The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1934: Dare to move my students (3)

Like a gust of wind, Shen Yanxiao in the blink of an eye, has come to the students who speak bad words.

She raised her hand fiercely, and when the few teenagers couldn't wait to react, they took the face of these bears and children.


Three moments of screaming in the loud classroom, Shen Yanxiao had already flashed behind the three of them, quickly lifting his feet and swept the knees of the three students.

Three consecutive sounds.

Three students who don’t know how to be tall are already on the ground.

Qinqin was stupid, and she was lying on the ground, looking up at Shen Yanxiao who had already come to her.

It was such a petite figure, but at this moment she felt the incomparable fear.

Shen Yanxiao shot very fast, and at the moment he stopped, the onlookers realized what was going on.

Throughout the classroom, there was a sigh of relief.

So fast!

Shen Yanxiao sneered at the piano, reaching out to hold her chin and forcing her to look up.

The eyes of Qinqin are full of fear.

"I don't want to write the four words of respecting the teacher. Do you want me to teach you?" Shen Yanxiao's mouth evokes a cruel smile, she can tolerate, but will never let go.

"Yan Emperor, do you dare to move my students?" Luo Qi did not think of dreams, there would be someone who dared to beat his students in front of him, this is simply hitting his face!

Shen Yanxiao looked up and looked at Luoqi, who was already angry. He said with arrogance: "If you don't teach students, I don't mind doing it."

Luo Qiu took a deep breath, and he raised his hand in amazement, a black dead air condensed in his hands.

The next second, the dead air has already impacted Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yan Xiao Yan eyes, immediately sideways to avoid, in the moment she was dodging, she hardly buckled the jaw of the hammer, lifted her whole.

The moment when Qinqin was picked up, it just replaced Shen Yanxiao standing in the original position. Luoqi attacked Shen Yanxiao's death and directly hit the back of Qinqin.

A blood spurted out of the mouth of the hammer.

Luo Qiu’s attack was not left behind at all, and Qin Qin could not bear such a big injury.

In the next second, the hammer fell directly to the ground and passed out.

All the undead are dumbfounded, and no one has thought that Shen Yanxiao will actually be so agile in such a short period of time, and still have time to think about using the hammer to withstand this attack.

Not to mention the level of Shen Yanxiao, the speed of these reactions alone has already closed the mouth of the undead who she did not agree with.

All the undead in the field, except Luoqi, no one can grasp this step.

"Well, since you want to teach your own students, then I will not intervene, but Luo Qiu tutor, you are really sincere. This girl has no brains, but it is really wrong to beat her seriously. "Perfectly interpreted the Yan Yanxiao who borrowed a knife to kill people, with a look of sly smile, looking at Luoqiu with a blue face."

Luo Qiu was almost not taken up by the sigh of relief. His attack was clearly directed at Shen Yanxiao, but he knew that this guy was so mean, he actually used Qinqin as a shield.

Now it’s good, this guy is still brazen enough to say that he is teaching the students!

It is simply turning black and white!

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