The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1903: Kyle's invitation (3)

"Yes." Kyle did not feel how shocking his proposal was.

Shen Yan Xiao Biaoba eyes, pointing to himself: "I am a low-level undead."

Kyle raised his eyebrows and looked up and down with Shen Yanxiao. With a meaningful tone: "Are you sure?"

"What do you mean?" Kyle's attitude made Shen Yanxiao a bit puzzled.

"Although I am not sure what happened to you, but one thing I can be sure of is that the physical condition of the resurrection of the undead cannot be as flexible as you. If I have not guessed wrong, you should be a purebred undead. As for what power has hindered you. Kelly smiled, and when he first attacked Shen Yanxiao, he discovered that this undead is definitely not as simple as the lower dead, the undead after the resurrection, whether it is strength or reaction. Great discounts, but Shen Yanxiao now has a reaction speed that even some high-level undead are not necessarily able to do it.

Obviously, she is absolutely impossible to resurrect the undead.

Shen Yanxiao was silent, and Kyle’s analysis was correct from a certain point.

The seal on her body really hindered the blood of the dead in her body, but it was only a short-lived fight. Kyle could guess so accurately. This made Shen Yanxiao look at the undead.

"If you are willing to accept my invitation, then I may be able to find a way to help you solve your problems. Even if you can't lift it, you can get better practice at the School of Fire. At least the secrets of those skills are you. Can't be seen anywhere else.” Kyle continued to convince Shen Yanxiao.

"Why are you looking for me?" Kyle's conditions are tempting, but Shen Yanxiao has not been stunned.

"Because you are very strong." Kyle recognized the power of Shen Yanxiao.

"I? Strong? Are you kidding?" Shen Yanxiao laughed, she is weak now and she can't stand it anymore. The only thing she can take is the body skills that have been cultivated during this time.

"You don't know?" Kyle snorted, and Shen Yanxiao's self-deprecating smile made him feel difficult to understand.

"What should I know?" Shen Yanxiao is more confused.

"Our undead family, because of the physique, can be cultivated to the upper body is very rare, your body skills are very strong, I do not know how you cultivated, but can be cultivated to the point of the undead body, It’s already very difficult. For now, the ordinary high-level undead is not your opponent.” Kyle is very surprised, Shen Yanxiao knows nothing about the power of his body.

"What do you say?" This sinking Yan Xiao is not calm.

As far as her fragile body is concerned, can she beat a high-ranking undead?

In Shen Yanxiao’s cognition, she is at best a junior professional who will spend her fists and legs, and the high-level undead is a senior professional for her. In human society, these two levels are very different. Although a low-level magician can beat a senior magician, it will be laughed at.

"Trust me, I will test your tricks, but the ordinary high-level undead can't hide." Kyle smiled and said that this little undead seems to have no sense of his power.

"..." Shen Yan Xiao Yu, from the time she became a dead soul, she felt that she was a weak chicken. As a result, today there is a powerful high-level undead telling her that she is quite powerful, this feeling...

It’s **** subtle.

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