The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2540: Double God Choice (3)

Why is it that the godhead is left behind? Even Shen Siyu is not very clear. He only said that before the death of the **** of death, this world will usher in a new generation of death. He has already finished his mission.

The godhead of death finally chose Qi Xia as his successor. This sudden incident made the three superior gods present very strange.

"Is it true that death is true? He left the godhead, is it really for the next successor to replace him as a new death?" Dragon God bit his teeth, he always thought that death is a very unsocial God, and his power does not belong to the Protoss, even to the world, like the Eudemons summoned by the Summoner, he comes from another world.

"Maybe, but we don't understand the power of death. He has never shown real strength in front of us. Although Qi Xia is a good qualification, he is human after all. Can he bear the power of death? "Shen Siyu's brow can't help but wrinkle. Death is the **** they don't know the most. They can't grasp how powerful the power of death is. If his strength exceeds the limit of Qixia, it's not good. It is.

"That let Qi Xia choose to kill God?" Dragon God proposed, after all, compared with the unfamiliar death, killing is also a good god.

However, Shen Siyu sighed and said: "Do you think Qi Xia is suitable for killing God?"

Kill God and kill the **** of blasphemy.

If death is only responsible for harvesting those souls that have passed away, then killing God is the pioneer of the road to death.

"Oh." Dragon God immediately closed his mouth.

"Killing God? I have never heard of this superior god." Shen Yan Xiao Biaoba eyes, there are many records about the Protoss in the world. After knowing that Xiu was a Protoss, Shen Yanxiao also studied the legends about Protoss. However, she has never heard of the word killing.

However, when she first encountered the blue-brown glass, she had these words in her head.

Kill the Quartet! Murderous!

Although it is not very clear what kind of **** is killing God, it sounds very fierce.

"The city of the sky has not killed God for a long time. Killing God is one of the earliest gods created by the Lord God after the construction of the City of Sky. Only then he fell, his godhead has been preserved here, the Lord God. I once thought about the new **** that the Protoss gave birth to the goddess of killing God, but unfortunately it was finally lost." Shen Siyu explained.

There is only one killing **** from the beginning to the end of the city of the sky.

"Degenerate? Why?" Shen Yanxiao looked at Shen Siyu. The Protoss would not be damaged before the Battle of the Devil, let alone the upper god, and there is no record of killing the gods in the world. It is obviously because of the killing of God. The time is very early, much more than the beginning of the war of the gods, so the world will not leave his words.

"Killing the gods to fight back." The sound of the cold and clear voice sounded loudly.

Shen Yan Xiao’s heart jumped.

"The power to kill God is very strong. It is second only to the **** of the gods. The power of devouring by the gods is the most powerful existence of the upper god. The killing power possessed by the gods is also terrible. If it is killing. The power is fully open, killing God can really fight with the fighting god, but the power of killing has one of the most terrible drawbacks, that is, anti-phasic."

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