The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2552: The amount of information is too large (3)

Kirin and his team quickly rushed to the wall of the city, a cold figure has long stood there.

The blue-brown glass tilted slightly to the head and looked at the dark night sky. The night of the ridiculous land could not see a trace of starlight, but he did not look at it, as if he was afraid of missing something.

Suddenly, a dark ray of light appeared in the dark night sky. The light beam shot straight down from the dark clouds and sprinkled on the silent day without falling into the wall.

The dazzling light, the thorns of the people can not open their eyes, they can only sew their eyes, vaguely can see a few shadows in the light from the sky!

The holy white light, with a strong sacred atmosphere covering the whole day, did not fall. Under this breath of infection, all the elves ran out of the place of rest for the first time. The elves rely on the nourishment of the tree of life. They are very sensitive to the power of holiness. The sacred power of the Protoss is a power for the elves to make them feel comfortable and yearning.

Among the light, a few shadows gradually came out, the most eye-catching, that is the man who led.

The golden scorpion is so eye-catching in the light of the night, he just stood quietly on the wall, but he has already dared not to speak loudly, and everyone’s eyes are concentrated on him. That kind of high is above, so cold and proud, awesome.

On the side of the man, there are two handsome men who have the same color as him. They are different from him. The man on the left has a gentle expression and a smile on his lips. The smiling golden plaque seems to make people feel Very warm, but the man standing on his right side is going to be wild. The golden scorpion reveals unruly arrogance, and the strong arms make people feel full of strength.

Three pairs of gold? !

Ink rain can't believe his eyes. Although he has learned from the mouth of the Elf King that he is living in the world, he thinks that there is only the **** of the gods in this world, but nowadays In front of them are three protoss with golden scorpions!

Protoss is the main fighting power against the Mozu, and the appearance of each protoss will make them hope for victory more!

"The head is the fighting god!" Morey clenched his fist and resisted the inner heart of the excited man staring at the god-like man that day. Although there were three protoss at the same time, he still saw the **** of the gods at a glance. Identity.

Even among the powerful Protoss, the momentum of fighting God is not comparable to the ordinary superior god.

The other two Protoss, though seemingly very powerful, but when they stood by the side of the gods, their light and momentum, has long been suppressed by the **** of war.

The first upper **** under the Lord God! Sure enough, the name is not lost!

"The Protoss has other survivors, which are the upper gods?" The ink wind excitedly bite the lip, no matter what mood they had before the arrival date, but now, when They saw the moment when the three Protoss appeared, and everything is no longer important! They are so embarrassed, it’s really worth it!

The power of the Protoss has been revealed in the last battle of the gods and gods. Every superior god, in the minds of other races, is the peak that cannot be surpassed, and is the goal of their eternal pursuit.


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