The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 98: 36 realms of the spirit world

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The one-horned liger, the blood is excited, the first born with double horns, all over the scales, the height soars to more than three feet, the blood is fierce, and the momentum is soaring.

Originally, the five people worked together and deliberately attempted to besieged this one-horned liger, but at this moment, suddenly encountering such a change, even the idea of ​​fleeing for his life was completely deterred by the threat.

Just when the five people were desperate and confessed their fate, they saw the world change.

Clouds suddenly sounded, thunder and lightning, violent storms.

All five went down, trembling and shaking.

And even this beast that was about to become a black scale **** tiger just aroused its blood, lost its fierce power just now and crawled down.


The headed man could not even pick up the bone bow in his hand.

The sudden change caused the changes in the world, and did not make him feel that there was a ray of life.

On the contrary, his heart became heavier.

Suddenly, it was obviously a more powerful existence, a more fierce and powerful person than the black scale **** tiger, capable of changing the colors of the world.

In this world where the weak eats the strong, facing such a strong is definitely not a good thing.

This place is known as the end of heaven and earth, and almost all of them appear here, they are peerless beasts.

The man's heart sank, and the voices and smiles of his wife and children flashed in his mind.

However, he didn't wait for stronger sadness and fear.

I saw a person falling above the sky.

"This fellow Taoist."


There was silence in the field.

The black scale **** tiger crawls on the ground.

All five are in awe.

And in the middle of the sky, there was a person standing in the air.

Zhuang Ming is dressed in a white dress with a gold pattern, and in front of the five people who are naked and surrounded by fur, the styles vary greatly.

And the black scale **** tiger crawling on the ground has a great fear.

The visitor resembled the human race, and took the initiative to ask the five people. He was obviously more partial to the human race, and turned a blind eye to its more powerful monster.

Now it seems that the situation is not good.

Zhuang Ming has other ideas.

He came to the Northern Territory from Tianhuang.

Here, for him, there is no family, no enemies or friends.

He is indeed more inclined to ask the answers he wants from these five people. He has some basic understanding of the world, but he did not punish the black scale **** tiger. It is also because he remains jealous, if these five people do not If he speaks more or is untrue, he can still start from this black-scaled tiger.

Since arriving in the Northern Territory, he flew this way, over tens of millions of miles, and finally the group of people in front of him, as well as this tiger who is comparable to the peak of Jindan Consummation, is also quite rare for Zhuang Ming. Very cherish the opportunity.

Of course, since he encountered practitioners and big monsters here, it means that he will continue to move forward and will continue to meet.


The Northern Territory is the boundary of the weak and the strong.

It is full of desolation.

Respect the strong here.

In the face of Zhuang Ming's extremely powerful aura, these five people all know everything and say nothing.

This is called Guanlingyu.

This is a place where tribes are stationed under the spiritual realm.

The sky is full of yellow sand, the vegetation is sparse, and there are few living creatures. Therefore, the tribes stationed here are also sparsely populated, with low lifespans, and children are difficult to live. Once they get sick, they are in danger of death.

As for the black scale **** tiger, it is also truthfully told. It came from the spiritual realm and wandered around. It hunted for survival in the past. Now hunting is for blood-eating practice. Unknowingly, it wanders here. It doesn't know where it is. What kind of view of the spiritual realm, I thought I was inviting the realm of the spiritual realm.


Zhuang Ming felt a little helpless. He suddenly discovered that the five people present and the black scale **** tiger were all powerful players in the surrounding area, but they had very little knowledge.

Especially these five people, who grew up in the tribe since they were young, hunted and survived in the surrounding areas, even if they had a physique comparable to a real person of the Jindan series, they could be described as cross-training bodies, but they had never left the range of thousands of miles.

This is no less than the scope of a cage for any existence comparable to the Jindan real-life series.

But the five of them have not exceeded this range since they were born.

What’s more silent is that they live so ignorantly that they only know the place where they were born, called Guanlingyu, and their tribe is one of the tribes in Guanlingyu. They are only familiar with the names of the surrounding tribes, but for others The tribe does not know it at all.

They don't know how many tribes there are in the Guanling Realm, they don't know what the Guanling Realm is, and they don't know what the more distant outside world is like.

"Thank you."

Zhuang Ming said like this.

In fact, there are not many such people in Dongzhou.

Many people are ignorant and only know their villages and small towns, but they only know that they are under the Dade Dynasty.

But they don't know what the Dade Dynasty represents, they don't know what it looks like outside of their villages and towns, let alone what it looks like outside the Dade Dynasty.

They don't know anything about the outside world.

"Benefactor..." The young man with a bone bow said suddenly: "We are all reckless men, we only know how to catch some prey and feed ourselves, but the elder in our tribe is the one who has gone out to make trouble. Old, but very knowledgeable, maybe you can ask his old man about what you want to know."


Zhuang Ming was a little surprised and nodded immediately.

The cultivation base of these five people is not high, and their tribe will naturally not be far away.

As for the black scale **** tiger, trembling and terrified.

"You go with you."

Zhuang Ming said so.

The Black Scale God Tiger immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but he was extremely worried.

Since it is accompanied, it will not be killed immediately, but will it be more convenient to kill in the tribe?

Is it a blessing or a curse to follow this strong man?

It thinks this way, but it can't help but make its own choice.


Stargazing field.

Chihong tribe.

This tribe has a population of less than two hundred, but they are all physically strong, almost comparable to the Longwei tribe when Zhuang Ming first met.

However, the tribe of less than two hundred people has no less than ten powerful people who are comparable to the real Jin Dan.

Zhuang Ming learned a little bit, and then he learned that all the tribes were born for hunting, and in order to fight for a more suitable place for survival, conflicts between the tribes often broke out, **** battles were frequent, and many casualties were caused.

"This is a tribe that is constantly bathing in blood."

"People are dying constantly, so the population is small."

"But the young and middle-aged who survived are all elites in all kinds of battles."

"Today's Northern Territory has turned into a wild land."

"Is it because the ancient civilization was destroyed after the Great Tribulation, or... the Northern Region of the ancient times was like this?"

Zhuang Ming was thinking this way, and he had followed the five people into the tribe.


The status of these five people in the tribe is obviously quite high.

Many people in the tribe salute them.

But looking at Zhuang Ming, he was surprised.

Regardless of his clothes, his appearance, his behavior, and his temperament, he is incompatible with this tribe.

Especially the strong young girls in the tribe, who are in the blooming season, look at the people coming, their eyes are shining.

There are also elderly women who sneered, thinking that they were not strong enough, they were not strong enough, nor masculine and handsome, so their eyes were on the black scale **** tiger behind.

"My God! What kind of monster is that?"

"One-horned liger? Not like..."

"Head Yan actually surrendered such a beast?"

"As expected of the most powerful man in the tribe."


The man known as Chief Yan is the man holding the bone bow in his hand. He looked a little embarrassed and smiled sly.

Zhuang Ming didn't care, just smiled.

On the contrary, it was the black scale **** tiger, who was quite dissatisfied in his heart. If the white-clothed man surrendered it, it would have recognized it... just with these five guys, is it worthy to surrender itself?

Helpless now, he came with him and didn't dare to get angry. He was as well-behaved as a rabbit, following behind.

"You all stay here first, I will take the benefactor to see the elder."

Chief Yan turned his head and said like this.

He looked extremely serious, somewhat wary.

This is in the tribe, and the mysterious man who claims to be Zhuang Ming will go with him to see the great elder. Once he leaves here, if this black scale fierce tiger loses its suppression, the consequences will be disastrous.

The remaining four people also nodded sternly.

Zhuang Ming didn't speak. In fact, he was here. This black scaled fierce tiger couldn't turn the wind and waves, but he didn't say much, letting the other party make arrangements.

It's just that the black scale fierce tiger is enough to slaughter this tribe, leaving these four people behind.

This black-scaled fierce tiger also thought so, with a slight disdain in its eyes, but it did not have any thoughts of resistance.


Among the tribe.

Zhuang Ming saw the old man who was respected as an elder.

This old man is indeed different from the other men in the tribe.

The old man was dressed in a long gown, and there were statues in the wooden room with rolls of bamboo slips.

Compared with the tribal men full of blood, this old man has a scholarly bearing on him, but... the old man is a tribe after all, his figure is still tall and thick, and his skin is a bit darker. This temperament becomes It's not obvious.

"Thank you fellow daoist."

The old man gave a polite.

This is a different kind of etiquette, and the posture of giving ritual makes Zhuang Ming feel strange.

At least Zhuang Ming had never seen him in Dongzhou and Tianhuang.

"Senior, you are polite."

Zhuang Ming laughed and said, "It's just surrendering to a fierce tiger with black scales."

The old man sighed: "For you, it may be just surrendering to the black scale fierce tiger. For the tribe, it may be the catastrophe of destruction... The five of them are the strongest warriors of the tribe. If they die, there will be many tribesmen. If we starve to death, other tribes will come to enslave us."

His words are full of complex sighs.

But his cultivation base is far inferior to the Yan leader who holds a bone bow.

When this old man was young, he might have been a cross-training body, and existed beyond the bounds of the martial arts master, but now he is old, with blood and blood, and is no longer as good as the five leaders of Yan.

In such a tribe that respects strength, the old man used his knowledge to make the tribe full of respect for him.

"Dare to ask fellow daoists why they came to the desolate place at the northernmost edge of the stargazing field?"

The old man suddenly asked, looking at Zhuang Ming's gaze, there was something complicated, and then he seemed to think of something, and then said: "If there is anyone who can help, the old man will do his best to help... If the daoist finds it inconvenient, the old man will do it too. Do not ask."

He was scared and asked the other party's intentions rashly. If the other party is not a kind person, he might die and bring disaster to the tribe.

Zhuang Ming saw through his thoughts and didn't break it. He just laughed and said, "I am chasing a strange beast. After spending a lot of energy, I finally killed the strange beast, only to find that this is a desolate and dead place. , Shicai happened to encounter the leader Yan and others, and he saved it...I always like to play. Although there is no scenery here, I am quite curious. I want to go back and talk to the people about what happened here."

The old man's eyes were slightly surprised, but he still said, "This is the star-gazing region, one of the 36 regions of the spiritual world, but it is also the most desolate region in the spiritual world."

Zhuang Ming said slowly: "But this is too desolate. I flew far away, and it took a lot of time before I met the leader Yan and them."

The old man's expression suddenly changed, and he said in surprise, "Are you in the realm of Falling Spirit?"

Zhuang Ming was startled, and said, "What is Falling Spirit Realm?"

The old man asked: "You don't know about Falling Spirit Realm?"

Zhuang Ming shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The old man was even more surprised.

Chief Yan and them, in the spiritual world, the cultivation base is not high. In order to protect the tribe, in order to maintain a livelihood, they have never been far away from the surroundings of the tribe, and what they want in their lives is only for survival. All their minds are on how to maintain their livelihood. The outside world knows nothing, it can be described as a frog at the bottom of the well.

But this young man, since he likes to play, and has the ability to easily surrender the black scale fierce tiger, why doesn't he know about falling into the spirit realm?

This is not a secret in the entire spiritual world.

Unless, this person is not a person in the spirit world.

"You are not from the spirit world?" The old man suddenly surprised.

"..." Zhuang Ming nodded slightly and said, "No."

"No's no wonder that your dress, behavior, and speech accent are all different from the spirit world." The old man said with some emotion, "I heard that there are other realms besides the spirit world. The old man just heard about it and never thought about it. Today, I can actually see the strong from outside the world."

"Old gentleman." Zhuang Ming said: "I accidentally entered the spirit world. I don't know everything about this spirit world. Please also ask the old gentleman to teach me."

"Friends of Taoism are The old man waved his hands hurriedly, and said with a wry smile: "The old man just walked out of the tribe and traveled in other places in the star-gazing region. He also saw the star-gazing region and the star-gazing region. People who have learned to read and write, have read a few books, not to mention the entire spiritual world, have only a little understanding of the history of the current stargazing domain and the current forces, various customs, and anecdotes from various places. "

"Then ask the old gentleman to teach me as much as he knows." Zhuang Ming said in this way: "If you are a newcomer, you may be rude to avoid unnecessary trouble."


The old man didn't doubt that he had him, so he began to talk about the star-gazing field, the star-inviting field, the star-gazing field he knew, and the falling spirit field that he had only read in classics.

Zhuang Ming listened carefully, quite seriously.

This old man has been regarded as a learned and wise man in the tribe.

In the Northern Territory, it is difficult for ordinary people to tell which region they are located in, only which tribe they are in.

It is really rare for the old man to know half of the stargazing domain, even involving other areas.

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