The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1959: This is called the gap (2)

Kyle looked at the results of the game, and as a referee, he did not expect it to end.

Shen Yanxiao stood up from the battle and turned to walk in the direction of the exit.

"Yan Emperor? Where are you going?" Kyle returned to God and asked immediately.

Shen Yanxiao turned his head and looked at Kyle calmly.

"The game is over, I don't have to stay here."

Kyle was amazed that Shen Yanxiao’s watch was too calm, as if she had expected this result.

"You... don't talk to your students, what are you talking about? Congratulations?" Kyle always felt that Shen Yanxiao's heart was not in line with her actual age. This kind of Jedi turnaround, even the onlookers They are all boiling, but her protagonist is an insignificant look.

This much more ferocious psychological quality can be so calm!

Shen Yanxiao smacked his lips and glanced at Luo Qiu, who stood on the sidelines, and said with a sigh of anger that he did not pay for his life: "This time is still reserved for Luo Qiu and his students to make a farewell ceremony. After all, he is about to leave the School of Fireworks soon. Isn't it?"

"..." Kyle was stunned by the words of Yan Yanxiao.

He almost forgot, this game is not only about the strength of the students on both sides, but also concerned about the stay of Luo Qiu and Shen Yanxiao.


He really didn't expect to leave the School of the Fire, it would be Luoqiu! !

What’s more, the gamble seems to be from Luoqi’s own!

What is called lifting a rock to lick your own feet, Luo Qi is estimated to be realized this time.

After Shen Yanxiao dropped such a sentence to make Kyle utterly speechless, he took off his calf without a trace of nostalgia and left gracefully.

Shen Yanxiao’s departure attracted the attention of all the students in the audience. Only this time, they were completely different from the previous mentality. They were not optimistic about this “primary school” level tutor, even very disgusted. However, when they saw the students of Shen Yanxiao’s students slamming Luoqi’s students, their discrimination was completely gone.

At this moment, all the students looked at Shen Yanxiao's eyes full of shock and fear.

A student taught by a lower-level undead can actually kill the students taught by the top ten tutors, and their worldviews have been completely subverted.

Who can dare to say that he is looking down on Shen Yanxiao?

This is absolutely forcing to find death on their own, and not to mention that Shen Yanxiao will not pick them up, but the group of fierce and horrible students have already made these guilty audiences scared.

They asked themselves, they couldn’t beat them, and they couldn’t beat Nakan’s battlefield...

Look at the battlefield and their maintenance of Shen Yanxiao...

The students who once said that they were behind the swear words, were afraid of being stunned by the group of teenagers who supported the mentor.

Watching Yan Yanxiao leave, all the students secretly recalled whether they had fallen past their mentor in front of the battlefield. If this is true, what they should do now is to sing the songs. Tall still.

Is it still time to hold your thighs?

A group of students who don’t have a long brain regrets that they can’t wait to see the mushroom in the corner. The silent resurrection of the undead students is full of enthusiasm.

The achievements of Shen Yanxiao bring them unlimited hope!

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