The battlefield and Xerox raised their heads in a strange way, and the face of Shen Yanxiao immediately printed their eyes.

"Yan Emperor!" Two **** young men immediately became dumbfounded, and they did not expect to encounter Shen Yanxiao here.

"When you drink this medicine, you will feel a little more comfortable." Shen Yanxiao looked at the strange expressions of the two bear children, and the corner of his mouth twitched with a touch of smile.

More than forty students, only these two guys were beaten by her, but today they face up to the messages that accuse her, but they stand up and defend her reputation with their own strength.

Although Shen Yanxiao was very resistant to the undead at first, she was in contact with these students as the undead. These students were fascinated by her face, but they listened to her in the heart. For more than a month, they did not. Give them a little trouble, but still maintain her reputation outside.

Aside from the issue of race, Shen Yanxiao felt that this group of bear children is still somewhat cute.

The battlefield stunned for a moment, and hesitated for a moment before he took over the pharmacy in Shen Yanxiao’s hand. He looked at the pharmacy and filled his eyes with doubts.

Because of the nature of the undead, they are not associated with plants, especially the purebred undead, they can not configure any pharmacy, because as long as they take over the plants will be damaged vitality, can not maintain the original effect. Only some of the resurrection of the undead can be contacted with the pharmacy, the quantity is very small, and the quality of the formulated medicinal products is completely incomparable with the human and elf pharmacists.

In mourning the abyss, the most expensive is the pharmacy.

Shen Yanxiao suddenly took out a bottle of medicine for himself, which made the battlefield somewhat flattered.

To be honest, although these guys were trained for a month under Shen Yanxiao, Shen Yanxiao never said anything more to them than the guidance at the beginning of the day. They still felt sorry for Shen Yanxiao. strange.

"Thank you for the Emperor Yandi." Warfield stared at the potion for a while, only a bit of a stiff thank you to Shen Yan Xiao, in the eyes of Shen Yan Xiao smile, he tangled for a while, then put that bottle of value The medicine drank.

A cold slid into the stomach along the throat, the battlefield quickly felt that the pain in his body was much relieved.

"How? Is it better?" asked Shen Yanxiao.

The battlefield nodded a little embarrassed. "It's much better."

Shen Yanxiao smiled. This medicinal agent is a new breed that she has just configured. The human and elf's medicinal undead are not drinkable, but Shen Yanxiao is now a dead soul, which is equivalent to the fact that all the pharmacies in her martial arts are abolished. Therefore, Shen Yanxiao can only re-develop the medicine for the undead.

Has reached the master class of nephritis, there is no difficulty in researching new drugs, she only needs to adjust the agent for the physical condition of the undead, and she has a lot of herbs in the ring, no need to worry about the source of the material.

This medicine has just been successfully formulated, and the battlefield can be said to be the first undead to experience the effect.

"Inflammation Emperor, this potion... is it expensive?" The changes in the body made the battlefield very surprised. This is much better than the treatments he had seen before, and it is immediate.

The price of the therapeutic agent has already made him stunned, not to mention the better effect!

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