The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1902: Kyle's invitation (2)

"This is our mentor Kyle..." Erie couldn't figure out what Kyle wanted to do.

Shen Yanxiao blinked his eyes, and the high-level undead is very strong. In addition to Thrall, Kyle can be said to be the most powerful high-dead soul that Shen Yanxiao has seen. If Kyle wants to kill her now, Shen Yanxiao can only summon the scorpion. Now she is still unable to fight the elite of the higher undead.

Shen Yanxiao thought for a moment and finally converged the attacking posture.

The murderous murder that Kelly released has disappeared without a trace. If Kyle really wants to kill her, she just estimated that there is no chance to escape.

The undead wants to kill, there is no need to fight close.

In a sense, the undead battles are very similar to the warlocks, and are more suitable for sneak attacks and sluts.

"Things are here, say good rewards?" Shen Yanxiao does not intend to entangle with this group of undead, since the other party did not kill himself, she also left as early as possible.

"Things may have to wait, we don't have enough nucleus... You believe me, I will raise the nucleus immediately after I go back and send it to you." Ereli rushed to speak.

Shen Yanxiao frowned and finally nodded.

"At noon every day, it is here." After that, Shen Yanxiao turned and was about to leave.

But when Shen Yanxiao was about to leave, Kyle, who had been observing Shen Yanxiao, said again.

"You called Yandi?"

Shen Yanxiao’s footsteps were slightly.


"What are you doing in the dead forest?" Kyle asked.


"Your body is good, who taught you?"

"I don't have to answer your question." Shen Yan Xiao brows slightly wrinkled, what exactly does this high-level undead want to do? The initial temptation, now asking, he does not seem to want to find his own trouble, but has been dragging her away.

Shen Yanxiao’s answer made the undead teenagers on the side take a breath of cold air. With the identity and status of Kyle, even the Dean of the Styx Academy did not dare to talk to him.

Shen Yanxiao is looking for death.

However, Kyle was not angry because of the rudeness of Shen Yanxiao, and he gave a light laugh.

"Since I want to cultivate, why don't I give you a chance?"

Will this undead give her the opportunity to cultivate? Shen Yanxiao doubts if he is wrong.

She is increasingly unable to understand the mindset of these undead.

"What opportunity?" Shen Yanxiao did not know why a high-ranking undead had to talk to her about this low-level undead.

In fact, she still didn't realize that everything she did was not at all a normal low-level undead.

"Your physical skills are very strong, but the strength is not enough. You need a lot of nucleus to enhance your strength. If you are willing to teach the students in the martial arts school, I can provide you with a lot of nucleus. You can show some cheats of your body skills." Kyle is amazing.

"You want to invite me to join the School of the Fire?" Shen Yanxiao waited for Kyle, feeling that he was not crazy, that is, Kyle was crazy.

Kyle not only invited her to join the School of the Fire, but also... as a mentor?

Not only is Shen Yanxiao dumbfounded.

Other undead teenagers also stunned.

Will Kyle invite a lower undead to become the mentor of their School of the Fire?

Even Iri, who is very optimistic about the strength of Shen Yanxiao, was shocked by Kyle’s words.

This world is crazy! !

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