The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2516: I am not a sage (3)

Shen Yanxiao’s mind was very clear, but he never said much.

The other members of the illusion have the opportunity to inherit the godhead, but Shen Yanxiao does not.

Because Shen Yanxiao is very clear, she is not so pure.

Therefore, they are better than her.

"If you can't see the light, let me carry it." Shen Yanxiao laughed, no matter how good she was, how sincere she was, and ultimately she could not escape God's consciousness and could not hide it.

Several teenagers with magical spirits will accept the test of the Protoss, and Shen Siyu and Dragon God will enter the Yushenchi to repair their missing parts.

Among the entire hall, only Shen Yanxiao left and stood there.

She walked over to the throne and looked at the scepter of the gods shining with divine light, squinting at her head.

"You are actually quite irresponsible. Leave so many messes and let the world go to clean up. As a **** of creation, you are so watchful of the world you created, destroyed by Satan, is it really appropriate?"

The scepter of the gods was quietly suspended above the throne, and did not respond to the problem of Shen Yanxiao. He thought that it was quiet and silent in the light of the years here.

"In fact, you are the most embarrassing." Shen Yan Xiao chuckled, feeling that he was quite boring, talking to himself with a scepter.

From the moment she stepped into the city of the sky, her body appeared a little different, but she did not say anything, she could clearly feel that the blood in her body was boiling, the feeling of boiling, but It was suppressed by the divine power in the city of the sky, and it was impossible to get vented. This suppressed feeling made Shen Yanxiao somewhat annoyed, so she was particularly silent on this road.

"Is it the blood of the Mozu? Is it too ironic to want to wake up at this time?" Shen Yanxiao licked his chest, and after the awakening of the mermaid blood, the seal inside her body has been stopped for a long time, now There are only two kinds of alien blood that exist in her body.

One is the blood of the Protoss, and the other is the Mozu.

Can be suppressed by the divine power, can not really wake up, afraid that only the blood of the Mozu.

This time the awakening, Shen Yanxiao does not know whether it is good or bad, but she can be sure that as long as she does not leave the city of the sky, the blood of the Mozu in her body will not really wake up, the divine power in the city of the sky Too strong, suppressing the blood of the Mozu, so that she can not wake up.

Especially when Shen Yanxiao stepped into the last temple, the boiling blood in her body fell to the freezing point in an instant and returned to calm.

The power of the scepter of the gods has completely resisted the blood of the Mozu in her body.

Only by standing in the last temple, she can feel a little peace, no longer irritated.

"Can you hold it?" The low voice came from behind Shen Yanxiao. In the next second, she was surrounded by a powerful arm and pulled into the warm embrace.

"So fast? Qi Xia, they are carrying out the test of the Protoss?" Shen Yanxiao did not look back, this voice is so familiar, this embrace is to rely on her.

"I just need to send them to the test place, the power of the Lord God to stay here, will naturally test them."

As early as Shen Yanxiao's body appeared abnormal, he discovered it, so along the way, he always held Shen Yanxiao's little hand and used his sacred power to resist the awakening of the Mozu blood.

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