The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2517: The test of the Protoss (1)

In the city of the sky, awakening the blood of the Mozu is a very dangerous thing. The magic of the Mozu and the sacred power of the Protoss have a strong rejection effect. Humans and other races can still enter the city of the sky under the leadership of the Protoss, but the Mozu is absolutely impossible to step into this. The Mozu will be sacred to the city of the sky when it enters the city of the sky. The demon is able to withstand this effect, only the demon Satan.

Shen Yanxiao can't bear this kind of rejection effect, so she can't awaken the blood of the Mozu in the city of the sky.

"It turns out that I am very good, you don't have to worry." Shen Yanxiao knew the fear of repairing. She smiled and turned around in the embrace of repairing. She said to the repairing Babba: "I remember a certain uncle, but that year. Promise to pass me, after he is resurrected, take me to his territory to see where he belongs, a grandfather will not be so forgetful?"

Repairing the eyebrows slightly, and stretching his arms, he will hold up Yan Yanxiao.

"I'll take you."

Shen Yanxiao crazy smile.

The light shrouded in their body, and they took a light and shadow to the outside of the temple.

The speed of the repair was extremely fast. Shen Yanxiao couldn’t see the scenery passing by. She leaned on the arms of the repair, her ears stuck on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.


Li Xiaowei woke up from the darkness, and the cold air around him made him feel the cold that had not been experienced for a long time. He woke up from the bitter coldness, but it was a dark and damp old log cabin, broken. The furniture, the patched bedding, and the bowl on the table, missing a mouth.

This picture is strange and familiar.

"Xiao Wei..." The weak voice came from a faint voice, and Li Xiaowei was shocked and turned his head.

On the simple bed of straw stacking, a scrawny woman was lying weakly on the bed, the sunken gangster, the sallow skin color, all ruined her like a catkins in the wind.

The woman's facial features are beautiful, even though she has been thin and thin, but the exquisite facial features still reveal the genius she once had, but the beauty of the past has long been late, and the torture and suffering in poverty and suffering have gradually withered.

Li Xiaowei was dumb and looked at the thin woman lying in bed. The calm heart of the lake was abandoning the huge waves. He stood still and looked at the face imprinted in his soul.

"Mother..." The almost tearing voice, squeezed out of Li Xiaowei's voice, his body trembled uncontrollably.

"My poor child, you haven't eaten for a few days, and the mother is going to cook for you..." The woman lying in bed struggled to get up, but the weak body couldn't supply her enough power. .

Li Xiao’s only arrow rushed up and held his mother.

However, when he reached out his hand, he discovered that his hand had become very small and his height had shrunk a lot.

The hands are not a juvenile hand, but a child who is still young, but young but not rough.

The picture hidden in memory once again overlaps with the scene in front of you.

Li Xiaowei will not forget this day in this life. This is the memory he has always been most reluctant to recall.

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