The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2541: Double God Choice (4)

"The power of killing will make the soul lost in killing, burning the soul. Once it exceeds the limit, it will have a strong anti-phago effect on the body. Killing God's death is precisely because of the anti-phagic power of killing. After a long period of time. In time, the Lord God did not intend to let people inherit the gods of killing God. Until then, the Lord God selected the right candidate, but in the end he was still worried that the power of reflexion was too strong, and gave up this plan." The explanation explained: "And killing Once the force is used, it will gradually lose the user's soul, and then the strong willpower will gradually become lost in the killing due to the influence of the killing power, completely lose the self and become a weapon that only knows the killing."

"Who was selected?" asked Shen Yanxiao.

"Ya Fork."


Shen Yan Xiao Yan eyes wide, Yaksha inherited the **** of God?

That is not...

Shen Yanxiao simply can't imagine that the Yaksha itself is already very ferocious. If it is accompanied by such a murderous godhead, the character is definitely to be distorted!

"I suddenly felt that the time of the Lord God to do things is quite reliable." If you really let Yaksha inherit the **** of killing God, then it is definitely a depressing upper god, the terrorist index is forced to overtake the death!

It is only the death of the dead that only collects the dead souls of the deceased and guides them into the world that belongs to them. In a sense, he is still a transporter of life.

Death does not produce the soul of death, and death is only a porter of the dead soul.

But killing God is born for killing!

Shen Yanxiao is very fortunate that the Lord God did not have a brain to enter the water to complete a killing, or else, after the disappearance of the Lord God, there is no need to come out of the Mozu to chaos, a killing **** of light is enough to cholera the world!

However, these two gods, the total looks like half a catty, no one is better than anyone.

Shen Yanxiao did not understand, why Qi Xia, a sunny boy, would be favored by these two ferocious goddesses. So many of the protoss of the Protoss did not select him, but he was killed by God and death. How to choose?

It is to choose the **** of death with unknown strength, risking the possibility of exploding and dying, and inheriting the power of the unseen evil.

Or choose strong, but at any time there is the possibility of being killed by the power of killing?

This horizontal view, is a dead end, okay! !

"Or, we are waiting? Maybe other gods also have to look at Qi Xia?" Shen Yanxiao did not want to let Qi Xia risk this, to inherit these two unstable godheads.

Inheriting the godhead of death, it is now possible to die, inherit the godhead of killing God, and may still die in the future! !

"Impossible." Shake his head and shake his head.

"Why?" Shen Yan Xiaodao.

"The power of killing God is second only to me. The selection of the godhead is the strong first. Unless killing and death directly give up the choice of aligning with summer, other gods will not move again." The Protoss is also hierarchical.

Shen Yanxiao instantly rubbed her shoulders. She looked up at Qi Xia and found that this guy was not nervous, but looked at her tangled face with a smile.

"You still have a mood to laugh!" Shen Yanxiao hated to slap the idiot, when is it, he can care about his life and death! This is what is going on, and actually recruited these two upper gods, the character is simply low and broken!

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