The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1878: Undead survival rule (1)

The place where Shen Yanxiao is now is a city called Zerano, which is not far from the main city of the undead.

Zerano is a small city. Most of the city is low and medium undead. Only the city owner is a high-level undead.

After leaving the place of cultivation, Shen Yanxiao had to live in such a strange city. She first found a hotel and stayed at the price of three bone coins per day.

In the undead society, the purchasing power of the bone coins is very strong, and the bone coins in the hands of Shen Yanxiao are enough to cope with a period of time.

Although as a thief, she does not have to worry about money at all, but she is now more important to find ways to improve her strength and unlock the seal.

If she is repaired, she may still know the method of the undead cultivation from the mouth of the repair, but now she can only rely on herself.

Booked the room, Shen Yanxiao decided to stroll around the city to see if he could find some clues.

Walking on the street full of undead, Shen Yanxiao feels very subtle.

"You are human?" Suddenly, a voice came from behind Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yan Xiao was shocked and the whole body subconsciously alerted.

But soon, she realized that her reaction was a bit too radical. She had become a dead soul. How could it be human again?

Shen Yanxiao laughed and laughed at himself and took a step forward.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" came a cry behind him.

Shen Yanxiao slightly frowned, hesitantly turned his head.

I saw a young undead with gray skin running towards her.

" don't run, I just want to ask you something, don't be nervous." The undead youth smiled and walked to Shen Yanxiao, and the handsome facial features would not make people even if they were on the gray skin. Feeling disgusted, in terms of the undead, the man in front of him feels too clean.

"What's the matter?" Shen Yanxiao couldn't agree with the other's intentions. Only then did humans let Shen Yanxiao's consciousness react.

"Hey, little guy, don't be afraid, I am also the undead soul of human resurrection. I have only seen the undead souls of human resurrection for a long time, so I want to see you." The handsome young man of the undead reveals a hearty smile, white The teeth are very glaring in the sun.

Shen Yan Xiao mouth corner slightly twitching, the humanity of this goods is so human?

She looked up and down the young people in front of me. The lower undead and the middle undead were born again from the resurrection. Many of them were of other races before their death. Before the war of the gods, the undead were contradicted by various races, but I haven't reached the point where you will fight and die now. At that time, many high-level undead souls will sneak into human graves and resurrect the dead human beings into their kind.

But after the Battle of the Demon, the undead, like other races, has disappeared into the human world. They are enshrined in the abyss of mourning, almost severing the possibility of resurrecting other dead bodies to fill their own people.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Shen Yanxiao squinted his head slightly. His appearance seemed to be in his early twenties. The dead body resurrected by the undead would always look like he had died before. It is obvious that this young man was still very young when he died.

"Looked over?" Shen Yanxiao pulled the corner of her lips. She was not interested in saying anything to this undead, stopping her steps, but she didn't want to cause commotion.

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