The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1917: Savage Mentor (3)

In the middle of each month, the School of the Fire will rest for two days. During the two days, the entire college, from the students to the tutors, can freely move. Most of the undead will leave the college at this time and go around the city. Go shopping, fill in the daily necessities and relax.

Shen Yanxiao put on a simple dress and walked out of the door of the School of the Fire.

The city of the Temple of the Fire is called Morri City, located in the middle of the mourning abyss, not far from the main city.

Morley is a large city, the whole city has everything, and it is much more lively than the small town that was before Yan Yanxiao.

Because the undead does not like the blazing feeling of the sun shining on the skin, so during the day, there are not many undead in the streets and alleys in the city. Even if there is a cloak, it will be wrapped tightly.

The number of bone coins in Shen Yanxiao’s hands is limited. It is really difficult to meet the food consumption of her because of her money. Shen Yanxiao can only return to the old industry and take care of her.

There is very little money for the resurrection of the undead. The real rich are the purebred undead. Shen Yanxiao went directly to the largest building in the city of Morri. Resurrection of the undead does not require eating, only pure spirits will have hunger.

Therefore, the restaurants in the city are prepared for purebred undead.

Shen Yanxiao wrapped in a cloak and sat down in the largest restaurant. The outside is a bright sun. A large number of purebred undeads choose to be indoors. In the restaurant, many purebred souls gather here to chat and eat. .

Shen Yanxiao found a corner to sit down. She noticed that there were many students from the School of the Fire at this restaurant. Although they were on a rest day, those students still wore college clothes.

Shen Yanxiao aimed at a few high-ranking undead who seemed to be very rich. Inadvertently, the fat sheep were still talking about money, and Shen Yanxiao was full of rewards.

"Hey, I said Warfield, what is your teacher's story?" A familiar name was introduced into Shen Yanxiao's ear, and Shen Yanxiao, who was planning to move toward the next destination, immediately stopped. I did it on the chair.

She followed the sound, not far away, saw a group of undead teenagers wearing a martial school uniform gathered together.

One of them is not the battlefield classmate who was beaten by Xiao Yan Xiao Yu on the first day.

Shen Yanxiao suddenly did not intend to leave. She knew that during this time, there were not a few of them who looked at her in the Underworld. Since they were discussing themselves, she simply sat down and listened for a while.

She is also very curious about what kind of image she is in the eyes of the students they have taught in the battlefield.

After the battlefield received the shocking education of Shen Yanxiao on the first day, it was extremely well-behaved in the following month. After all the female students were taken away, there were only 47 students in Shen Yanxiao’s hands. The physique is the best among the forty-seven people. In this month's time, the progress of the battlefield is also the biggest. Shen Yanxiao is quite optimistic about this **** young boy.

The battlefield was surrounded by a group of teenagers. The handsome face did not see any anger. He sullenly drank his head and drank tea. For the inquiry of his companions, he did not mean to speak a little.

"Hey, I said Warfield, do you want to do this, we can all listen to Qinqin, your tutor called Yandi can be barbaric, is it true?" A group of teenagers urged the war field to open.


Tat phone lost... crying to me.

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