is their acquaintance to this day, he can not feel the breath of Shen Yanxiao for the first time.

She seems to have completely disappeared from the world, and even the traces of the half have not been left behind.

"Master... Where did the owner go?" Suzaku looked at the empty ground with fear, and he looked up and his eyes were full of uneasiness.

After repairing his eyes, the screams of Longyan in his ear continued to ring.

The cold and snowy golden cymbals looked at Longyan, which was later called.

When Longyan saw the golden scorpion, he was stiff and could not move half a point.

Kim Min!

That is the symbol of the Protoss!

"How could it be..." Longyan's incredible whisper.

"You, **** it." The words that chewed the ice **** spilled out of the mouth of self-study. He slowly raised his hand. Longyan in the distance seemed to be caught in his neck and was smashed up in the air.

Longyan’s eyes wide open and horrified. As an eight-winged golden dragon, he did not even have the strength to break free!

"In the name of God, I destroy the soul of the scorpion, not into the reincarnation, not to be born again, and to be destroyed between heaven and earth." The sound of the cold heart echoed in the sky above the dragon cemetery. At the moment when the last word sounded, Longyan was strong. The body exploded in an instant, and the bright blood flowers splashed around.

In the name of God, the curse of eternal life and destruction is lost. From now on, there will be no trace of Longyan in the world, and his soul will be completely destroyed, and there will be no reincarnation.

Repairing this life, his hands are covered with blood, and the number of demons who died under his hand is countless. He has never been cursed by God for any defeat, but today he is completely angry.

Shen Yanxiao disappeared in front of his eyes, and he could not find her traces.

It is this group of ignorant dragons, and the group of despicable undead!

"Master, master... Where did the owner go? I... Why can't I feel her breath? My spiritual connection with her has also been interrupted." Suzaku looked at the repair, he could not believe what happened. Everything, it’s like... Shen Yanxiao is dead.

“Hey?” The sound of the cold to the freezing point sounded.

"do not know……"

The slightest frowning, the anger of the sky, is slightly weakened at this moment.

"She is still alive."

"What?" Suzaku stunned, and the repairs have been liberated, not to prove that the master has...

"There is no such thing, it must be in Xiao Xiao's body, Xiao Xiao is still alive."

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