The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1960: This is called the gap (3)

The departure of Shen Yanxiao allowed the center of the entire contest to be transferred to Luoqiu.

As the defeat of this game, Luo Qiu's face is comparable to the bottom of the pot.

Kyle looked at Luo Qiu and really didn't know what to say.

In fact, whether it is Shen Yanxiao or Luoqiu, this is not what Kyle wants to see.

One is specialized in sperm, and the other is teaching for many years. These two are indispensable for the School of the Fire.

However, the development of this matter is so strange, Luo Qiu himself gave himself a set, this is to want to give out to Shen Yanxiao, the result...

Luo Qiu gloomy face, his eyes from all directions made him uncomfortable, and he turned around and left without saying a word.

Unlike the honor of Shen Yanxiao, he only took away shame.

Iri was sitting in the audience, with a smile on his face. The victory of this game made him more convinced of the power of Shen Yanxiao. At the same time, he could not help but guess that his grandfather, Dean of the School of the Fire, is an adult. Have you guessed such a result from the beginning, and still things will continue to develop.

The two mentors left, and there was no small spark of a fierce battle. This made the students who wanted to watch the show regret the blood.

Are you playing? The students are all like this. You don’t perform, so you just leave, it’s too bad!

Shen Yanxiao has gone, and they have not stayed in the battlefield. They just silently packed up their sandbags and left the scene with the attention of everyone.

As for Naken, they...

In the end, Kyle could only find other students to carry it back.

A vigorous competition officially ended, and the results exceeded everyone's expectations.

The entire School of the Fire is immersed in the turmoil of this game. How can they not figure out how a student who is taught by a low-level undead can end up the students taught by the top ten tutors?

For a time, Shen Yanxiao’s arguments rose, and unlike the previous contempt, more students were talking about her “extraordinary function”.

That's right!

In the world view of the undead, the resurrection of the undead is simply not comparable to the purebred undead. The appearance of Shen Yanxiao is a special case. She slaps the loneliness and slaps the slap in the wind.

All the students regard the existence of Shen Yanxiao as a legend, and all kinds of gossips begin to go away.

Among the multiple versions, Shen Yanxiao has been circulated as a third kind between the resurrection of the undead and the purebred undead.

Even some students have begun to work hard to find out the background of Shen Yanxiao, trying to find out what clues.

But the tragedy is that they don't understand the tutor at all. Apart from knowing that she is Kyle's referral, there is no information at all.

Countless curiosity, being mysteriously killed by Shen Yanxiao.

A few happy couples, Shen Yanxiao's reputation rose, but Luoqiu was a storm.

Luo Qiu lost, and there was no suspense in losing. The students who were carried back that day did not get up from the bed after three days.

In the face of all the instructors and students of the School of the Fire, Shen Yanxiao beaten Luo Qiu and slaps Lu Qiu with real strength. This is the gap.

Three days after the game, the entire School of Fireworks could no longer see Luoqiu, and he avoided everyone.

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