The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1874: Really undead (1)

Shen Yanxiao felt that she had slept for a long, long time, and her limbs became stiff and her mouth creaked, and she struggled to open her sour eyes.

A small face full of worry appeared in front of her eyes.

“Hey?” Shen Yanxiao sat up in his head and looked at the tears of the tears.

The snack goods suddenly became so sad, she was a bit uncomfortable.

"Master, you woke up! You finally woke up!" After the tears of the tears confirmed that Shen Yanxiao was awake, Wow cried out and plunged into Shen Yanxiao's arms.

"Well, don't cry, am I not awake?" Shen Yanxiao sighed softly and cried so much that she didn't know what happened. How could she suddenly change like that?

The face that was smashed and picked up was raised, and the small face covered with tears was slightly pale.

"Master, Suzaku is gone, and the adult is gone." He said with a whimper.

"What do you say?" Shen Yanxiao was completely dumbfounded. She immediately wanted to contact Xiu and Suzaku in the heart of the lake, but in the heart of the lake is a dead silence, no half figure.

“How could this be?” Shen Yanxiao tried to link with Suzaku again, but she found that the brand that belonged to Suzaku in her spirit had disappeared without a trace. She could only keep the spiritual link. It’s only 饕餮.

"I can't contact Suzaku..." Shen Yanxiao bit his lip bite. What happened in the end, would it be like this?

Just when Shen Yanxiao was full of doubts, a footstep suddenly came, and what was sensed was the first time that it turned into a fog and returned to Shen Yanxiao’s body.

Shen Yanxiao still did not react to what happened, but the door was pushed open.

A low-level undead dressed in gray burlap, puzzled to see Shen Yanxiao who had already sat up.

It is the undead!

Shen Yanxiao was shocked.

But before she had acted, the low-ranking undead had already said: "Hey, luck is good, but he can still wake up. As a low-level undead, he can still survive in that accident, boy, your Luck is really pretty good."

With a mocking tone, I rushed to the surface.

Shen Yanxiao was stunned by the other party's words.

He said what she is?

Shen Yanxiao had an ominous premonition. She looked down and looked at her own hands. This look made her almost missed.

Is this not a pair of low-key undead-like gray-white claws?

Shen Yanxiao can be sure that the pair of claws in front of him is definitely not the effect of their own pharmacy.

She used to be easy to accommodate the night fight, but her body is far bigger than her own, but her current hands are clearly smaller than the easy-to-receive effect, and her own physique. The same.

That is to say...

Did she really become a dead soul?!

"Oh, since you wake up, then you can do it yourself. This is the bone coin that my lord sent to you these survivors. It is to treat your efforts in the Qianlong mainland. If you are injured, you will hurry to hold it. Money is getting out, here is not the place for you to enjoy." The lower undead apparently did not have patience and Shen Yanxiao nonsense, frowned and confessed a few words, lost a small purse on the ground, then turned and left.

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