The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2539: Double God Choice (2)

"Good thing?" Shen Siyu smiled aside and looked at the two gods that were suspended in front of Qi Xia. "If it is the godhead of other superior gods, it is really good, but the two gods... Why Qi Xia Was they chosen by both of them? No wonder the time took so long, it turned out to be the case."

Shen Yanxiao heard a fog, she vaguely guessed that it might be a good thing to be selected by two godheads, but the problem of making frowns was in the two gods that selected Qixia.

"Which are they?" Qi Xia saw a little dignified atmosphere, and it was a bit curious. His companions did not have any problems in the choice of the godhead, but why did he change here when he arrived?

"Death and killing God." The cold and cold spit out two names that make people feel scared.

grim Reaper.

In the true sense, the **** of death is not the true Protoss. Although he has a **** and a godhead, the power he possesses is not a divine power, but a Pluto. force. On the bright continent, there are legends about many upper gods, and the legend about this **** of death is always creepy.

In the rumor, on the day of the death, there will always be terrible disasters, and a living life will die, and their souls will be guided by the **** of death into the secluded world.

Death is not a **** created by the Lord God. He comes from the Nether. After the Lord God and the Devil have created this world, the Death God has crossed the door of the Nether and entered this world. He is responsible for harvesting the souls of all things in the world. Even the Lord God cannot command. Death does anything, he does not listen to anyone's command, he only rules the return of the soul.

In many places, people do not classify Death as a Protoss, but divide him into a secluded messenger. He is fearful and scary. All records about death are always inseparable from death.

Shen Yanxiao and Qi Xia did not think that the **** of death would appear in the last temple of the city of the sky.

Why did this messenger from the Nether leave his godhead in the last temple?

"Death is dead? But I remember that he did not participate in the battle of the gods and gods?" The dragon, who had been silent for a moment, suddenly spoke. He had great resistance to the death. In his impression, it was a day. With a black cloak, the dark messenger that always shields his body and face under the cloak, even if the dragon **** is so nerve-skinned, he can feel the danger when he passes by with the death, so Dragon God has never had any contact with the **** of death. The dragon's instinct makes him subconsciously away from this terrible creature.

"He didn't die, he didn't fight. He just left here and returned to the Nether. He said that the world is in chaos. He will not intervene. He extracted the godhead from his body and placed it here, waiting for the next. The arrival of a successor." Shen Siyu was the last survivor of the Protoss of the Demon War, and the only one who knew the death to stay.

Death is not a part of the Protoss. He stayed in the city of the sky because he had an agreement with the Lord God until the Lord God disappeared. The battle of the gods and devils began. The **** of death was always watching, in the battle of the gods. At the end, he chose to leave the world and return to the mysterious ghost.

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