The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 117: Disturbing formation

The cave house of Tianshi Ke is more simple than Zhuang Ming imagined.

As a celestial master of the celestial master's house, he also has a very high status among the immortals.

Although Tianshi Ke’s cultivation is slightly inferior to other celestial masters, he is younger and has higher potential... He was given the title of celestial master at a certain level. It's an affirmation in itself.

But the younger generation of immortals, there are many from all sides, why only Ke Tianshi was awarded?

What is the outstanding point of this fairy god?

Zhuang Ming entered the Ketianshi Dongfu, and what he saw was not a magnificent palace.

This is a mansion.

It just occupies a very wide area.

But outside the mansion, the formations were layered layer after layer.

Each layer of formation has a connection, which affects the whole body.

Thirty-six formations, from small to large, wrapped in one layer, each involved. Originally, these thirty-six formations could not be mentioned as the perfect formations, but they were linked together, which changed the outside of this cave. It's extremely complicated.

"It's a fantastic idea."

Zhuang Ming was quite moved.

This kind of formation is actually the most suitable for Liu Yuexuan to break through... Liu Yuexuan has a great development and calculation, and his own celestial calculations are also quite good. He has a very high experience in the formation. He has used small formations before. , The handwriting to form a big array.

Of course, for Zhuang Ming, although it is a bit tricky, it is not impossible to break it.

He himself has the inheritance of the lord of the Southern Territory and the inheritance of Dongting Dragon Lord. He is also the two top inheritance of the dragon clan, and he is familiar with almost all the methods of the ancient dragon clan.

In addition, during these years, the Dade Dynasty also summarized the practice of many parties, and because of the reward and punishment system, many outstanding juniors, who have gained from their travels abroad, are willing to turn over to the treasury in exchange for rewards. Bao also said...These exercises and the like are the most cost-effective business if they are learned and reported to the Supervision Department.

As the Dragon Lord of the Dade Dynasty, he was not overly arrogant because of the current situation. He also knew about all kinds of strange methods and even practiced.

Among them, the energy he spent on the formation method was second only to the exercise method and the **** channel technique.

Fortunately, he cultivated the Calculating Self Chapter of the Dayan Sutra, and all the methods in his hands can easily calculate to Dacheng.

"Liu Yuexuan is not here, so I will break the formation."


Dao realm, the land of the nine houses, the sixth house.

Where the main hall is, the three immortals are trapped here by Zhuang Ming using the detention technique.

Previously, they had already informed all the formations, mechanisms, secret techniques, and all kinds of strange things around the cave.

That real dragon should be able to easily cross the periphery to the mansion in the center of the cave.

But outside that mansion, thirty-six formations, condensed and unified, are extremely complicated.

"You said this true dragon can break through the formation outside the cave mansion?"

"It's hard to say...Although the inheritance of the dragon family remains in the bloodline, the younger generations can be regarded as an extensive book since childhood, but the methods of the dragon family are mostly exercises, magical powers, Taoism, body-building methods, and so on. There is the inheritance of formations, I am afraid it is also unique to the dragon clan. For example, this type is not in the dragon clan inheritance."

"That's true. After all, the Dragon Race does not gather all the methods in the world."

"If he can't break through Ke Tianshi's formation, will he let me wait to vent his anger? Even if he doesn't vent his anger, I'm afraid he will kill me in order to keep the position of the cave mansion..."

"How easy is Ke Tianshi's formation to break?"

"The youngest celestial master in the celestial master's mansion directly crossed the divine position of the earth master and shocked all the gods at the time, but none of the celestial masters in the celestial master's mansion actually opposed it, which shows that this Ketian master, He has only learned and is recognized by the heavenly masters."

"The Mansion of the Heavenly Master, known as the Calculating Heavens, has entered the celestial masters, earth masters, and immortal masters, all of whom are extremely intelligent and masterful, especially this Ke Tianshi..."

"It seems that the two are not optimistic about his ability to break through."

"This is natural."

"Then I'm afraid the calamity is about to arrive."

"This dragon clan's Taoism is really weird. It forms a world of its own. It is difficult to break. For example, in its heyday, this seat can be forced to try to break it, but now... it can only be in this cage and wait for it to be slaughtered. "

These three fairy gods are considering how to get out of trouble.

There was a loud noise inside.

The hall seemed to tremble.


There was a long silence.

The three immortals are all uneasy.

"He is trying to break the formation."

"Have you succeeded?"

"I don't know... But it's mostly difficult."

"In addition to protecting the mansion, that formation has the power to counterattack. With the arrangement of Ke Tianshi, the ordinary fairy gods are afraid to fall on the spot."

"Did he fall or was he seriously injured?"

"He said that once I fell, I would wait for the outside magic, I'm afraid I would collapse, so it seems that most of them are seriously injured."



Zhuang Ming passed through the formation.

He came to the gate of the mansion.

Even Zhuang Ming's aura was weakened a lot.

"It's more subtle than I thought."

"Fortunately, in the inheritance of Dongting Dragon all the experience of Dao Palace Formation is still there."

"If I can't get past the formation left by the Dragon Lord of Dongting, I will definitely not be able to pass the formation left by the Tianshi Ke, at most I will protect myself and escape from the formation."

"Speaking of which, this Taixu Taoist..."

Zhuang Ming couldn't help but admire.

The Taixu Taoist back then didn't even have the ability to prosper.

But it happened that it was a Taoist Taoist who was inherited here.

Those fairy gods, who have guarded this place for more than 20 years, have only surveyed the surrounding formations, mechanisms, secret techniques, and all kinds of strange places, and these 36 formations are connected by the big formation, these fairy gods But also helpless.

"If it weren't for the checks and balances of the Heavenly Gate, you must be extremely talented, and among the immortals, you can win a seat."

Zhuang Ming sighed that Taoist Taixu could be regarded as an existence that overwhelmed Tianhuang an era. As the top existence of the era, it is naturally not an ordinary person.

These immortal gods have achieved the fruit of casting the Ding Dao, and their cultivation is far superior to the Taoist Taixu, and the real mystery in the world can be destroyed with a few fingers, but in other aspects, they are not as good as a young man at that time.

Zhuang Ming felt a lot of emotion, and immediately stretched out his hand.

The gate of the mansion in front of him was also arranged with a formation.

But when he reached out his hand, he paused.

There was a faint sense of anxiety in his heart.

But at this moment, the Taixu Taoist Cannian, who was almost dissipated, trembled.

This is the place where he obtains the exercises, and this is also the place where he leaves the Northern Territory and enters the wilderness.

It seems to stimulate the Taoist people too.

In an instant, Zhuang Ming seemed to understand the ideas expressed by Taoist Taixu.

"You can't go through the main entrance, you have to go over the wall?"

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