The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2553: The amount of information is too large (4)

"Wait a minute, I seem to see Xiao Wei and Ah Yu." Mo Yu blinked his eyes and tried to find two familiar but somewhat strange figures under the aura of the three Protoss.

Familiar with the appearance and shape of Li Xiaowei and Yan Yu, their appearance is no different from when they leave the Shenyue Continent, but the strangeness is the exhalation of them, although under the cover of the three Protoss, The breath is not obvious, but the ink rain can still feel the difference between them.

Standing with Yan Yu and Li Xiaowei, there are three human teenagers who are equally outstanding. They stand behind the three protoss. Although they cannot cover the glory of the Protoss, they will not let people ignore their existence. They are full of vigor and vitality, and they are full of self-confidence and vitality. They are faintly faintly visible in their bodies. It is not something humans can exude!

"They really accepted the baptism of the Protoss." Mo Yan sighed at the five human teenagers. Even with the discerning eye of the elf, he could not find the inadequacies of the five teenagers. They So quietly standing behind them, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, it makes people feel thrilled.

Qi Xia and others, this is the leader of mankind, their qualifications are already very high, and now they have accepted the care of the Protoss, and there have been shocking changes in the body. This change, from the outside, perhaps It’s not obvious, but the breath they’ve radiated has changed completely. If it’s not the ink rain, they knew them before Li Xiaowei, knowing that they are real human beings, just relying on breath to judge, I’m afraid they will mistake the five. A teenager is also a surviving protoss.

The atmosphere of the Protoss has permeated them, although it is not as rich as the three true upper gods, it is already very obvious.

The repair and return of the people made the whole day fall into the excitement. More and more people and elves gathered under the wall to pay homage to the glory of the Protoss.

However, there was a figure in this crowd that looked very lonely. He came with hope, but he did not see the person he met. Under the glory of the returnees, he did not find the wipe in his heart. Figure.

The blue-brown glass slid silently from the wall, and the lonely back was hidden in the darkness.

The care of the Protoss and the Protoss has nothing to do with him.

Even, everything in this world has nothing to do with him. He cares, he only cares about one person.

Except for her, who is not important to him, it doesn't matter.

The departure of the blue-and-white glass did not disturb the atmosphere of this moment, and everyone was still in a state of great surprise.

Like the blue glass, Suzaku is also trying to find an unscrupulous master, but unfortunately, he has been looking around for a long time, and he has not been able to find Shen Yanxiao.

This unscientific!

Suzaku’s brow wrinkled in an instant. Shen Yanxiao was the city of the sky with them, but why did the members of the repair and the illusion come back, but Shen Yanxiao did not show up?

Suzaku looked at his chest. Before he felt strange, Kirin had sensed their return to Qi Xia, but he and He did not feel anything.

Could it be that……

His master, and "run away from home"? !

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