The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2572: Ghost King City (1)

Qingjun ushered in a guest. This time he put down his research and went to the front of the pavilion to talk to the guest.

Shen Yanxiao stood by.

Looking for Qingjun is a burly Mozu, from which he can feel his power.

This Mozu is the most powerful one except Satan.

"Ghosts will let me greet you." The Mozu man has a courtesy.

"There is nothing to say directly." Qing Jun obviously did not mean to be with the other side.

Shen Yanxiao thinks that Qingjun’s arrogant character, if not for his usefulness to Satan, is that he has already died in the devil world for thousands of times.

Really too owe!

The Mozu man seems to have been accustomed to Qingjun’s “Tengjiao”. Instead of being unhappy, he respectfully said with a smile: “Ghosts will ask you to go to the ghost king city. There are some things to be dealt with at the border, which may disturb you. Your research, this is what the devil is."

Qingjun’s brow wrinkled slightly, and it was obvious that the last sentence of the other party made him hesitate.

Qing Jun can not buy the account, even if it is called the ghost, he may not be in the heart. But in the devil world, the only one that can't be ignored is the demon god. He controls everything in the devil world. It is the only supreme **** in the devil world. Defying against him will definitely ushered in the disaster.

The meaning of the devil is absolutely in the devil world.

"You can rest assured that Qingjun adults have already investigated the medicinal materials here. They can help you transplant them in a short time. The ghosts have already prepared the place for you, and everything will be placed according to what you are used to. The Mozu's man smiled and said his voice was very humble.

However, Shen Yanxiao heard it, but the meaning in this statement is very tough.

Listening to the tone of this Mozu, Shen Yanxiao estimated that the name of the devil will be one of the twelve devils, the status is second only to the devil Satan.

If Qingjun moved over, Shen Yanxiao also followed the past, just following her wish.

How to decide, you must look at Qingjun’s answer.

"When is the departure?" Qingjun did not refuse.

"The sooner the better."

"She, come with me." Qing Jun suddenly pointed to Shen Yanxiao.

This makes Shen Yanxiao very surprised. Qingjun is frowning every time she sees her. She always thought that this product hated herself. She just wanted to know how to fool her and bring herself to the ghost city. As a result, the boy consciously put her on!

It’s so sweet!

"She is?" The Mozu man looked at Shen Yanxiao's eyes a little sharp, not as respectful as Qingjun.

"The maid." Qing Jundao.

The Mozu thought for a moment, as if they understood something, did not say more.

Qingjun and Shen Yan Xiaolian did not have time to clean up, and they were stopped by the Mozu on the carriage parked outside the door. It is obvious that the Mozu had decided from the beginning that Qingjun would not defy the command of the demon god, so On the surface, he seems to be negotiating. In fact, this has already been done, and the carriages are ready!

It is said that the carriage is not accurate. It is pulled by a few strong monsters. The body of the monsters is very similar to a horse, but it is dark and red blood is scattered all over them. On the skin, even their eyes are blood red.

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