The girl of the Mozu sat on the ground, holding the chin with one hand and looking at the seal that was about to be broken. The dark purple eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

"Devil world, I always feel that something very interesting happens." The girl's mouth is slightly smacked, and the bad smile is so familiar.

This girl who appeared at the entrance to the Devil is not a neighbor. It is a professional household who runs away from home. Shen Yanxiao is also!

As early as the moment of entering the city of the sky, the blood of her Mozu will be awakened. If it is not the sacred power in the city of the sky, I am afraid that she will awaken the blood of the Mozu on the spot, but this suppression But it can't last forever. After Qi Xia and others inherited the godhead, Shen Yanxiao finally realized that the sacred power of the city of the sky is afraid of suppressing her awakening impulse, so she took her away from the first time. The city of the sky.

However, Shen Yanxiao, who left the city of the sky, did not let her take her back to the sun, but came to the valley.

When the blood is awakened, Shen Yanxiao is already a light-hearted road. After this awakening, she immediately checked her body. In addition to the body becoming a demon, she did not change much, and Suzaku and Yu still have the spirit. The link, but the intensity of this spiritual link is very weak, can only let her sense that Suzaku and Sui also have a contractual relationship with her, but can not directly contact them through spiritual strength.

The blood of the Mozu is awakened, which is a good thing for Shen Yanxiao.

The awakening of each kind of blood will bring her tremendous strength. The five wars of the illusion of the gods, which have inherited the gods, have successfully acquired the strength of the god-level profession, but Shen Yanxiao is slightly worse than them. Inferior, if this time can completely awaken the blood of the Mozu, Shen Yanxiao believes that her strength can definitely break through the **** level professional!

As for why she didn’t return to the sun, she ran to this place...

As a professional thief, Shen Yanxiao knows that it is time to show real technology! It’s nothing to steal money and steal treasure! What she is going to challenge this time is to steal the plan of the Mozu attack from the Devil!

That's right!

After Shen Yanxiao has been the lord of the ridiculous land, the general gadgets do not need her to shoot. Once she wants her shot, it must be a shocking goal!

Going deep into the devil world and stealing intelligence, this kind of madness is only something she can do.

In the hands of Satan, she can steal what she wants. How can the devil world let her back?

The Mozu has been sealed out of the bright continent for nearly 10,000 years. When they are isolated, they also have isolated all the news of the Mozu. Even if they are repairing, they cannot judge how powerful the Mozu power is. Therefore, Shen Yan Xiao will take risks and want to go to the devil to find out.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other can only be a battle!

This is also a last resort. Shen Yanxiao is not sure that he can win in this big battle. He can only let himself master more chips.

With more chips, you can reduce the sacrifice of the battle by one point.

Shen Yanxiao is too lazy to manage the lives and deaths of the other four countries. What she wants to protect is the loyal followers of her group.

The awakening of the blood of the Mozu, just gave the opportunity of Shen Yanxiao, she must grasp it anyway, must be in front of the Mozu attack, to explore the real situation of the Mozu.

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