The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2604: Final preparation (4)

Initially, Shen Yanxiao and the cultivating amount had made the leaders of the major races and members of the Magic Group and Shen Siyu, Dragon God and Lan Fengli fight against the Magic, but the situation has changed.

The number of the Mozu army is too terrible. They simply cannot predict how long this battle will last. Let the leaders of the various tribes confront the devil. It is very likely that they will die in the middle of the battle. In this way, their people will The dragons have no heads and become the lambs under the Devil's knife.

Therefore, Shen Yanxiao came back this time and wanted to discuss this matter with them.

Is it to protect the heads of all ethnic groups to the end of the battle, let them command the army, or let them fight against the magic, dragging the most terrible twelve wars of the Mozu?

It is no exaggeration to say that the Twelve Devils will match each of them with a regular army. If they are allowed to enter the battlefield, the consequences can be imagined.

According to the experience of the above-mentioned battle of the gods and devils, even if the leaders of the various ethnic groups do not confront them positively, in order to defeat the army of all ethnic groups, they will find ways to assassinate the leaders of various ethnic groups.

Avoid it!

Shen Yan Xiao’s palms sweat, the battle has not yet begun, and the form is already one-sided.

No matter the number of troops or the number of top powers, they can't compete with the Mozu.

It is no wonder that in the last battle of the gods and gods, the Protoss came out of the nest and led all the strong men of the four major races to fight against the Mozu, and eventually ended up in the end.

The power of the Mozu has been shrouded in the hearts of all races as a nightmare.

"They are really strong?" Meng Qiqi looked up at Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yan Xiaodao: "Beyond me."


There is a dead silence in the hall.

Shen Yanxiao's strength has reached the level of the god-level professional, they can feel this, but even so, Shen Yanxiao said straightforwardly, the twelve devils will be stronger than her!

"It is impossible to fight against the devil. I have already thought about it. Compared with the power of a single person, the army is the main combat power against the Mozu. The leaders of all ethnic groups cannot die. Before the battle begins, the Elf King and the Dwarf King, Dragon King, Yan Yan, you have to transfer your army to the four countries to help them fight against the invasion of the Mozu, and you have to go with the past, I will command the emperors of the four countries to let them save you at all costs. At the end of the war. Yaksha, you stay in the ridiculous land, I will arrange you to stay in the city, this time, I will contain the main fighting power of the Mozu in the ridiculous land, even if they want to capture the other four countries, It is impossible to launch the main force. In this way, the allies who stay in the four countries can resist the attack of the Mozu with the army of the four countries. The longer they resist, the better.” Shen Yanxiao said his intentions.

They can't die, absolutely not!

Once the leaders of all ethnic groups are killed, the battle will not last.

"But this way, my sister, you will not be very dangerous!" Yan Yan Jing stood up, Shen Yanxiao this clearly is to bring the fire to himself!

What is the strength of the ridiculous land? Even if you add the undead and the demon? How can we resist the main force of the Mozu!

"Don't worry, if my ridiculous land can't stop the invasion of the Mozu, then the bright continent will stop them in the city!" Shen Yanxiao's eyes are extremely firm, and the strongest defensive area of ​​the bright continent is in her. The ridiculous land, and only her ridiculous land, can block the main force of the Mozu.

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