The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 129: Changes in Jieshi City


Spirit world.

Stargazing field.

When Zhuang Ming returned here, he found that the entire stargazing field had changed drastically in just a few days.

Originally in the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, the battle in the star-gazing field was extremely fierce. There were countless celestial gods, and there were very few surviving gods, but only three to five.

Among them, the most vigorous is nothing but the wolf **** who was beheaded by Zhuang Ming.

But this wolf **** has been beheaded by Zhuang Ming.

Judging from current calculations, this wolf **** is probably also a fairy **** from the outside world, rather than a true local fairy god.

"There are no less than twenty immortals in the stargazing field."

"They seem to be aware of my prying too."

"But I'm used to it?"

"In other words, they may not be in the same camp, and they have spied on each other many times in recent days?"

When Zhuang Ming left, there were no other celestial gods here, but now there are many celestial gods appearing in the star-gazing domain, obviously coming from other parties after he left.

In a short time, what happened to the star-gazing domain that attracted so many immortals?

The eternal princess mentioned that her servant girl is also near the Spirit Falling Realm, is she also in the Stargazing Realm?

What about these immortals?


Zhuang Ming came to Jieshi City.

But found that there are six immortals in Jieshi City.

Two of them, turned into ordinary people, turned back to the truth, like traveling in the world, watching all kinds of idle immortals in the world, without much kindness or maliciousness, just like passing through the world.

But the other four are obviously extremely high-profile.

They occupied the City Lord's Mansion in Jieshi City.

Even the entire Jieshi City is under their deterrence.

After all, it is the generation of immortals, and with a gesture, it is enough to destroy the entire city.

"It's a coincidence."

After Zhuang Ming entered the star-gazing domain, he noticed more than twenty fairy gods. Now when he returned to Jieshi City, he found that there were fairy gods here, which was not surprising.

After all, the stargazing field is an extremely remote place. In the eyes of Zhuang Ming and the ancient gods, Jieshi City is indeed extremely crude and crude, but it is already one of the most prosperous cities in the stargazing field.

All the immortals, self-esteem, look down on sentient beings, and naturally look down on tribes from various places, so they also live in the most prosperous realm of the stargazing field.


Zhuang Ming walked in Jieshi City.

He looked at the style of the entire city.

This city has indeed changed.

But the city did not change as he originally expected.

"What a Jieshi City Master."

Zhuang Ming laughed. He could see that City Lord Jieshi initially taught sentient beings according to his thoughts...because there was someone in the rough mud house serving as a teacher, teaching young children, reading and literacy.

In the above list, there are some rules and laws that Zhuang Ming gave to City Lord Jieshi.

But now, it's different again, because these rules and laws have been sealed and prepared to be destroyed.

City Lord Jieshi began to overturn the road originally set, that is, overturned Zhuang Ming's road.

City Lord Jieshi initially followed his Zhuang Ming's idea, but now he has reversed.

"Sure enough, it's still not deterrent enough."

"This City Master Jieshi is very courageous."

"However, what I want is Jieshi City, not Jieshi City Lord."

"The lord of a city, the person in charge of this place, can be replaced at any time."

Zhuang Ming stepped towards the city lord's mansion.

Regarding the rebellion of Jieshi City Lord, he didn't have many surprises.

This servant could not be said to be loyal at first, but now that other immortals are coming, under the deterrence, it is natural to demand life.

There are currently four immortals living in the city lord's mansion.

In the thoughts of City Lord Jieshi, there are four immortal gods, with the combined efforts, they are naturally sufficient to resist Zhuang Ming.

In this way, it was obviously extremely wise to reverse the fairy **** Zhuang Ming and worship these four fairy gods.


In the City Lord's Mansion.

These four fairy gods also seem to belong to the native fairy gods of the Northern Heaven Realm. They are not hostile to City Lord Jieshi, but have a divine power that overlooks all living beings and treats them like ants.

This Jieshi City, as well as the entire star-gazing domain, were nothing but ants in their eyes.

It's just that this ant belongs to the Northern Territory. Although they regard it as dust, they did not want to massacre. Unlike the evil gods of the Outer Territory, who came to the Northern Territory to kill immediately.

Of course, there are some exceptions. Those foreign immortals also have gratitude for being overwhelmed and unwilling to spread to the mortal world, while the local immortals are also unscrupulous.

There are also many celestial gods, whether they come from the local or the outside world, and see creatures squandered, they don’t hesitate to protect their own lives, but often this kind of celestial gods fall in the midst of calamity, under the heavy responsibility of protecting the world’s creatures.

Facing the storm of the catastrophe, they are like ordinary practitioners. Facing the collapsed mountains, they could flee before, but because of the consideration behind them, they could not leave. They could only hold up the gap for the survival of the world’s creatures. The ultimate fate is mostly Was crushed to death by the mountains.

"The stargazing region is so remote, you can develop this city into the most prosperous place in the region, and it's also a talent."

There is a fairy with a middle-aged face, dressed in white, like a scholar, and said lightly: "Although it looks rough and crude compared to other, at least from the perspective of the entire stargazing field, you are already Not bad..."

City Lord Jieshi sighed: "All of you have resisted the evil gods based on the past years. If not, how can you be today? The younger generation heard that in the mysterious spirit world, the resurrected immortal gods are the evil gods of the outside world. They have undergone the worship of various tribes and wake up. , Then slaughtered the tribe, increased blood energy, and was able to restore the cultivation base..."

The scholar in white snorted coldly and said, "These foolish and ignorant people think that they worship immortal gods, but they don’t know that the evil gods are present. The more they worship, the faster the evil gods will recover, and the faster they will die... The evil demons who killed them are regarded as gods, and they are extremely stupid. If the several immortal kings in the Palace of Heavenly Kings wake up and issue a decree, when this seat kills the evil gods of the outer realm, they must slaughter these waste fools together!"

City Lord Jieshi lowered his head, his heart was extremely disturbed. He probably guessed that the wolf **** should also be an evil **** from outside, and ordered him to build Jieshi City, gather all the tribes, and come to worship. In fact, he was also in order to turn into a god's domain. .

Although such a method is more gentle than slaughtering the star-gazing domain.

However, they worshiped the wolf **** and took people as sacrifices. They were the ranks of idiots in the mouth of the scholars in white clothes.

The Lord of Jieshi City didn’t dare to say much, he only mentioned that the two fairy gods fought in Jieshi City. Later, the young man wanted to take Jieshi City as his own, and forced him to surrender, changing the entire star-gazing field. .

"Your teaching methods, I have seen them."

The scholar in white said: "This person's laws and regulations are not in the heavens of the ancient times, but are written in some words, which are biased towards the little habits of the eastern heavens in the past... He is not the immortal **** in this world, and he must also be an evil god. It's not so overbearing."

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