The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 102: Tushen [2! 】

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The world changes color.


Thunder is everywhere, squally showers.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed in the temple.


The temple is broken!

The wizard turned to ashes!

Everything is calm!


There was silence in the field.

Everyone can't believe it.

Protecting the gods of the star-gazing region should be manipulating wind, rain, thunder and lightning, helping vegetation grow, and helping creatures survive, but at this time, they were struck by lightning?

Who is this young man?

How dare he be so disrespectful to the gods?

Some people are angry.

But people with more agile minds find that this young man is even more unfathomable.

"You..." Chief Yan looked back, only to feel dry and dry. All the speculations about this benefactor had disappeared, and there was only one confused thought in his heart: "Who is he?"

"Where did this guy come from?" The black scale **** tiger was even more horrified. It was originally surrendered and was already quite humiliated, but now it has discovered that the one who surrendered itself was an existence that dared to attack the gods.

Dare to attack the gods?

Could it be that he is also a god?


City Lord Jieshi trembled in his heart.

As powerful as him, extremely profound, at this moment, he even felt like an ant.

Who is that young man?

Even the most powerful warrior in the Star Territory, the gods and demons at the pinnacle of the True Profound Realm, did not have such power.


When Jieshicheng fell into silence.

An old voice sounded slowly.

"You dare to spoil the old man for good deeds?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Zhuang Ming's expression was flat and said, "You want to create a god's realm, but the methods are not necessarily worse."

From the time he heard of the **** worship event, Zhuang Ming knew the evil god's plan.

In the name of Jieshicheng, he conquered the star-gazing domain and became a gods domain... In fact, it is similar to his great virtue dynasty.

However, in Zhuang Ming's eyes, the people of the Dade Dynasty were his people.

In the eyes of this evil god, everyone in the Stargazing Region tribe is his material.

Chief Yan mentioned that every time a **** sacrifice ceremony, men and women of certain tribes will be selected for blood sacrifice... This blood sacrifice is not to make the gods stronger, but to let the gods gather the blood of various tribes for easy control.

In Zhuang Ming's eyes, this is a method of collecting national luck, but it is an evil method.

Zhuang Ming collects the national fate, after occupying a place, soothing the hearts of the people, and returning to the people, while the Cthulhu uses their tribal blood to directly manipulate, just like a puppet.

The **** image is not too strong, but if this evil **** succeeds, the stargazing domain will become his **** domain, and within this range, it will become extremely powerful.

"You shouldn't take human blood sacrifices."

Zhuang Ming flicked his finger and said, "I don't like it."

With a crash!

Thunder is down!

"none of your business?"

The stone statue of the head of the wolf suddenly turned away from the outer layer of stone, roaring up to the sky, and roaring: "Nosy! The old man will definitely destroy you!"

After the Bai Shengjun sword broke through the heavenly gate, the immortals of the heavens and worlds have awakened from their sleep. Some people chose to recover, and some chose to continue to maintain their original state, unwilling to easily escape the posture of life-saving that had been maintained for 60,000 years.

The latter are often the existence on top of the casting cauldron, because they have not been able to return to their heyday, and only have the cultivation base of the casting cauldron. I am afraid that after breaking the dormant posture, they will be surrounded and killed by a group of immortals of the cauldron casting.

This idol obviously belongs to the latter.


Zhuang Ming here is not the real body, only his own three factors.

This is not Dong Xuan Xian Ting Lake, nor does it belong to Dongting Dragon Lord to help.

Here, he can only rely on his own power.

So how powerful is his power?

"Since the establishment of the Dade sacred dynasty, since the incarnation of the Tianlong, very few shots have been taken. I will give you a try today."

There was a slight smile in Zhuang Ming's eyes. He did not directly use the skills that belonged to the Holy Mountain, nor did he use the skills that belonged to the line of the lord of the Southern Territory. He used the inheritance of Dongting Dragon Lord that he had just acquired.

Storm, thunder and lightning, all kinds of Taoism.

He didn't even recover the dragon body.

Show your skills only by your body.

That evil **** with the head of a wolf is probably the cultivation base of the peak of the true immortal, and now it is only the peak of the forge. Even if the fortune of Jieshi City is added, the hearts of the surrounding tribes and the power of a small half of the gods are only Let it return to the level of the middle reaches of the true fairy.

I saw Zhuang Ming directly pressing him and hitting him.

In the first round of offensive, the remaining power fluctuated, and there were casualties around.

So Zhuang Ming pressed a detention forbidden technique with his left hand, wrapping the evil spirit of the wolf-head human body in it, together with himself, all inside.

In this way, they will form a realm of their own, and the fight between the two will not affect Jieshi City, and this evil **** will not escape.

"Who are you?"

"Even if you were Da Luo Jinxian back then, you shouldn't be so strong right now."

"How is it possible that someone has a cultivation base beyond the true immortal?"


The evil **** with the head of the wolf yelled again and again, exclaiming endlessly.

It knows that the immortal gods of the heavens and all realms are only limited to the level of casting tripods, but now it has acquired a small half of the gods, has the ability to reach the middle of the true immortal, and is conscious of the current various parties, even the powerful immortals of the ancient times, Neither will be its opponent.

Unexpectedly, the first immortal **** I saw after the catastrophe was crushed and beaten by others.

Now even the escape route is cut off.


Jieshi City.

Countless lights, looking at the sky.

There are two rays of light there.

One is the gods.

One is young people who come from nowhere.

But at this time, it seemed that the **** was suppressed by the young man.

City Lord Jieshi breathed slightly, he felt an extremely strong aura, and even felt that the wolf **** might be defeated.

His complexion changed, but he had no intention of running away.

How far can he escape under the hands of the gods?

It seems that the wolf **** will not last long.

If the opponent beheads the wolf god, the next thing is him, Jieshi City Lord, even during this period, he escaped millions of miles, I'm afraid he can't escape.

His face condensed slightly, then turned his head to instruct his confidant.

This is a middle-aged man.

Upon seeing this, the middle-aged man ran out in a hurry.

Then the middle-aged man mixed into the crowd.

"The wolf **** protects my stargazing domain, there is a foreign evil god, which is bad for my stargazing domain!"

"As a believer in the wolf god, how can I wait and watch?"

"Although weak as an ant, we should be the wolf **** today!"

The middle-aged man shouted: "The wolf **** is invincible!"

There was a voice in Jieshi City and it gradually sounded.

"The wolf **** is invincible!"

"The wolf **** is invincible!"

"The wolf **** is invincible!"


As the sound gradually sounded, it eventually became extremely intense, converging into turbulent waves, and converging into an endless torrent.

Above the sky, the light belonging to the wolf **** suddenly flourished, as if it were much stronger!

In Jieshi City, countless people cheered for it.

Then I saw the light of the wolf god, and it went out instantly.

There was a faint voice from the sky.

"The wolf **** who ate the flesh and blood of your clan is nothing more than that."

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