The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1915: Savage Mentor (1)

At the end of the first day of teaching, the female students were taken away by Kyle. The remaining teenagers left the show and fled, and their minds continued to echo the serious question that their mentor was a woman.

Shen Yanxiao returned to the room and continued to practice.

What she used to use in the battlefield today is just a trick she has learned. The effect is very good. It is just right for her lack of strength.

Shen Yanxiao is still boring and practicing, but in the School of the Fire, it has once again set off waves.

The female students who were taken away by Kyle, after returning to the room, had a sore back and pain, and could not climb the bed. The spoiled young ladies were not happy, although they no longer had to go to the military field, but this was bad. They can't swallow.

A group of weaker sisters began to look around for their companions to cry about their own experiences, and to blame Shen Yanxiao for brutal and brutal teaching.

For a time, the entire School of Fireworks knew that the new little tutor, the method of class is extremely fierce, not at all pity, not only pitiful, but even the teaching content is mad, nothing to like to take a whip to smoke people.

Shen Yan Xiao Cai spent a day in the School of the Fire, no one knows no one knows the name of the ferocious.

Many students who did not participate went to ask the specific situation of male students such as War Wild.

The strange thing is that all the male students chose to close their mouths at this time. No matter who came to ask, they all looked at the nose and nose, and they were not willing to disclose.

A group of students left behind said the brutality of the new mentor, and a group of students who could not leave were silent.

Everyone thinks that Shen Yanxiao must be too ferocious, so this group of students who have not been able to leave are afraid to speak.

In the afternoon, several instructors from the School of the Fire at the Ming Dynasty went to the Dean to sue Shen Yanxiao and denounced her barbaric teaching.

The dean was very troublesome. Shen Yanxiao was the person that Kyle personally brought back. Kyle also told him about the situation of Shen Yanxiao today. Although he felt that something was wrong, it was because they had never touched the body skills. No one knows if this thing has to be practiced.

On one side is the accusation of the mentor, and on the other hand, Kyle's firmness, the Dean of the School of the Fire is one of the first two.

The real parties, but did not know these storms.

Shen Yanxiao was practicing martial arts in the room. She was not heard by a word outside.

When the evening was very late, when Shen Yanxiao came out to walk, he felt a little strange.

Kyle arranged for her to be a dedicated floor for the instructor of the School of the Fire. The front and rear are the mentor of the School of the Fire. Shen Yanxiao didn’t feel anything at first, but when she came out today, she found that she was wiping her shoulders. The mentor who had watched her eyes were very sharp, as if they were watching the scourge.

Shen Yanxiao did not meet a colleague who was willing to be friendly to her.

"It is her, the dean does not know what to think about, actually left such a barbaric guy in the college." A tutor frowned at Shen Yanxiao, and his companions whispered.

"The dean should be looking at Kyle's face, and there is no trouble for her, nor why Kyle protects this low-level undead."

A group of people jointly sued Shen Yanxiao, and the dean actually gave it down and there was no punishment. This made them feel very puzzled, and the rejection of Shen Yanxiao became more and more fierce.

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