I sneaked into the Mozu to steal information, but it was different from other races. When Shen Yanxiao saw Satan for the last time, Satan’s words made her very upset. The seal left by Shen Siyu was single, and Satan might have returned to the devil. The family, commanding his army.

It is almost impossible for Shen Yanxiao to sneak into the Mozu by sneaking into the abyss. The more noticeable, the more likely it will be noticed by Satan.

Although she believes that her identity will not be dismantled, Satan knows her mixed blood. She is likely to be discovered by Satan if she is not careful, so this time she did not even bring Suzaku and Skull. Like Sayal, Satan found her anomaly through Warcraft. But even so, Shen Yanxiao should be careful and careful, she can eat a lot of losses in Satan's hand, this time single-handedly sneak into the devil world, if it is dangerous, it is called every day should not be called the ground is not working.

When he was sent to Shen Yanxiao, he once had three chapters with Shen Yanxiao.

First, she must not show her strength in the devil world. Second, she must never go to a dangerous place. Third, seeing Satan must avoid it in the first place.

This is the first time, repairing and letting Yan Yanxiao go to such a dangerous place alone.

It was also the first time that Shen Yanxiao went to the enemy's territory alone.

Nervous and uneasy negative emotions linger in Shen Yanxiao’s heart. She knows that as long as she passes through this seal, she will step into Satan’s territory and she will not be able to return to the bright continent until Satan breaks the seal.

Shen Yanxiao understands that the current seal power is already very weak. Satan can smash it at any time. The reason why he did not do this is that the Mozu is not ready to attack, so it will be so fearless.

Being arrogant is the nature of Satan.

go with? Still not going?

Shen Yanxiao has asked himself this question countless times.

Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath and stood up.

Set it to death and then live, do not enter the tiger hole is not a tiger!

She fights!

After finally checking out what was on her body, Shen Yanxiao took down the moonlight necklace on her neck. This thing was too eye-catching. Satan was familiar with it. She didn't want to lose big because of it.

If she really encounters something that needs to be hidden, she can use the medicine. Although she can't hide it for a long time like a moonlight necklace, she can temporarily hide her breath when needed.

After she was fully prepared, Shen Yanxiao finally took the first step, and she stepped toward the seal step by step.

This is an adventure.

Win, she will get the most needed intelligence for the league, lose, she will not be able to return to the bright continent.

When Shen Yanxiao came to the seal and felt the residual force on the seal, she resolutely entered the seal.

The darkness shrouded Shen Yanxiao in an instant. She felt that there seemed to be wind flowing around, but it was not real.

Shen Yanxiao’s eyes widened, but nothing could be seen. The dizziness that was constantly coming from her head made her understand that this was the feeling of crossing the passage.

Connected to the channel of the devil and the bright continent, for the first time ushered in a special traveler.

After a moment of darkness and dizziness, Shen Yanxiao’s eyes finally showed a glimmer of light.

But that is bright, but not accurate.

Presented in front of Shen Yanxiao's eyes is a scene she has never seen before.

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