The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 118: Tianshifu Collection!

The main entrance cannot be walked.

Need to get over the wall.


When Zhuang Ming understood this, he couldn't help being astonished.

It is reasonable to say that when you come here, you should naturally go through the front entrance of the mansion, break the formation, and enter the inside.

And often with this formation, the only gap to break the formation is at the gate.

This is not to make it easy for outsiders to steal, but because the formation of such a protection makes it easy for the owner to enter and leave by himself.

And the opening technique on the gate is equivalent to a key.

Zhuang Ming didn't know the opening technique of this formation, so he didn't have the so-called key.

He has two choices. The first is to figure out the right method, gradually explore and open the formation, and the second is to force the formation to break.

But he did not expect that there was a third option.


With the various formation experience left by Dongting Dragon Lord.

Zhuang Ming took the calculation of the self as a deduction, quietly watching this formation.

With the warning from Taoist Taixu, he didn't make a rash move.

But at this moment, he also seemed to understand something.

The formation in front of the door is indeed difficult to break.

But once it is broken, or find the trick to open the formation.

The door will indeed open.

But the formation will collapse.

The mansion will be destroyed.

In addition to the destruction, the surrounding area set off a mighty trend.

Unless Zhuang Ming is here, it will definitely be difficult to resist.

Only powerful existences like Dongting Dragon Lord and Southern Territory Lord can withstand such a mighty impact.


The formation that was supposed to be located at the gate is on the left side of the wall.

This kind of formation was enough to stop the immortal gods below the great supernatural powers, no one could break it forcibly, only from where the main gate was... from the gate where the master of the formation himself entered and exited.

But Ke Tianshi turned the gate into an eye of destruction.

And replaced the original front-out place on the left side of the wall.

This caused Zhuang Ming to fall into silence.

In his mind, he thought of a weird picture.

There is an energetic, youthful, and gorgeous immortal family, who rides the wind to return to the cave.

The cave was magnificent and magnificent, this fairy god, stood at the gate of the cave, looked at it, and then sneakily came to the side of the left wall, used Taoism, and passed over the wall.

It's not like going home at all, it's like being a thief.

"This arrangement..."

Zhuang Ming was silent for a long time, only two words appeared in his heart.


Even Yue Ting is far inferior to the wonderful ideas of the Tianshi Ke.

Who would have thought that the entrance and exit of the formation of the Ke Tianshi were set on the wall?

In Liu Yuexuan's words, this person is simply a strange flower in the ranks of immortals.


The dignified sage Dragon Lord, on this day, became a thief who had crossed the wall.

However, Zhuang Ming was relatively lucky, at least this Ke Tianshi just installed the entrance and exit on the wall, not under the wall, otherwise it would become a dog hole.

He crossed the wall and saw a courtyard.

This courtyard is like a garden.

The rockery and water, flowers and trees, are completely unattended.

The water is gurgling, the spirit is full, the flowers and plants are flourishing, and the fragrance is tangy.

But looking at this, one would feel that the owner of this place must be an elegant man, but thinking of the formation method of overcoming the wall, Zhuang Ming silently retracted this evaluation.

He approached, his expression suddenly stagnant.


There is a cave in the front.

The rockery is not fake, it is a mountain of ten thousand feet.

The flowers, plants, and trees were even more impressive than he had imagined. They were actually immortal products, but... upon closer inspection, it seemed that many of them had withered in the years, and the ones left were extremely vigorous.

Those streams are rivers and streams in the mountains, but looking forward, they are actually mighty rivers.

And these water currents gave Zhuang Ming a feeling of boiling, which was obviously not an ordinary thing.

"If these things are used for alchemy, aren't they the best?"

Zhuang Ming was thinking like this, but his eyes turned away again.

It's not that he looks down on this garden.

It was that he took a fancy to the whole mansion.

From the eternal princess, he learned the method of moving the cave sky, and then moved back to Jusheng Mountain to join the Cangyun cave sky.

Especially these mountains and rivers, used to plant the patron saint tree, presumably it is also very good.


Inside the mansion, there are still formations, but there are not many formations, only a few important points are protected.

This Tianshi Ke has arranged various formations outside, unless he is invited, otherwise the only person who can enter the cave is usually only himself...Although he behaves strangely, he will not still be inside, setting himself too many obstacles.

Zhuang Ming came to a place, like a study room.

Here is the array layout.

At this time, the remains of Taoist Taixu seemed to have a stronger reaction.

The remnant thoughts that were about to be eliminated, because of stronger attachments, faintly began to grow.

"Is this... the place where he got the Taixu Hualong Chapter?"

"Or a place he couldn't enter back then?"

"It's really curious."

Zhuang Ming continued to look at it out of caution, and only after a long while, he began to break the formation.


The formation is broken.

The inner middle is indeed a study room.

The study room is not big, but on the bookcase, there are rows of classics.

Zhuang Ming stepped forward, only to see ancient writings engraved on the bookcase.

Dao Palace array method.

These three words are portrayed in this bookcase.

And Zhuang Ming looked at these classics.

"Dao Palace Formation Volume 1", "Dao Palace Formation Volume 1 Breaking Formation Book"

"Dao Palace Formation Volume 2", "Dao Palace Formation Volume 2 Breaking Formation Book"


Zhuang Ming looked down This bookcase contained a total of 172 volumes of Dao Gong formations, of which there were 123 volumes of the broken formations, and none of the rest were broken formations. .

And the other bookcase contains 762 volumes of Dao Gong’s Taoism.

He was a little excited, and looked over again.

Not only Dao Gong!

And the holy palace!

There is also the Western Region Taihua Palace!

And the mansion of the **** generals of the Southern Heaven Realm!

Here is a collection of the top-notch techniques owned by the top forces in the ancient times, as well as some of the cracking techniques that the Tianshifu has studied for an unknown number of years.

"Here is a collection of 172 volumes of Dao Palace formations, but in Dao Palace, there may not be only 172 volumes of formations... This should be the Dao Palace formation listed by the Heavenly Master Palace."

"The Heavenly Master's Mansion was ordered by the heavens and has already made these preparations. It has already listed the top forces created by the Dao Palace, the Sacred Palace, the Taihua Palace, and the God General Mansion as a threat?"

"In other words, Dao Gong Tian Zun and Sheng Gong Tian Wang intend to kill the sky... It may not be that they have the opposite meaning first, maybe it is the sky that intends to obliterate them?"

"Did the Taixu Taoists obtain these methods?"

"Taoxu Taoist is invincible in Tianhuang, not only relying on the dragon body, but also the various abilities of other people's bodies. His abilities... originated from here?"

"So how did he fall into the wilderness?"

Zhuang Ming couldn't help feeling agitated. He stretched out his hand and wanted to take a look at the method of the Holy Palace in front of him.

But just when he stretched out his hand.

But there was a voice, faintly sounded.

"Don't ask yourself, it's a thief."

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