The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 114: Dragon Town 7 Gods

Northern Territory, Daojie, the sixth palace of Jiugongshan.

Zhuang Ming finally saw the palace.

This palace is being repaired.

The Great Tribulation that year destroyed everything. The Nine Palaces were originally built by the practitioners of the True Profound Peak of later generations, and in terms of architecture, they did not inherit the civilization of the ancient times, so they were extremely crude and crude.

This time, the immortal gods from outside invaded and the local gods resisted and destroyed thousands of miles, and this palace was hardly immune.

Today, the reconstruction is based on the preferences of the ancient gods, refined and built, and it is magnificent and magnificent.

In this desolate place in the northern region, the huge buildings Zhuang Ming has seen, usually a city made of stones, is the first time he has seen such a palace.

"Really good."

Zhuang Ming sighed with emotion.

"Just good?"

At this moment, a voice sounded behind him.

Zhuang Ming's expression remained as usual, without any response.

Thousands of miles away, Zhuang Ming no longer restrained his momentum.

The seven immortals had already sensed his existence.

Nowadays, there are immortals coming to test, just as he expected.

"It's just pretty good."

Zhuang Ming looked at the hall and said with a chuckle: "Above this wild land, such a building is already considered an imagination. For the people of all tribes, it must be a beautiful scenery of the immortal family... However, compared with other places, It's more than a little bit worse."

Behind him was a young immortal **** with a solemn expression, and said, "You mean outside the heaven?"

Celestial realm usually refers to the five worlds of East Continent, Heavenly Desolation, Northern Territory, Heavenly Southern Territory, and Western Region.

But Zhuang Ming knew that the heaven in the mouth of this immortal **** at this time only refers to the northern region.

For the native gods of the Northern Territory, only the Northern Territory is the heaven.

Although there are immortals in Dongzhou and other places, they are no different from ordinary places.

In ancient times, this is the place where the fairy gods most yearned.

"You come from outside the heavens? Are you also an outside fairy?"

Suddenly a sword shot from the young man's hand, stabbing behind Zhuang Ming.

However, Zhuang Ming's figure changed, and suddenly turned into a phantom.

This sword seemed to pierce the void.

But this sword stabbed empty.

"A word that doesn't agree is a fight to death?"

Zhuang Ming's figure appeared thousands of miles away, and slowly said: "Cultivation is not easy. Only through thousands of years of Taoism can you have the cultivation base of casting a tripod. How rare? Just because a word is inconsistent, you have to be born and die. I am curious, how did the gods survive to this day with such a strong spirit?"

The young fairy god's face is ugly, he is naturally not completely unreasonable, but the ancient catastrophe was caused by an outside fairy god, and now he wakes up, he still stays where he was when he was back.

The immortals outside are the enemies of the invaders.

"Who are you? What's your plan here?"

"The road number of this seat is too empty." Zhuang Ming said slowly: "The attack on the Northern Territory back then has nothing to do with this seat."

"Then what are you doing here?" The young immortal gods had cold eyes, and the formation of the six immortal gods formed in the surrounding area.

"The legend is here that there is a secret realm with great secrets buried in it." Zhuang Ming said slowly: "At present, the Northern Territory is isolated from other celestial realms. Even the fairy gods can hardly break the void, so they can travel across the world... whether it is hidden here. Is there a formation leading to other heavens?"


The young fairy looked cold, and said: "You are a capital sin if you covet this place!"


The six immortals in the surrounding area suddenly took off!

Thousands of miles are turned into cages!

The previous conversation between him and Zhuang Ming was originally procrastination, secretly letting the other six fairy gods set up this formation.

In an instant, in the formation, the sword energy was crisscrossed, staggering back and forth, and extremely sharp, as if to split the void.

Zhuang Ming's expression remained the same, unchanged.

"I am coveting this place, it is a death penalty, you seven, what sin should you take to occupy this place?"

Zhuang Ming flexed his fingers and said: "I heard that you are standing here, fighting for the secret realm with other celestial gods...presumably there is something mysterious in this secret realm."

He glanced around, then smiled and said, "This land is temporarily owned by me."


The sword energy around him was immediately evacuated, unable to get close!


There was an old fairy **** who shouted: "I don't know what to say! I wait for the six people to join together, and the true immortal will fall in the first stage. Now the world's cultivation is limited to the level of casting tripods. Even if you were good at that time, it is necessary now. In the Fallen Sword Formation, they dare to speak wild words and occupy this place!"

Zhuang Ming closed his eyes slightly and said in a low voice, "Then try it."

The sky suddenly dimmed.

Clouds suddenly covered thousands of miles.

The storm came suddenly.

Thunder and lightning, rising everywhere.

Whether it was the young immortal **** in the formation or the six immortal gods concentrating on this formation, they couldn't help but feel a little frightened in their hearts.

"what happened?"

"Why are you so palpitations?"

"Could it be that someone in this era has the cultivation level above the caster?"

"Even if it is a true fairy, it shouldn't be like that."

"Don't gossip, immediately change the formation, before the world is condensed, kill him with the formation, then you can dispel the good!"

Just when the six fairy gods reached a consensus in one breath, they were preparing to change the formation.


Longyin all directions!

Amidst thousands of miles, between the clouds, and within the wind and rain, there is a true dragon, wandering in it, accompanied by thunder, with unparalleled power.

Longwei was released instantly, suppressing all directions.

The seven fairy gods are all suppressed.

Suddenly, it seemed that even the mana couldn't run smoothly.

"True dragon?"

"This is Tianlong... a true fairy-level Tianlong..."

"It's no wonder how great the power is, it's close to the big Luo Jinxian."

"Back then, there were great magical powers who wiped out all the sacred beasts in the heavens and all realms with one thought. Why is there still a pure blood dragon in the world?"

The seven immortals were all horrified.

At this moment, they also understood in their hearts why this person has the ability to cast a tripod.

Because this person does have the Dao and deeds on top of casting tripod!

Originally, the ancient gods and beasts died, and all practitioners in the world practiced through the Tianmen Dao. Under the checks and balances of the Tianmen fragments, no one can cross this threshold... However, the dragons do not pass through the Tianmen Dao, so they are not subject to this check and balance.

The dragons can have the cultivation level above the casting tripod!

Moreover, in the same realm, the dragon race is huge, powerful, powerful in mana, and supernatural, which would have surpassed the gods of other races.

"No wonder..."

The seven fairy gods all have terrifying hearts.

However, the Heavenly Dragon has been suppressed.

"This place belongs to me today, but to prevent you from divulging your identities, I also ask you to ban yourself, and then subject to my detention."

The dragon head pierced out of the clouds, huge as a mountain, scaly armored, and deep in his eyes, saying: "If there are anyone who doesn't follow it... don't blame this seat for being ruthless."

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