The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 96: Deadland of the Northern Territory

   The vast void.

   This rainbow light rises from the Xuanxianting Lake in Tianhuangdong and leads to an unknown place in the Northern Territory, thousands of miles apart.

   This formation channel looks slender, but in fact it is as high as ten thousand feet, and it is also ten thousand feet wide, but the distance is too long.

   "Is this the handwriting of Dongting Longjun?"

   "Amidst the turbulent flow of the void, unhindered, a void passage that leads directly to the Northern Territory was secretly constructed. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years and how much energy was spent."

   "In the record, it was the Heavenly Master Mansion who recruited Dongting Dragon Lord to set up the formation."

   "But now, it seems that it may be the formation of Dongting Dragon Lord that was discovered by the Tianshifu?"

   "Or, Dongting Dragon Lord built this void passage, what is missing, take the opportunity to move closer to the Heavenly Master's Mansion and make up for this passage."

   "Heavenly Master's Mansion built a formation for Dongting Dragon Lord, perhaps it was a means for this dragon clan powerhouse to hide from the surface."

   Zhuang Ming thought this way, and his heart felt a little complicated for this Dongting Dragon Lord.

   According to reason, he inherited the blood of the lord of the Southern Territory, and to some extent, he should be more inclined to the lord of the Southern Territory.

   But at this moment, he vaguely felt that Dragon Lord Dongting might be above the lord of the Southern Territory... at least, above the lord of the Southern Territory he currently knows.

   The two strongest dragons are not ordinary people.

   Especially this Dongting Dragon Lord, can spend countless energy and time, how amazing is this perseverance?

"Dongting Dragon Lord, has such perseverance, and has the courage to refuse Dao Zun, and has his own strong strength, and... the town suits all the monsters in Dongxuan Xianting Lake, independent of all the monsters in Tianhuang, and is independent One party's power shows that its structure is not shallow."

   "From the perspective of the construction of the void passage in secret, the contact between it and the Heavenly Master's Mansion on the bright surface is just taking the opportunity to conceal people and cross the sea."

   "If this is the case, this Dongting Dragon Lord is really not an ordinary person. He has such skills and status, and it is definitely not because of the unique advantages of the dragon clan."

   "From the immediate perspective, it should be planning something."

   "It is such a strong man, who is close to a great supernatural power, but fell at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. What is the connection with the plan behind the construction of the void passage in secret?"

   Zhuang Ming read like this, looking at the Taixu Taoist under his left paw.

   Taixu Taoist has fallen, only the remains are left, and there are vaguely immortal remnants in it, but it is not to be feared.

   Besides, with Zhuang Ming's current skills, even if Taixu Taoist pretends to be dead, even if Taixu Taoist is still in full bloom, there is no need to worry too much.

   Before the opening of the Tianmen, Taoist Taixu was confined to the casting tripod. Since the opening of the Tianmen for more than 30 years, Taoist Taixu could hardly reach the level of Zhuang Ming even if he was alive.

As for the Taixu Qingqi Hualong Chapter, although there are some shortcomings in it, it has been supplemented by Zhuang Ming's use of the Suanji Chapter in the Dayan Sutra. He also has the bloodline of the Primordial Blue Dragon of the lord of the Southern Territory. It is a real dragon. There are no flaws.

  Don't say Taixu Taoist is just a preacher, even the creator of this practice cannot restrain Zhuang Ming in the aspect of the practice.

"The chapter of Taixu Qingqi Hualong originated in the Northern Territory and passed to the hands of the predecessors. Because the predecessors lived in the sky, this technique also came to the sky. After the fall of the predecessors, this technique fell. In the hands of a powerful ancient existence, for some reason, it was placed on the Holy Mountain..."

Zhuang Ming said softly: "In the end, I can get this technique. With today's achievements, the source is also in Senior...Invisible, Senior has kindness to me, and today I will send you back to your hometown. It’s good to be buried, and you should rest in peace to dissipate this lingering thought."

   He said this, his expression condensed slightly, looking at the remains.

   The remains of the Taoist Taixu, no action.

   But there is a faint change of breath.

   In the void passage, there is silence and no wind and rain.

   However, the breath changed, and there was a faint wind.

   There seemed to be weak words in the sound of the wind.

   That is the unquenchable Cannian.

   "Ling... was buried together..."


   Zhuang Ming was silent for it.

   Buried together?

   Who is "ling" referring to?

   He looked at the remains of Taoist Taixu, only felt that the remains of Taoist Taixu became calm again.

After thousands of years of death, the remaining bit of mana, because he noticed that Zhuang Ming was going through the test of Dongting Dragon Lord, so he relied on the remnant thought to urge the Dao Palace formation, exhausted the mana, and now with a bit of obsession, it is said Asked in my heart.

   At this moment, Taoist Taixu's remnant thought is weak to the extreme.

   With Zhuang Ming's ability, it was enough to wipe out all his remaining thoughts, but from the source, Taixu Taoist was kind to him.

   "After I got the Northern Territory, I hope you can make it clearer."


   This is a wild land, boundless.

   If there is no vegetation, life is hard to survive.

   There is only dead silence here.

   It has also become a dead place.

  The Great Tribulation of Antiquity, incited countless powerful people to take action, destroying this place over and over again, destroying all the vitality, even after 60,000 years, the cycle of heaven, and the reincarnation of the four seasons, this place still has not restored the vitality of the ancient years.

   But on this day, the deadly unchanging world ushered in change.

   The sky suddenly shattered, like porcelain, bursting to pieces, revealing an endless, turbulent void.

   And just in the void, there was the sound of dragon chanting, and it suddenly sounded.

   But when he saw a real dragon, he stuck his head out of the void.

   It tore open the void, and then escaped from the void.

  The body of ten thousand feet is present between the heaven and the earth.

   The figure of a dragon with a thousand feet, covering this wild land, in a moment, it is like covering the sky and the sun.

   In an instant, the thunder flickered, and there was a storm.

   But seeing the ten thousand-foot dragon, he shook his body, and suddenly the wind and rain stopped, and the dragon body disappeared, only a figure in the air.

"This is where?"

   This figure is dressed in a gold-patterned white dress, and his face is pretty and, which is quite refined, but between the eyebrows, there is a sense of majesty in power.

   He glanced left and right, his brows suddenly rose.

   This is a dead place, only sand and dust.

   Within the range of perception, there are no creatures.

  Don't say birds and beasts, but ants and insects never existed.

   The vegetation does not grow, the water does not move.

   Even the water here is stagnant water.

   I don't know why, even if you have a cultivation level like Zhuang Ming, standing in this area, there is an unspeakable throbbing.

   Perhaps it is this invisible pressure that prevents all creatures from living here.

   He released his perception again, still nothing.

  There are thousands of miles away, except for sand, gravel, dust, and stagnant pools, nothing else.

   "In ancient times, this was the place of death? The void channel built by Dongting Dragon King secretly chose this place?"

   "Or is it because of the catastrophe that made this place a dead place?"

   "Continue to stay here, I'm afraid I will also get nothing."

   Zhuang Ming paused, after all, he chose a direction, and turned into a ray of light, heading towards the sky.


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