The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2515: I am not a sage (2)

When Shen Yanxiao built the sacristy for the leaders of the four countries, Donna once asked her why she had the garbage that she had created in the same way as the grain in the valley.

Her answer is simple because of strength.

To fight against the Mozu, the power of the Iron and Blood Mercenary Corps is needed, so she does not count on the suspicion of giving Gu Yu and Gu Feng Sheng, so that they have more viability in the battle.

Why do you complain about the emperor of the Longxuan Empire?

Also for strength.

All of this seems to be so selfless. In order to save the bright continent, we will completely abandon our own grievances and join hands with former enemies.

Quite the performance of the Virgin.

Shen Yanxiao stood in the temple and looked at the gleaming **** in the temple. The corner of his mouth showed a faint smile.

Is that true?

Obviously impossible, Shen Yanxiao has never been a good person, not the kind of savior who will sacrifice the ego for the sake of justice. She is so hard, running around, even letting her former enemies become stronger, the reason is very simple.

Because she wants to live well.

The victory of the Mozu, the bright continent will completely fall, her ridiculous land will not be guaranteed, the day will not be occupied by the Mozu, and those in the city will also become the soul of the Devil's knife, those who care about her It will also die. What she wants to save is not the bright continent, nor the human beings, but herself, and the people she cares about.

The invasion of the Mozu has forced all the forces of the Guangming continent to unite. No one will be jealous at this time. Shen Yanxiao, no matter how much help they give them, can only become a help against the Mozu. Moreover, even Shen Yan Xiao gave them some, but still can't let them surpass her power. For her now, Gu Feng, the emperor of the Longxuan Empire, their guys, have no qualifications to be enemies with her. She only needs one finger to crush them.

Instead of solving them for a moment, it is better to give him some sweetness, let them sell for her, and protect the bright continent.

From the beginning to the end, Shen Yanxiao is not a savior. She is just using all available resources to ensure future survival.

Here is Shen Yanxiao, after becoming the demon lord, learn, the skill of the royals.

If she is alone, she can let the Mozu attack, even if the bright continent falls, the world is ruined, and she has the ability to guarantee her survival. This ability, I believe that other members of the illusion also have.

But in the ridiculous land, there are their families.

The owners of the five great families are old enough to withstand the rushing boat.

Shen Yanxiao stood up, not for humanity, not for the bright continent, not for the world, she was for herself, but herself.

The things she wants to protect can't be preserved by her alone, so she will actively form an alliance, let all the creatures in the world join her to protect her.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is great.

But in fact, only she knows that she is just playing some cleverness under the eyes of the world, but unfortunately, no one can see it.

Gu Yu is grateful to her for her great dedication. Long Yue is grateful to her high-handed hand, she wants this effect.

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