The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1889: Watching movies is not worrying (1)

Underage purebred undead, although they are also high-level undead, but their strength can not be compared with adult high-level undead.

After birth, the purebred undead will be divided into the level of higher undead, but their strength is actually no different from the lower undead. They must continue to absorb the dead air after adulthood in order to make themselves truly high. Undead.

And the last undead creature that chased them around, Shen Yanxiao has seen it.

When she was fighting with a medium-sized undead for a while, she accidentally strayed into the territory of this behemoth. As a result, she was only a half-day with Shen Yanxiao, and she was dragged by Yan Yanxiao. It was directly killed by this cargo.

If it wasn’t for Shen Yanxiao’s sneak peek, he might have summoned him to save his life.

Since then, Shen Yanxiao will deliberately avoid the territory of this goods.

"It’s really ignorant and fearless." Shen Yanxiao stood on a tall tree, watching the group of purebred undeads chased by high-level undead creatures, lamenting.

The talents of these purebred undead are very high, much higher than the undead souls that are resurrected the day after tomorrow, but the higher talents also need the accumulation of the day after tomorrow, in order to become talents, this is still a small seedling, and dare to provoke the giant, this Not looking for death?

Those purebred undead, the most screaming of the giants, and a few undead teenagers, reluctantly attacked the giant in the arms of their hands.

It can be seen that the undead teenagers are also a bit of a skill, but this little beast that has not grown up, how can it be fierce, can only use the deciduous teeth to bite people, want to develop into a beast that eats people without spitting bones. There is still a long distance.

Shen Yanxiao hands around his chest and appreciates the scene in front of him.

She didn't have any plans to help her, and she didn't say that she hadn't had a record of single-headed undead creatures. Just the identity of the other person had already made her no plan to rescue.

She wants to save a group of undead uncles who don’t know how to be tall?

It is a pity that God seems to be a refuge with Shen Yanxiao who has been chased by many giants like a headless fly. I somehow used the tree where Shen Yanxiao is located as a refuge. Shivering directly against the trunk.

The other undead are running, and the two legs that are scared by this cargo are soft and can't move. The giant has taken her as a target, and whistling and rushing over here.

Shen Yanxiao eyes are coming out.

I said a girl, you are not good, you have to marry me this tree, the little man wants to see a play, can you make people save snacks!

Before he was finished, Shen Yanxiao was speechless, and the Big Mac had already hit the big tree at the foot of Shen Yanxiao.

The thick trunk of ten people broke directly under the impact of the Big Mac.

Standing on the tree, Shen Yanxiao, had no time to jump to other trees, and it was shocked.

The Big Mac is still in anger, suddenly saw a dead soul fell from the tree, immediately red eyes, rushed toward Shen Yanxiao, regardless of the current and the previous group is not a group of.

"I will watch a movie, do you want to be so unlucky..." Shen Yanxiao’s tragedy looked at the giant who had already rushed toward himself, and was simply crying.

As far as she is, this small body, if it is hit by this goods, it is a good meat pie!

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