The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1877: Really undead (4)

No power...

Still a low-level undead...

Still living on a completely unfamiliar continent and a group of unfamiliar undead...

Shen Yanxiao feels that his life is full of tragedies!

But no matter how big the tragedy, Shen Yanxiao can't give up.

Finished the mood, Shen Yanxiao let himself relax, the current situation is equivalent to her just reborn into the world, the same is isolated, the same is no power, but at that time there is a repair around her, but now ... Shen Yan Xiao looked at his face with a serious look, and his heart was slightly warm.

At least, isn't it?

"The big deal is to come back again. If it is stumped by this problem, how can I have a face to go back to see Siu and Suzaku." Shen Yanxiao activities and muscles, now is not her negative time.

After checking the contents of her body, Shen Yan sighed with relief. When she sent it, the items on her body were not lost. Some of the squadrons were still placed in her clothes, as long as they had the ring. Something, she should not be in a difficult position to mourn the abyss.

I found a piece of clothes that I hurry up and put it in. Shen Yanxiao will collect the money bag with the bone coins.

"It doesn't hurt to become a dead soul. At least you can save some pharmacy." Shen Yanxiao, who is having fun in the bitterness, put things in order, and then summoned the cockroaches back to the body and walked to the door to open the closed. Door.

Outside the gate, it is a dilapidated shed. The small house that lived before Shen Yanxiao was just a thatched house. On the edge of the shed, you can see a large and small thatched cottage, several low-lying ragged clothes. Waiting for the undead, sitting under the grass shed, their eyes filled, when they saw Shen Yanxiao appear, they just looked at them casually and gathered together to chat with each other.

Shen Yanxiao walked silently to the group of undead, quietly listening to the content of their conversation.

These undead are sent back from the Qianlong mainland, they are talking about the things of Qianlong.

Shen Yanxiao listened quietly, and learned from the mouths of these undead, the truth of the fact is almost the same as her guess.

In the middle of the resurrection of the Dragon cemetery in the night, the accident was over, and the entire resurrection squad appeared a huge distortion. This distortion directly produced a huge explosion of energy. At the critical moment, the undead master was released on the night prince. The protection spell produced an effect. One second before the explosion, all the undead of the Dragon cemetery was sent back to the mourning abyss.

However, even before the explosion, the energy fluctuations of the fascination have caused damage to many undead. These injured undead are placed in various places to cultivate, and the place where Shen Yanxiao is located is the cultivation area of ​​the lower undead. It is no different from the refugee camp.

In addition to these low-level undead, the prince of the night has also produced anti-phasing effects because of the fluctuations of the squad. So far, the undead master has begun to inquire about all the high-level undead who were present that day, and what happened on that day.

As for these low-level undead, if the Lord of the Undead is not going to cure them, it is estimated that they have now been thrown into the mass graves to kill themselves.

Knowing the general situation, Shen Yanxiao did not stop doing more, she had to figure out where she is now mourning the abyss, in order to find ways to enhance strength.

Without the help of repair, Shen Yanxiao can only rely on his own growth to break through the seal.

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