"I do it myself, I don't need money." Shen Yanxiao looked at the nervous battlefield with a blank smile. His expression was like a baby who had nothing to eat.

You know, this kind of pharmacy, Shen Yanxiao's Nadun has more than a hundred bottles!

When the water is drinking, there is no problem.

"You yourself...do..." The battlefield looked shocked at Shen Yanxiao, and even the Xerox on the side was not calm.

"Yan Emperor, are you still... pharmacist?" Xerox couldn't easily find his tongue.

"That's right." Shen Yanxiao nodded, but she did some medicine, these two bear children should not be so horrified.

"Yan Emperor! You are strong!!" Xerox looked at Shen Yanxiao's eyes and braved the green light.

The undead is too lacking of a pharmacist. More than half of the resurrection of the undead can be encircled by the royal family. The amount of the fluent is very rare, and the quality of the pharmacists is very general. Quickly restored, Xerox knows that Shen Yanxiao's potion is much better than those guys!

"..." Shen Yan Xiao mouth twitched slightly, taught them to see them for a month, they boasted that they were strong, and now they just give the bottle of medicine into this look, the difference is not so big!

"Yan Emperor, I really appreciate you." The battlefield grabbed his head, and some awkward openings thanked him.

"I haven't said it, but what happened to you and the guy named Naken?" Shen Yanxiao saw a lot of undead, even the emperor's emperor she had seen, but she really had never seen such arrogance. The undead, the battlefield is not a bloodless teenager, otherwise it will not be beaten by her on the first day. However, in the face of Naken, the choice of the battlefield is to avoid.

Saying that Naken, the smiles on the face of the battlefield and Xerox immediately vanished.

"Yan Emperor, you have heard?" Xerox looked at Shen Yanxiao, a little nervous.

There are many rumors about Shen Yanxiao in the School of the Fire, and most of them are not very good. They have never seen Shen Yanxiao in other places except the military field. They know that Shen Yanxiao has become The mentor of the School of the Fire, but not very much in the college, because of Kyle's reasons, there will be no one who is not long-sighted in the face of Shen Yanxiao to discuss her right and wrong, but today Naken's Those words are really hard to hear the extreme, and all this has been heard by Shen Yanxiao?

"Yeah." Shen Yanxiao nodded.

"Yan Emperor, you don't care what they say, although you are very strict, but we are very clear, what you teach is really useful." Xerox, who was still looking at Yan Yanxiao a month ago, is now anxious to Shen Yan Xiao explained what.

At first they really settled down because of the sternness of Shen Yanxiao. The training that Shen Yanxiao arranged for them, they could have half their lives almost every day. They didn’t have no complaints, but they were afraid of Shen Yan’s hand. The whip in the room, because Shen Yanxiao is a female undead, they do not want to make themselves seem so useless, only to survive for many days.

However, a week ago, Shen Yanxiao began to teach them the most basic physical skills. After they really came into contact with martial arts, they discovered that Shen Yanxiao’s training for them was to lay the foundation for their future.

They used to talk to each other in private, and the effect was much better than using dead air.

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