The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2603: Final preparation (3)

When Shen Yanxiao’s words, everyone’s heart sank.

They are very clear that at this time, Shen Yanxiao is definitely not going to make such a joke.

"Wearing the ear." Elf King's face was slightly white, trying to calm down.

"The number of the Mozu army is far above our previous expectations. It is just the elite troops of the Twelve Devils. It has already reached tens of millions, not to mention the ordinary soldiers in the Mozu, and the countless demons. And the demon beast, I followed the first group of the Mozu through the Mozu channel, the number of the first batch of the army is more than 300,000, and this number, even one percent of the Mozu army is not ! Shen Yanxiao frowned.

Departing from the demon world did not have any difficulty for her, but when she sneaked into the first army that led to the bright continent, she was completely shocked. When she crossed the passage and went to the bright continent, she was connected to the devil in the channel. The place, looking at it, is densely packed with the army of the Mozu waiting to pass through the passage. Shen Yanxiao swept away and could not see the end.

That is definitely the most horrible team she has ever seen.

Compared with the army of the Mozu, whether it is the army of the ridiculous land or the former four-nation alliance, there are few pitiful.

It was like a tide-like army of the Mozu, watching Shen Yan Xiao Jing’s fear and fear, such a huge army, coming out of the nest, the end of the bright continent... arrived.

If she did not unite with other races in advance to fight against the enemy, human beings alone, for up to ten days, the bright continent must fall!

The Mozu is really the most terrible race in the world!

Shen Yanxiao can never forget that the Mozu army, which is full of mountains and plains, has swallowed up the entire border of the demon world. The city on the border has been slightly flattened. All this is to allow the Mozu army to concentrate on the passage.

The places where Shen Yanxiao’s eyes can see are the soldiers of the Mozu. She didn’t even see the shadows of the demon and the monster. It is conceivable that the army that shocked her is only the Mozu’s own troops. The army of demons and monsters simply cannot squeeze into the field of Shen Yanxiao.

The huge army of the Mozu is the number that Shen Yanxiao can't care about, from as little as 30 to 40 million, and more...

Shen Yanxiao could not imagine.

With such a huge amount, it is necessary to say that Shen Yanxiao, everyone in the hall, after hearing what Shen Yanxiao said, has completely quieted down, and there is a deadly death in the entire hall.

Tens of millions of troops...

What a horror!

There are many ethnic groups among them, and there is no more than the number of the Mozu army!

The sheer number of demons is simply the horror of human beings who can only bow down!

"In addition to the huge amount, the power of the Twelve Devils has exceeded my expectations. I don't think so. I think, among us, except for Yu Yu, Dragon God and Yaksha, if other people want to be with the devil Will be right, ending ... only one dead end." Shen Yan Xiao double fist clenched in the sleeve, forcing himself to ruthlessly say this ruthless words.

Whether it is a ghost or a Sui Emperor, their power is beyond the ordinary strong, only the strength of the superior **** can compete with them.

Even though Qi Xia inherited the gods of the upper gods, they could not compare with the real superior gods.

If the ghosts and the ghosts put them on, the result is only death!

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