The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 115: The 6th Heavenly Division of Antiquity

Of the seven fairy gods, four were killed by Tianlong.

Because they didn't know Zhuang Ming, they didn't know the temperament of this Tianlong, and they didn't want to wait for death, so they fought him a battle.

In this case, four fairy gods fell, and the remaining three fairy gods. Seeing that the seven were unable to win the battle, they had no choice but to give up fighting with this dragon family and let Zhuang Ming deal with it.

"I have already told you to wait. I am self-proclaimed and banned by me. When I can be safe and sound, why bother now?"

Zhuang Ming turned into a human body, watching the three detentions forbidden arts transform into phantoms of light, and the three immortals inside were all dejected.

But these three immortal gods did not expect that the dragon in front of them really didn't hurt the killer, and instantly felt sorry for the four fallen fellow daoists...

If I knew this, why bother to fight to the death?

"You turned out to be a dragon..."

The previous young fairy gods couldn't help but whispered: "The ancient dragon, it should be the ancient **** beasts. It is reasonable to say that they have already perished. There will be no more gods and beasts. Through their own blood, they will achieve the way of the gods. You How did you escape the calamity of the year?"

Zhuang Ming looked at him and slowly said, "If you asked me before, I can consider answering you, but now you are only a prisoner under the ranks, how can you be qualified to ask me where I came from?"

This fairy **** suddenly fell into silence.

Zhuang Ming continued: "You have been controlling this secret realm for decades, what can you find out?"

The three fairy gods are all silent.

Zhuang Ming stretched out his hand and pressed it. The four fairy gods who had fallen before were all banned by his restraint technique to avoid the collapse of the Taoist fruit.

But at this moment, he opened his mouth to swallow a Tao fruit and refine it.

Now that he is not himself, the mana of this fruit's refining will pass out sooner or later.

But Zhuang Ming's face remained the same, but he appeared more powerful.

"After eating you, this seat will become stronger, breaking the secret realm forcibly, it must not be difficult, so just give it a try."


Just as Zhuang Ming and Qi Wang thought in the confrontation.

The vast majority of immortal gods who are truly brave and fearless of death have fallen into the ancient catastrophe.

The immortals who survive today are basically good at saving lives.

These three fairy gods did not give up their ten thousand years of Taoism in order to protect the mystery of the secret realm, and abandon the new life that has been lingering for 60,000 years, and now they are gradually recovering...They told all about the secret realm.

"This secret realm is the twelfth Celestial Master of Celestial Master Mansion, the cave mansion of Celestial Master Ke."

"Tianshi Ke is a real celestial wizard. When he was appointed as a celestial master, he was only a true immortal...but that year, he was only one thousand and two hundred years old."

"Three hundred years after he was entrusted to the Celestial Master, the catastrophe broke out."

"Later the Tianmen was closed, and most of the immortals grew old in an instant, leaving only the Taoism of the True Profound Nine Seals, and Shouyuan... only the few lifespans they had left when they were in the True Profound Nine Seals. ."

"Tianshi Ke is 132 years old, who has made a tripod into an immortal."

"After countless immortals and gods in the world have turned into mortal cultivators, as time goes by, people gradually die of life. Until later, the five-element self-appointed method, the art of sleeping that can only be accomplished with the Dao-Fruit Soul, is inscribed in Above the gate of heaven, spread to all the heavens and all realms, so as to avoid the death of all the immortals and gods."

"But there are still people who don't want to fall into deep sleep, but want to try to break the heavenly gate."

"Without exception, they all failed. Some chose to proclaim themselves before their lifespan was exhausted, while some persisted when their lifespan was exhausted, and fell into the afterlife for thousands of years after the Great Tribulation. "

"As for Ke Tianshi, he is the latter."

"But because he was more than a hundred years old, he made great achievements, so after the catastrophe, after many immortals fell asleep, he was still active in the world for more than 1,600 years, and finally fell..."

These three immortals all responded and informed the matter.

The fairy gods of the ancient times were prosperous and civilized, and the life span of the True Profound Nine Seals could reach more than 1,700 years old, which did not surprise Zhuang Ming.

But to his surprise, this Tianshi Ke had been active for more than one thousand six hundred years, and he did not choose to proclaim himself.

"He also doesn't want to seek the afterlife?"

"I don't know..." The young fairy said in a low voice, "But according to the signs we have been investigating in the past few days, it is very likely that he is trying to accomplish a major event, and he will soon be successful, so that he will give up his self-styled and desperate. , But he has fallen, presumably he has failed."

"We suspect it is the way to open the heavenly gate." Another fairy **** responded like this.

"The inner center is the cave mansion of Tianshi Ke, and it has not been destroyed in the calamity. Even after 60,000 years, it is still stable. We guess that there is still the inheritance of Tianshi Ketian..." The young fairy said again.

"Inheritance of Master Ke Tian?"

Zhuang Ming was silent for a moment.

There seemed to be many clues in his heart, and they got connected.

The source of everything, is this Ke Tianshi?

But he frowned slightly, looked at the three immortals, and said: "According to what you said, when Ke Tianshi was appointed, he was only more than a thousand years old, and he was only a true immortal grade... Before the robbery, go one step further and leave a higher inheritance, wouldn't it make you all value it so much?"

The three fairy gods were slightly Ming was also silent, without further questioning.

But while he was silent, he gradually developed Taoism in his hands, seeming to want to destroy the Tao fruit of one of the immortals.

"Tianshi Ke was appointed to the heavens and belonged to the Heavenly Master's Mansion. He possesses the heavenly secret technique and the top inheritance of the gods... and the position of the Celestial Master's Mansion is extremely high. He may have something related to the Great Tribulation of the Ancients. Mystery."

"The Great Tribulation that year swept across the heavens and all realms. I don't know how many immortals and gods fell, and I didn't know how many creatures were affected. We were all wandering between life and death, and finally fell asleep for 60,000 years."

"We also want to know, what the truth is, let us fall for 60,000 years and experience life and death!"

The three fairy gods all raised their heads, and the eyes that looked at Zhuang Ming were full of extremely complicated meanings, and more... unwilling and resentful.

Zhuang Ming nodded slightly, and then said: "This secret realm, this seat intends to explore it personally, the three best inform this seat of everything they know... If this seat returns, you will be free again. This world is self-defeating, although it is only a Taoist technique, but the power of a world to shatter is unbearable for you, and it is basically wiped out. Even if you survive by chance, the damage will probably require you to continue to sleep for 60,000 years. , Gradually recover."

The three celestial gods all changed their complexions, and their hearts sank slightly.

They don't want to fall.

But he didn't want to tell the secret.

They are even more afraid of telling the secret so that Xuan will be silenced.

"Since I don't say anything, the three of you are on the road."

Thunder appeared in Zhuang Ming's hands and said lightly: "Anyway, you have no effect. To tell the truth right now, it is a kindness to this seat, but it can be exchanged for a life, otherwise...the three will be given away."

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