The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 97: Beyond the dead

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Reckless land.

It is about six thousand miles away from Zhuang Ming's place.

This is also a wild wilderness, but the mountains are undulating. Although green mountains and green waters are still rare, there are already plants and trees growing, there are also living creatures, there are birds and beasts, and there are also ants and insects.

Yellow sand withered grass, dusty sky.


But there was a roar of the beast, and there was a beast of Zhang Xu Laigao, like a liger, with its first horn, and was culled.

This beast swiftly flew for three to five miles, and immediately threw down the strange beast under a green tree in front.

The strange beast is about five feet tall, and looks very small compared to this beast. It was immediately thrown down by the unicorn liger. It was about to struggle. The unicorn liger opened its mouth and bit it. At his neck, the strange beast instantly lost its resistance.

The unicorn liger killed the alien animal, and immediately used his minions to tear it apart.

Just when it started to swallow.


A ray of light penetrated the void.

The one-horned liger roared boldly and avoided sideways.

But behind it, it was still rubbed by the light, leaving a blood stain, which instantly oozes blood.

And that light crossed ten miles and inserted into a hill.

With a crash, the hill collapsed, burying the light in it.

Vaguely visible, the light body is just an arrow with the thickness of an index finger.


On the other side, five people showed up, all of them burly and muscular.

They were only under their bodies, surrounded by animal fur, and naked, each with their own weapons.

The person in front, holding a bone bow in his hand, a quiver behind it, and a dozen arrows, obviously the light just came from his hand.

They are all with strong blood and strong physique.

Judging from the previous light, if they were placed outside, they would at least be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with real people of the Jindan series.

But they are obviously not Jindan real people who practice the orthodox methods of Taoism.

Instead, they have cultivated into the existence of the body of the gods and demons, which crossed the boundaries of the human body and exceeded the realm of the martial arts master.


The one-horned liger opened his mouth slightly, grinned, his eyes showed fierce light.

It is a kind of beast that has always held grudges, but it is more capable of judging the situation.

If only one person comes, it must hunt the other person.

But five came, it may not be able to hunt down success.

"Be careful, this guy is going to run."

The man with the bone bow in his hand opened the bow and set the arrow, and said in a deep voice: "You surround it and seal its retreat! It's hard to meet such a big one today. You can't let it run away..."

Normally, they would not hunt such powerful beasts as the unicorn liger, because it would easily cause casualties to their families.

But here, it's too close to the tribe.

Do not get rid of it, it will pose a threat to the tribe.

Even if it does not enter the tribe, the tribesmen who go out, once encountered it, may not escape death.

This time, the five of them went out hunting together, and the opportunity was very rare...If it is normal, if you go out hunting alone, you may not be able to protect yourself if you encounter this one-horned liger.


A place where the wilderness is dead.

Zhuang Ming turned into a ray of light, piercing the sky in a flash.

There are already fifty million miles away from where he appeared.

But within the range of fifty million miles, he didn't see any creatures, or even flowers, trees, and trees. It's just that the farther he went, the more complicated the terrain became, and the appearance of mountains undulating vaguely.


Zhuang Ming stopped suddenly.

He faintly felt that there was an unspeakable barrier ahead.

This barrier is not difficult for him to break.

This barrier seems to separate the two circles.

Quite a bit of the meaning of the Four Elephant Sealing the Devil Formation.

But the Four Elephant Sealing Magic Array is isolated from the inside and the outside.

But this barrier is extremely weird.

It seems that because of the arrangement of the formation, it is not difficult to go forward from here and cross the barrier, but Zhuang Ming faintly feels that if he crosses this barrier and wants to turn around and return, it will be extremely difficult.

"Why does this barrier exist?"

Zhuang Ming thought in his heart, he flew all the way, felt and released, did not find anything, there was no change.

This land is indeed just dead, and if he stays, he will definitely get nothing.

He thought about it this way, but saw that beyond the barrier, about a thousand miles away, there were ants and worms in the land.

Inside the barrier is death, and beyond the barrier there is life.

After careful consideration, Zhuang Ming determined that he would stay behind. I am afraid that he could not find anything weird. After all, he took one step and crossed this barrier.


One step forward.

The two worlds are separated.

Zhuang Ming suddenly felt that a layer of shackles seemed to be removed from his body.

The breath that made him feel throbbing suddenly dissipated.

The outside world is calm and calm.

He felt alive.

"What is this place?"

Zhuang Ming looked back, but didn't stop too much, but moved forward.

He escaped over ten thousand li and saw many creatures.

This land is still a wild land, with sparse vegetation, yellow sand and dust, and occasionally there are ants, insects, birds and beasts, but there is no existence of refined monsters, all of which are ignorant and lacking wisdom.

But going forward, although the vegetation was still sparse, it was denser than before. He even saw a forest with a pool of water in it.

It's just that the forest is not big, only six or seven miles in radius.

"Not bad, the more you move forward, the more vigorous you are."

"Since the Taoist Taixu came from the Northern Territory, it shows that in the Northern Territory, the human race did not die in the ancient catastrophe."

"Further forward, there may be places where the human race lives."

Zhuang Ming read like this, turned into a rainbow light, and moved on.

However, he continued to advance for millions of miles without seeing any people.

However, the creatures here already have the existence of enlightenment.

The mountains are undulating, green mountains and green waters, there are hares, deer, sheep, jackals, tigers and leopards, there is no shortage of spirits and monsters.

However, Zhuang Ming caught a few little monsters, only to find that these little monsters were ignorant. In the mountains, forests and the wild, they are still the weak and the strong, and they have not come into contact with the human world. They are just smarter and more powerful ignorant beasts.

Zhuang Ming was not discouraged, since the more he moved forward, the more changes he made, he continued to move forward.

Going further, it is not far.

In the process of his perception, he noticed the traces of people.

The distance is far, but at least it appears in the perception.


Zhuang Ming was very happy in his heart, driving the escape light and heading over there.

He escaped light faster and did not stop.

Because if you stay for a while, the people over there will die.



The one-horned liger, even at this moment, was excited by blood, and under the dying persecution, began to give birth to another horn, with scales growing on its body.


"It stimulates the blood!"

"Hurry up and kill it! If it is later, its scales will spawn. I am afraid that the swords and arrows we wait will not hurt it! It is invincible, and our tribe is in danger of extinction!"

The young and middle-aged of these five tribes exclaimed, looking very frightened.

But when they reacted, it was too late!

The one-horned liger is even bigger, about three feet tall, like a hill, it is covered with scales, its claws are getting sharper, its first horns are growing, and its eyes are more murderous!

"Can't kill it!"

"Run away!"


Several people scattered and fled!

And the unicorn liger roared suddenly, shocking all directions, and the tiger's might be inviting!

The five had a shocking feeling that it was difficult to escape.

"It's over!"

All five felt desperate.

But at this moment, the world changed suddenly.

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