The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1916: Savage Instructor (2)

The fear of the students and the exclusion of the tutors have no meaning for Shen Yanxiao.

She is not coming to contact them, what do people think, what is it about her?

I completely ignored the unfriendly eyes from all directions. Shen Yanxiao wandered around the School of the Fire, and went back to practice.

The evaluation of others is someone else's, and their own ability is their own.

Take your own path and let gossip!

In the next few days, Shen Yanxiao went to adjust the group of bear children every afternoon. Almost every day, there was a burst of mourning in the martial arts field.

Every undead who passed by the battlefield shook in the screams.

What did the mentor called Yandi do in the end? How come there is such a terrible cry?

Because of Kyle’s sake, the teaching content of Shen Yanxiao was completely confidential. No one outside of the students came out to know what Shen Yanxiao had taught. Someone once asked those students who were taught by Shen Yanxiao. What happened to them, but the students seemed to say that they were good, and they were not vocal, and they were not willing to disclose the teaching content of Shen Yanxiao.

The instructors and students who have received no news can only guess by themselves that all kinds of madness may have been guessed by them one by one.

What beats students, what bundles, what Jinji is independent... All sorts of incredible things have been passed over and over again in their minds.

Every day, watching the students who came out from the military field sweating, the other students secretly squeezed the cold sweat.

God knows that every undead boy who came out from the military field was the same as the layered skin. He was pale, his feet were floating, and his body was shaking like the catkins in the wind.

Regardless of how strong your body is, after practicing from the military field, it is a half-dead.

And when I returned to the dormitory, I fell asleep and lived like I was caught in training.

Kyle went on and off for two or three times. He just watched quietly and didn't dare to do anything. When Kyle came out from the battlefield, he immediately issued an order to other instructors.

No matter what reason or reason, no one can go to the chaos when Shen Yanxiao is in class, otherwise he will be severely punished.

Kyle’s warning made the curiosity of the Underworld College hang up, but did not dare to do any small moves.

Shen Yanxiao, under the warning of Kyle, continued her devil training with a group of bear children.

A month passed quietly. Shen Yanxiao received a large number of nucleus from Kyle during this time. The lowest level is also intermediate. These nucleus brought great benefits to Shen Yanxiao, directly let her from a The low-level undead has hit the realm of the middle undead. Whether it is the dead air in the body or the strength, Shen Yanxiao has been greatly improved.

And the two martial arts cheats, Shen Yanxiao has been smashed for most of the time, still not fully digested, Kyle has sent two people.

Obviously, in addition to Shen Yanxiao, Kyle found out that the second undead can make good use of these cheats.

After spending a month at the School of Fire, Shen Yanxiao finally got out of the college and went to the city to look around. The main reason is that there is not much left in the ration, she has to buy something to eat, otherwise One of the food orders may be thrown out in the night to give up the Minghuo College.

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