The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1933: Dare to move my students (2)

The atmosphere in the whole room became tense, and Shen Yanxiao was ready to shoot at any time.

Looking at the lively students, they secretly went to the big fortune, and they could actually see such a lively show. Luo Qiu’s students think that Shen Yanxiao is a joke, just rely on her? Also with their mentor?

The entire School of the Fire, can defeat Luo Qiu, only the Dean and Kyle, Shen Yanxiao which onion? Luo Qiu can crush her with one finger!

"Yan Emperor!" has been standing in the entrance and did not dare to step into the room, Shen Yanxiao students, finally rushed in at this moment, they will be surrounded by Shen Yan Xiao group, a face full of worry.

"Yan Emperor, let's go back."

"Yan Emperor, the task you handed us to us has not been completed."

"Yan Emperor, we are still in class, let's go back to class."

A group of students couldn't bear to see Shen Yanxiao and Luo Qi hands. Although they recognized the strength of Shen Yanxiao, Luo Qiu was too strong. They are very clear that Shen Yanxiao will come here to retaliate.

For their group of students, she dared to confront Luo Qiu, one of the top ten tutors. This sentiment made this group of teenagers moved, but they did not want to see Shen Yanxiao suffer a little bit of harm.

A voice of persuasion, with a hint of pleading, echoed in the room.

They can be patient, but they don't want to see their mentor hurt because they are useless.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the group of teenagers, and the fierceness of the eyes was replaced by the touch.

The sorcerer died for the confidant, and this group of bear children is so sensible, she is worth it.

"I said that you haven't had enough trouble, and you don't look at your identity. You actually ran here to make trouble, and you have to play back to play on your own site. Here, I will give you a look at it." From beginning to end The piano that was ignored by Shen Yanxiao was gnashing his teeth and screaming.

How could a low-ranking undead have the courage and Luoqi to face up, she ran over like this, and said such a pass, the result is not to play with her students to find a step.

"I said that some garbage really can't recognize my identity. I ran here to play. Are you not going to do it with Luo Qiu? How can you not shoot?" Luo Qiu's students followed the piano, they started from the beginning. I don’t think that Shen Yanxiao really wants to do it with Luo Qiu. All she said before is just a play, and she really has to do it. What kind of courage does she have?

"This is called a kind of gathering, people are divided into groups, what kind of waste tutor can be good? People have no ability, and want to pretend, this is not sent to the door to do the drama? Really we are all fools, don't be disgusted here, Let's get started."

A burst of laughter sounded in the classroom. They didn't use Shen Yanxiao as a mentor at the School of the Fire. In their eyes, Shen Yanxiao was just a garbage holding Kyle's thigh and climbing into the School of the Fire.

The words of those students became more and more ugly, and the teenagers around Shen Yanxiao were all bloodless. They held their fists tightly and endured the anger in their hearts.

They can't make trouble, they can't cause trouble to Yan Emperor.


They can only bear it.

The teenagers chose patience for Shen Yanxiao, but Shen Yanxiao did not let his companions suffer such insults. She suddenly came out of the juvenile, and the petite figure rushed out with lightning.

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