The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1890: Watching movies is not worrying (2)

A group of purebred undead who are still escaping suddenly stopped, because they found that the behemoth had a new goal and no longer pursued them.

"Who is that little devil? Why haven't I seen it before?" A savage undead teenager asked the companions around him with breathlessness.

"I have never seen it, but it seems that it is a low-level undead." Another undead teenager shook his head and hanged a lot of color on his body.

"Lower souls? What kind of jokes, how can low-level undeads go to the dead forest?" A dead girl, who came over with her companions, was unbelievable.

"In any case, the Moorish beast seems to have taken her as a target. We will take the opportunity to leave." The undead teenagers do not want to care about each other's lives, even if the other party's appearance resolves their crisis, but in the proud pure In the eyes of the undead, the lower undead are as small as the ants, and it is a joke to ask them to save a lower undead.

Just as they wanted to evacuate while the Moorish beast was moving away, a scream of screaming broke out from the mouth of the behemoth.

This snoring made the earth shocked, and a group of undead youngsters turned around and looked at it.

And everything that happened next to them, let them all slammed.

I saw, an agile petite figure, with the surrounding trees, flying in the air, holding a very inconspicuous longbow in her hand, while she was dodging, the longbow in her hand continued to The Moor beast flew out of the arrow.

It is almost impossible to fight against high-level undead creatures with ordinary arrows. The high-definition creatures are extremely defensive, and even a sword with a thin iron can hardly cause fatal injuries.

However, the incredible scene was staged in front of their eyes. Every arrow that the figure shot was actually aimed at the eyes of the Moorish beast!

No matter how powerful an undead creature is, the eyes are always their most vulnerable place.

"How is this possible... How did she do it?" The undead teenager blinked in disbelief and couldn't believe what he saw.

A low-level undead can bring heavy damage to high-level undead creatures! This is simply a joke!

"God! I have never seen such a precise archery!" The undead girl screamed in exasperation.

In the constant dodge, there is still the ability to release the arrows in the air, and each arrow hits the eye of the Moorish. Under such a dense attack, the fragile eye of the Moorish has been stared at the black arrows. They simply can't imagine that there are undead people who can do so many shots under such circumstances, and the accuracy is 100% high!

"That guy is really a low-level undead? Impossible." The purebred undead who had wanted to take the opportunity to slip away stopped. They looked at the scene of a low-level undead creature playing with the undead.

Seeing that the Moor beast, who almost closed all of their members, was actually played by such a despicable low-level undead, the world view of this group of teenagers was completely distorted.


That cargo is absolutely impossible to be a low-level undead! The skill of your family is so good! This Nima also lets us live this group of purebreds!

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