The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2573: Ghost King City (2)

The space of the carriage was very large. Qingjun sat in the innermost part. Shen Yanxiao looked at his disliked look and sat consciously at the door. The Mozu was responsible for driving.

Along the way, Qingjun said nothing. At the meal, the carriage will stop and the Mozu will supply their food.

During this time of the road, Shen Yanxiao’s brain began to run fast.

It’s good to follow Qingjun’s visit to the main city of the Magic, but there is still one thing that makes Shen Yanxiao very concerned.

That is what the Mozu wants to do at the border?

What is the saying of the Mozu, is it an excuse to take Qingjun away, or is this really true?

If it is an excuse, it doesn't matter. If it is true, Shen Yanxiao needs to pay attention to what they want to do.

Only now, she does not have this time, she must first understand the main fighting power of the Mozu.

I hope that the results of the Ghost King City and her party will not disappoint her.

The speed of the monster is much ten times faster than the horse. After a few days of effort, they arrive at their destination.

The black city seems to make people feel horrible. Compared with the excitement at the border, the atmosphere of Ghost King City is much more suppressed.

The Mozu on the road are all low-headed and squeaky, without beautiful lights or pleasing songs.

Here, it is like a ghost town.

Qingjun’s new residence was arranged in the center of Ghost Town, where the yard was bigger than the border, and the medicine was already prepared, much larger than before.

Qing Jun is quite satisfied with the arrangement here.

"Qingjun adults should take a break first, then I will inform the ghosts to be adults." After the Mozu arranged, they retire.

Qingjun’s first inspection was the laboratory, and the results were not bad.

Shen Yanxiao stood on one side and seemed to have no abnormalities, but her mind was already active at the moment she entered the ghost city.

Entering the Ghost King City, she can't stay with Qingjun all day long. With the character of Qingjun, I am afraid that there will not be too much contact with the ghost, and there are too few clues.

Fortunately, Qingjun likes to stay in the lab all day, and Shen Yanxiao has the opportunity to sneak out to find information.

After half a day, the ghost will be late.

When the ghosts will come, Shen Yanxiao is hiding in the chair of the hall and planning tonight's action, a series of knocking on the door, awakening her from thinking.

Opening the door, Shen Yanxiao was immediately overwhelmed by the powerful magic of the face, an invisible pressure covering her, a drop of cold sweat oozing from her forehead.

The Mozu, standing outside the door, is tall and handsome, but the beautiful face has a scar with a damaged appearance. The little finger is skewed on the cheek. Shen Yanxiao’s breathing became slower, and the powerful magic of the other side made her feel shocked. Needless to think, she also knew that the demon in front of her eyes would be one of the twelve devils!

This is the first time Shen Yanxiao has contacted the demon of this level, but this contact has surprised her heart!

Today, she is already the strongest of the sacred church, only one step away from the god-level profession, but when faced with ghosts, she feels irresistible suppression.

This is the absolute suppression of strength!

The power of the magic will have reached such a point!

Shen Yanxiao thought that the god-level profession should have been able to confront the devil, but now it seems that she is not so sure.

The magic will give her the feeling, like the dragon **** and Shen Siyu, has been forced to the upper god!

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