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The black scale **** tiger appeared to be very fierce, and the surrounding tribesmen saw it and avoided it.

Zhuang Ming was consciously dressed in white, incompatible with the tribal costumes of this wild land, and he knew at a glance that he was a person from a distant place, so he turned this fairy vest into animal fur.

It's just that he is from Dongzhou, and he is also the Dragon Lord of the Great Virtue Saint dynasty. He has never been too revealing in his appearance, and he is not used to it, so he is different from Chief Yan...

Chief Yan is surrounded by a wolf skin, bare feet, and his upper body. With his cultivation base, he will not invade the heat and cold, and the skin of his feet will be thick and thick. It is like walking on the ground when climbing mountains and ridges.

Zhuang Ming also wore wolf skin on his upper body, and there was a pair of crude and crude shoes under his feet.

As for the temple hair dress, it also fell apart.


The Black Scale God Tiger is an extremely superior beast. In the eyes of all tribes, both Zhuang Ming and this leader Yan are both unattractive characters.

As for the leader Yan, as the leader of the small tribe, he is also a little-known little person, except for the tribes around them, no one can recognize it.


Chief Yan pointed to the front and said, "You need a small piece of skin to enter Stone City. I will go down."

This is the cost of entering the city. It was not needed when Jieshi City was first established. Later, the tribes found that in Jieshi City, they could exchange goods for things they needed, and they could exchange special products from other tribes. I am full of yearning for this Jieshi City.

Over time, a piece of fur about the size of two slaps became the cost of entering the city.

But when you enter the city, you must obey the rules of the city.

If you want to worship a god, you also need a piece of fur.

"This brother..."

Chief Yan handed over a piece of leather.

The young man at the gate of the city, with a spear in his hand and a short knife at his waist, was also surrounded by leather, and immediately wanted to reach out and take it.

But at this moment, an older man stopped his hand.

"You don't have to give it."

The middle-aged man said so.

Chief Yan was taken aback and looked back.

The middle-aged man turned sideways slightly and said, "According to the city's regulations, the strong above the True Profound Realm will be exempted from the cost of entering the city, but you still have to abide by the rules of Jieshi City, you just go in."

Chief Yan saved a piece of skin and was very happy.

The young guard felt a little painful, and a small piece of skin was also quite precious to him.

Until Zhuang Ming drove the black scale **** tiger and slowly walked through the huge gate.

Zhuang Ming did not expose his power, but the power of the black scale **** tiger made the guards of the city gate hold their breath.

"Is it a pity?"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "You have to understand, this is not a simple character, even the black scale **** tiger can surrender, and he is definitely a strong one! A true Profound Realm physique, the city lord must pay attention to three points. , Do you dare to accept his things? More than a hundred years ago, there was a **** and demon with a true Profound Realm physique. When he came to Jieshi City, because of a small skin that entered the city, he was dissatisfied and directly killed the guards. Later, there was a battle with the city lord, which destroyed half of the stone city..."

The young guard trembled in his heart, not daring to say more.


Jieshi City.

"Here is a **** and demon with a physique in the True Profound Realm?"

"In the stargazing domain, there are no more than thirty in the True Profound Realm, all of which we know, but this...I don't recognize it."

"The newly promoted True Profound God and Demon? Or did it come from outside the star-gazing domain?"

"It's not clear for the time being, but the subordinates here ordered people to pay more attention."

"Just stare at it and see which tribe belongs to and if it can be recruited."

City Lord Jieshi didn't care much in this way.

He was already at the highest level of Profound Profound Realm, and none of the gods and demons in the ordinary Profound Profound realm could stop his punch.

Furthermore, there is still an ancient **** in the city, so naturally there will be no worries.


Fur is not the only currency in Jieshi City.

Dried meat, fresh meat, fruits, spirits, gold stones, weapons, herbs, birds and beasts, and even male and female slaves of certain tribes can all be exchanged.

It's full of barbarism here.

Zhuang Ming watched all directions quietly, and there was no turbulence in his heart.

"Aside from other aspects, this Jieshi City Lord, governing Shicheng and subduing the surrounding tribes, has a good wrist..."

Zhuang Ming said in his heart: "I don't know if he has such a talent, or the **** taught it himself?"


The ceremonial event was held in the middle of the city.

There is a temple there, but it is very simple.

On both sides of the temple, there is an altar with a man and a woman tied to it.

Although this wild tribe, under the wind and sun, men and women have rough and dark skin, and they look old, but this man and woman should not be more than sixteen years old.

Around the altar, piles of dry grass and dead wood.

At the end of the temple, there seems to be a stone statue of a wolf head.

The stone statue has a power to bow down.

"Today is another grand meeting for worshipping the gods."

"There are often natural disasters in the stargazing field. The vegetation does not grow, the birds and the animals hard to grow, and it is difficult for us to survive."

"Today it is Yunqian's turn to offer a man and a woman, blood sacrifices to the gods, to protect my star-gazing field, the vegetation is prosperous, and the creatures grow, and protect my tribes from hunger and cold."


The man at the top, wearing a hideous mask, danced a strange and blunt dance, and yelled.

Immediately there were guards in the city who lit the flames on two altars.

A man and a woman in the flame showed horror and fear in their eyes, but they did not have the thought of struggling. They came here... Originally, they were willing to die for the stability of the tribe, but they were still a little afraid of life and death.

The flames were burning, and people from all tribes shouted.

They look forward to the gods to protect them.


The black scale **** tiger crawled down, and it felt a sense of fear before the **** of the wolf head.

Chief Yan also exclaimed.

"bow down!"

The wizard on the altar shouted loudly.

People from all tribes in Jieshi City bowed down.

Chief Yan also bowed down.

As everyone bowed down, the flame seemed to grow fierce, covering the man and woman.

Zhuang Ming looked up there and sighed slightly.

The wizard on the stage found that there was a person below who was not kneeling. His heart was suddenly angry. He stretched out his finger to Zhuang Ming and shouted: "Where are you from? Why don't you worship?"

Zhuang Ming stood here, surrounded by people from various tribes who had fallen down.

Everyone looked over, looked at this bold, rebellious person, thinking in their hearts, he might be unlucky, and even hurt his tribe~www.ltnovel.com~Me? "

Zhuang Ming laughed, raised his hand, and said, "Wind!"

There was a sudden strong wind, flying sand and rocks, everyone could not see the scene in front of them.

They heard another sound.


The blurry light in front of the eyes dimmed suddenly.

Then the feeling of coldness fell from the sky.

The flame on the altar was extinguished.

The men and women in the flame, in a daze, get a new life.


With a crash!

Thunder pierced the sky and fell from the sky, as if splitting the sky in half.

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